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FLTK - Federation Learning Toolkit

License Python 3.6 Python 3.6

This repository contains the code and experiments for the paper:

Aergia: leveraging heterogeneity in federated learning systems

Middleware 2022

If you find this code useful in your research, please consider citing:

    author = {Cox, Bart and Chen, Lydia Y. and Decouchant, J\'{e}r\'{e}mie},
    title = {Aergia: Leveraging Heterogeneity in Federated Learning Systems},
    year = {2022},
    isbn = {9781450393409},
    publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
    address = {New York, NY, USA},
    url = {},
    doi = {10.1145/3528535.3565238},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 23rd ACM/IFIP International Middleware Conference},
    pages = {107–120},
    numpages = {14},
    keywords = {task offloading, federated learning, stragglers},
    location = {Quebec, QC, Canada},
    series = {Middleware '22}

This toolkit is can be used to run Federated Learning experiments. Pytorch Distributed (docs) is used in this project. The goal if this project is to launch Federated Learning nodes in truly distribution fashion.

This project is tested with Ubuntu 20.04 and python {3.7, 3.8}.

Global idea

Pytorch distributed works based on a world_size and ranks. The ranks should be between 0 and world_size-1. Generally, the federator has rank 0 and the clients have ranks between 1 and world_size-1.

General protocol:

  1. Client selection by the federator
  2. The selected clients download the model.
  3. Local training on the clients for X number of epochs
  4. Weights/gradients of the trained model are send to the federator
  5. Federator aggregates the weights/gradients to create a new and improved model
  6. Updated model is shared to the clients
  7. Repeat step 1 to 5 until convergence

Important notes:

  • Data between clients is not shared to each other
  • The data is non-IID
  • Hardware can heterogeneous
  • The location of devices matters (network latency and bandwidth)
  • Communication can be costly

Project structure

Structure with important folders and files explained:

├── experiments
├── deploy                                    # Templates for automatic deployment  
│     └── docker                              # Describes how a systems is deployed using docker containers
│          ├── stub_default.yml
│          └── system_stub.yml                # Describes the federator and the network
├── fltk                                      # Source code
│     ├── core                                # Different dataset definitions
│     ├── datasets                            # Different dataset definitions
│     ├── nets                                # Available networks
│     ├── samplers                            # Different types of data samplers to create non-IID distributions
│     ├── schedulers                          # Learning Rate Schedulers
│     ├── strategy                            # Client selection and model aggregation algorithms
│     ├── util                                # Various utility functions
│     ├── datasets                            # Different dataset definitions
│     │    ├── data_distribution              # Datasets with distributed sampler
│     │    └── distributed                    # "regular" datasets for centralized use
│     └──                         # Main package entrypoint
├── Dockerfile                                # Dockerfile to run in containers

Execution modes

Federatd Learning experiments can be set up in various ways (Simulation, Emulation, or fully distributed). Not all have the same requirements and thus some setup are more suited then others depending on the experiment.


With the method as single machine is used to execute all the different nodes in the system. The execution is done in a sequential manner, i.e. first node 1 is executed, then node 2, and so on. One of the upsides of this option is the ability to use GPU acceleration for the computations.

Docker-Compose (Emulation)

With systems like docker we can emulate a federated learning system on a single machine. Each node is allocated to one or more CPU cores and executed in an isolated container. This allows for real-time experiments where timing is important and where the execution of clients have effect on eachother. Docker also allows for containers to be limited by CPU speed, RAM, and network properties.

Real distributed (Google Cloud)

In this case, the code is deployed natively on a machine, for example a cluster. This is the closest real-world approximation when experimenting with Federated Learning systems. This allows for real-time experiments where timing is important and where the execution of clients have effect on eachother. A downside of this method is the shear number of machines needed to run an experiment. Additionally the compute speed and other hardware spcifications are more difficult to limit.


The Docker (Compose) and real-distributed method can be mixed in a hybrid system. For example two servers can run a set of docker containers that are linked to each other. Similarly, a set of docker images on a server can participate in a system with real distributed machines.


  • Cifar10-CNN
  • Cifar10-ResNet
  • Cifar100-ResNet
  • Cifar100-VGG
  • Fashion-MNIST-CNN
  • Fashion-MNIST-ResNet
  • Reddit-LSTM
  • Shakespeare-LSTM


  • Cifar10
  • Cifar100
  • Fashion-MNIST
  • Shakespeare


When running in docker containers the following dependencies need to be installed:

  • Docker
  • Docker-compose


python3 install

Load models

python3 fltk/util/


Show Examples

Single machine (Native)

Launch single client

Launch Federator

python3 -m fltk single configs/experiment.yaml --rank=0

Launch Client

python3 -m fltk single configs/experiment.yaml --rank=1

Spawn FL system

python3 -m fltk spawn configs/experiment.yaml

Two machines (Native)

To start a cross-machine FL system you have to configure the network interface connected to your network. For example, if your machine is connected to the network via the wifi interface (for example with the name wlo1) this has to be configured as shown below:

os.environ['GLOO_SOCKET_IFNAME'] = 'wlo1'
os.environ['TP_SOCKET_IFNAME'] = 'wlo1'

Use ifconfig to find the name of the interface name on your machine.

Docker Compose

  1. Make sure docker and docker-compose are installed.
  2. Generate a docker-compose.yml file for your experiment. You can use the script for this. From the root folder: python3 fltk/util/ 4 to generate a system with 4 clients. Feel free to change/extend for your own need. A docker-compose.yml file is created in the root folder.
  3. Run docker-compose to start the system:
    docker-compose up

Google Cloud Platform

See Manual on brightspace

Known issues

  • Currently, there is no GPU support docker containers (or docker compose)
  • First epoch only can be slow (6x - 8x slower)