Produce preprocessed fMRI images ready for connectivity analysis.
- Drop initial or final volumes as specified. Default: Analyze all volumes.
- Get the TR (volume acquisition time) from pixdim[4] field of the Nifti header.
- Slice timing correction. Default: none.
- Head motion realignment (SPM12 two-stage) and production of mean fMRI.
- Rigid body coregistration of mean fMRI to T1 structural. The registration target is the provided T1 (commonly the bias-corrected T1 from CAT12) with everything but white/gray/CSF masked out - i.e. effectively skull-stripped.
- Compute volume quality metrics FD, DVARS.
- Reslice realigned fMRI to native space, and also warp to MNI space using CAT12 transform.
- Remove confounds from the native and MNI space fMRIs by simultaneous regression. Defaults:
- 0.01 - 0.10 Hz bandpass filter
- 6 estimated motion parameters and their first differences
- 6 principal components from the white matter + CSF compartment
- Repeat the confound removal, additionally removing the mean signal of the gray matter compartment.
num_initial_vols_to_drop 0 Number of initial volumes to drop
num_vols_to_analyze all Total number of volumes to analyze
bandpasslo_hz 0.01 Low edge of bandpass filter in Hz
bandpasshi_hz 0.10 High edge of bandpass filter
mot_PCs 6 Number of PCs of motion params to remove
motderiv_PCs 6 Same for motion derivatives
wmcsf_PCs 6 Same for white matter/CSF compartment
slorder none Slice timing correction, SPM12 nomenclature
fmri_niigz fMRI images, 4D Nifti
mt1_niigz T1 structural
deffwd_niigz Forward deformation of T1 to MNI
gray_niigz Gray matter volume fraction
white_niigz White matter volume fraction
csf_niigz CSF volume fraction
project XNAT project label
subject XNAT subject label
session XNAT session label
scan XNAT scan label
# To use fmri that has already been motion corrected (in this case slice timing
# correction is also skipped):
skip_realignment Set 'true'
motparams Motion parameters text file (FSL format assumed)
meanfmri_niigz Mean fmri from motion correction
connprep.pdf Processing report
FD.txt Framewise displacement
DVARS.txt Framewise noise
stats_keepgm_noscrub.txt Processing info when gray matter signal retained
stats_removegm_noscrub.txt Processing info when gray matter signal removed
gm_mask.nii.gz Native space gray matter mask
wmcsf_mask.nii.gz Native space white matter/CSF mask
confounds_keepgm_noscrub.txt Confounds matrix when gray matter signal retained
confounds_removegm_noscrub.txt Confounds matrix when gray matter signal removed
# If realignment is performed:
rp_adfmri.txt Realignment parameters
filtered_keepgm_noscrub_nadfmri.nii.gz Filtered data, native space, gray matter signal retained
filtered_keepgm_noscrub_wadfmri.nii.gz Filtered data, MNI space, gray matter signal retained
filtered_removegm_noscrub_nadfmri.nii.gz Filtered data, native space, gray matter signal removed
filtered_removegm_noscrub_wadfmri.nii.gz Filtered data, MNI space, gray matter signal removed
meanadfmri.nii.gz Mean fMRI, native space
wmeanadfmri.nii.gz Mean fMRI, MNI space
# If realignment is NOT performed:
filtered_keepgm_noscrub_nfmri.nii.gz Native space
filtered_keepgm_noscrub_wfmri.nii.gz MNI space