This is a clock. Yes, it tells the time and stuff. Eventually, I'm going to build it with some nice 40mm Kingbright bicolour LED displays, but for now I'm prototyping it with conventionally-sized ones.
C source code for the microcontroller will be committed once I've written some.
At present, I've only breadboarded the circuit. There's some flicker, but it may go away when I've used a real PCB... got quite the rat's-nest and there could be any number of wiring faults.
Dependencies: Other than the gEDA suite, this project uses my symbol library (also in GitHub) and one or two footprints from John Luciani's library.
Complaints to [email protected].
License: WTFPL version 2. Google it if you haven't seen the acronym before. (Summary: do whatever you want with it.)