The aim of this project is to turn Android devices into a IoT (Internet of Things) mote via a standard API RESTFul interface. Its functionallity is divided in three main parts.
###Mote It publishes the Android device sensors and actuators. With this Api calls a user can have access to phone's temperature sensor, accelerometers, vibration, etc.
###Remote compute The main idea of this part is to provide an interface to perform mathematical operations remotedly on the device. The project comes with a demo api call which sums to numbers and returns the result via REST.
###Notifications agent This part turns the device into a push notifications receiver.
###Server It is made with python language using Flask microframework:
To use it, you should install flask with this command:
pip install Flask
And run it:
It will open a server on http://localhost:5000.
###Android Agent Just import the project into Android Studio suite and compile it.
- Make a wiki to help to use the whole system
- Add functionallity to the three main parts