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Demo singularity container for Matlab plus FSL

This example container takes a Nifti image as input, zeroes out a hole in it of the specified diameter, and saves the result to a new Nifti file. Quick, pointless, and easy to tell whether it worked right.

This is one way to organize a Matlab-based Singularity container - perhaps most easily conceived of as a series of wrappers around the main codebase. Done this way, it's fairly easy to work on each piece in isolation, problem-solving from the inside out.

This container also includes an installation of FSL, which has a lot of handy tools including fsleyes to make the QA PDF. The FSL parts could be removed from the Singularity file if FSL isn't used, to end up with a smaller container. Contrariwise, all the Matlab parts could be removed to end up with an FSL-only container.

Singularity container
|   Primary entrypoint (shell script)
|   |   X11 wrapper
|   |   |   Shell script preprocessing
|   |   |   Matlab processing (compiled)
|   |   |   |   Matlab entrypoint
|   |   |   |       Matlab main function
|   |   |   \           Matlab sub-functions / codebase
\   \   \   Shell script postprocessing

Dependencies in terms of the actual files:

                    / matlab/src/matlab_entrypoint.m \  Used for compilation,
                    |     matlab/src/matlab_main.m   |  but not at container
                    \         matlab/src/*           /  runtime

The process of putting it together is described below. The scripts and code in this repository are extensively commented, so if something isn't clear here, it's probably explained in the Singularity file or the example code.

Building this container before editing anything

Try building this from scratch, to find any immediate issues:

  1. Get the installers for Matlab Compiled Runtime and FSL and place them in the external directory. URLs for these are in the Singularity file. Alternatively, comment out the installer files in the '%files' section and uncomment the download lines ('wget') later - this way they will be downloaded as part of the build.

  2. Build the container, following the instructions below

Matlab part

Write the basic Matlab code

Write Matlab code that does what's needed. Put it in matlab/src.

A popular toolbox for reading and writing Nifti files that's available on Matlab Central has a lot of insidious bugs and is not being maintained. Matlab's own functions for Nifti files are quite limited. Here is an alternative, which is used in this example:

Write the Matlab entrypoint

matlab/src/matlab_entrypoint.m exists to take command line arguments, parse them, and call the main code. A convenient way to set things up is to write a main function that takes a structure as its sole input, with the structure containing whatever inputs are needed. See matlab/src/matlab_main.m for an example of this.

Couple of things to note in the entrypoint code are the quit/exit sections at beginning and end. The bit at the beginning allows the executable to run during the container build, without actually doing anything - this is needed to extract the CTF archive into the container at the only time the container is writeable (h/t for figuring that one out). The bit at the end exits matlab when the function is finished. Without it, the running Matlab process won't release execution back to the calling script when it's done.

Test the Matlab entrypoint

The script matlab/src/test_matlab_entrypoint.m is an example of how to do this. The appropriate Matlab must be installed on the testing computer.

Compile the Matlab code

matlab/ shows how. Many compiled executables are likely to be too large to store on github. Git LFS may be a solution.

Test the compiled Matlab code

matlab/ The appropriate Matlab Runtime must be installed on the testing computer.

Shell script part

All of the below procedures could be done in the matlab part, if desired, instead of in shell script. If so, parsing inputs should be done following the example in matlab/src/matlab_entrypoint.m. But it's often easier to move files, create the QA PDF, etc using shell script and FSL. So that's what we are doing in this example. All this code is in the src directory.

All the shell scripts called from src/ "know" the environment variables that are exported there. This is a very convenient way to pass along the input arguments, although it isn't entirely transparent, because there's no hint in the shell scripts where the variables' values are coming from unless we explain it in the comments.

Main entrypoint

This is src/ It uses bash to parse the command line inputs and export them to environment variables so they're accessible. Then it calls the primary shell script src/ which in turn calls everything else. The main script is run in xvfb to provide a virtual display, often needed by matlab and required for fsleyes.

Copy inputs

We copy input files to the output/working directory so we don't mess them up. This also is an opportunity to rename them to something consistent. It's very convenient to hard-code the filenames so we don't have to store and manipulate filenames in environment variables or the like. Also, this makes it easy to produce output files with consistent names - outputs of one pipeline may serve as inputs to another, and it's much easier to manage this if filenames are the same for every run, or at least consistent.

We generally assume the output directory starts out empty and will not be interfered with by any other processes - this is true for XNAT/DAX, but important to be aware of in other contexts.


For this example, there is no preprocessing before the matlab part. But initial FSL steps or similar could be put here: src/


There isn't any postprocessing for this example either, but there could be: src/

PDF creation

All assessors on VUIIS XNAT require a PDF QA report of some sort. For this example, a display of the segmented ROIs overlaid on the T1 is created using fsleyes and ImageMagick, src/

PDF creation can be done in Matlab instead. It's hard to make these look good. An example with some tricks, including a .fig file painstakingly made with Matlab's GUIDE, is A way to show slices of functional images with a nice red/blue colormap is

Finalizing the output

All Niftis must be compressed for storage on XNAT, and outputs can be organized in an easily understandable way: src/


Write an informative README - so tedious, yet so helpful. Include the appropriate citations for all the methods and software you have used. Even essentially write the methods section for a paper that uses the pipeline. Here's an excellent example:

Alternatively, git-ify some documentation like this:

to get something like this:

Building the container

Be sure the Matlab code is newly compiled, see above. You can run matlab/ first to make sure there's no source code newer than the compiled executable.

Then from the root directory of the working copy of the repo, run

singularity build <container_name>.simg Singularity

Good practice: before you build, create a release on github (if using github) or at least tag the commit you are about to build. Give the container a versioned name like demo-singularity-matlab-fsl_v1.0.0.simg that matches the repository name and release version/tag.

External binaries such as Matlab Runtime and FSL can be included by copying local copies into the container in the Singularity file's %files section. This tends to be a little faster when multiple builds are needed during debugging, or necessary for files that are not available to download, and this is what's being done in the example Singularity file. Alternatively, binaries or install files can be downloaded from their source at build time - there are some commented-out sections in the Singularity file showing how that is done. (Thanks for exploring this in detail)

Running the container

See for an example run command and some important info.


Paths to files are relative to the container.

--t1_niigz        A T1 image
--seg_niigz       Its corresponding segmentation from e.g. slant pipeline
--diameter_mm     Diameter of the hole to zero out, in mm (default 30)

--label_info      A label to annotate the QA PDF, e.g. info from XNAT

--out_dir         Where outputs will be stored (default /OUTPUTS)


PDF/holed_image.pdf           QA report
HOLED_T1/holed_t1.nii.gz      T1 image with a hole in it
HOLED_SEG/holed_seg.nii.gz    Segmentation with a hole in it

Running the container with DAX

With a suitable configuration file, DAX ( can run this on a cluster.

Instructions are here:

An example is here: