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Ilario Gelmetti edited this page Jun 19, 2018 · 5 revisions


An open source drift diffusion code based in MATLAB for simulating solar cells

Dr. Philip Calado <[email protected]>, Dept. of Physics, Imperial College London

DrIFtFUSION is a versatile p-i-n solar cell simulation package. The code uses MATLAB’s built-in Partial Differential Equation solver for Parabolic and Elliptic equations (PDEPE) to solve the continuity and Poisson’s equations for electron density n, hole density p, a positively charged mobile ionic charge density a, and the electrostatic potential V as a function of position x and time t. While the methodology used by the solver for discretising the equations goes beyond the scope of this work, full details can found in Skeel and Berlizns 1990.

Citing this code

Please cite the following reference when publishing work that results from this code:

Philip Calado, Andrew M Telford, Daniel Bryant, Xiaoe Li, Jenny Nelson, Brian C. O’Regan, and Piers R.F. Barnes. Evidence for ion migration in hybrid perovskite solar cells with minimal hysteresis. Nature Communications, 7, 2016.


  1. Robert D. Skeel and Martin Berzins. A Method for the Spatial Discretization of Parabolic Equations in One Space Variable. SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing, 11(1):1–32, 1990. ISSN 0196-5204. doi: 10.1137/0911001. URL