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API Database

Devin Smith edited this page Aug 13, 2021 · 1 revision

PIMS API Database

The API uses a Entity Framework Core as the ORM to communicate with the data-source. Currently it is configured and coded to use an MS-SQL database.

Database Initialization

When the API starts it will attempt to setup and configure the database based on the connection string set above, if the environment is not Production (i.e. Development).

It is possible with some changes to use a different type of database.

Refer to the CLI documentation here.

Database Migration Management

The database is setup and configured through Entity Framework Code-First processes. To use the Entity Framework CLI you will need to:

  • Install the .NET SDK version (download links below),

  • Install dotnet-ef tool and,

  • Optionally, add a connectionstrings.json configuration file in the /backend/dal folder

  • Optionally, the connection string can be provided in a .env file in the same folder with the format:

    ConnectionStrings__PIMS=Server=<localhost or host.docker.internal>,<port>;User ID=sa;Database=<database name>


  • All dotnet ef commands must be run from the /backend/dal directory.
  • Please do not commit the connectionstrings.json file to source code. It is likely to contain secret information that should not be shared. By default .gitignore will exclude it.
  • To help dotnet ef find the correct database connection, you will need to select one of the following configuration options, but no single one is required:
    1. connectionstrings.json
    2. connectionstrings.Environment.json. For example, connectionstrings.Development.json
    3. .env file
    4. Environment variables

Install the .NET SDK

download .NET Core SDK - 3.0

download .NET Core SDK - 3.1

Install the dotnet-ef CLI

dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef

You may create a connectionstrings.json configuration file within the /backend/dal project, or a .env file to contain this information. You can also create one for each environment by creating a file with the naming convention connectionstrings.Environment.json.

Enter the following information into the file;

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "PIMS": "Server=<localhost or host.docker.internal>,<port>;User ID=sa;Database=<database name>"

The default port for MS-SQL is 1433, but set it to the same value used in the docker-compose.yaml configuration file. The database name should be the same value used in the database .env file.

Entity Framework CLI Information

dotnet ef must be installed as a global or local tool. Most developers will install dotnet ef as a global tool with the following command:

Use bash, CMD.exe or PowerShell for specific version:

dotnet tool update --global dotnet-ef --version 3.1.0

or for latest version use (works also for reinstallation):

dotnet tool update --global dotnet-ef

Set the environment path so that the tool is executable.

For Linux and macOS, add a line to your shell's configuration:

export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.dotnet/tools/"

For Windows:

You need to add %USERPROFILE%\.dotnet\tools to the PATH.

Useful Commands

Make sure you have a properly configured connectionstrings.json or .env file in the /backend/dalfolder.

To kill your database and start over;

dotnet ef database drop --force
dotnet ef database update

The following example creates a SQL script for the Initial migration;

dotnet ef migrations script 0 Initial

IMPORTANT - In order for initial seeding and post migration SQL scripts to run, the first migration must be named Initial (case-sensitive)

The following example creates SQL scripts for all migrations after the Initial migration;

dotnet ef migrations script 20180904195021_Initial

Creating New Database Migrations

To add a new database code migration do the following;

Go to the /backend/dal folder. Enter the name of the migration you want to create [name].

dotnet ef migrations add [name]

You should then edit the migration you created [20200204191656_name].cs to inherit from PIMS SeedMigration class.

This will enable running SQL scripts during migration, for either complex database changes, or seed data.

using System;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations;
// Add this using statement.
using Pims.Api.Helpers.Migrations;

namespace Pims.Api.Migrations
    // Inherit from SeedMigration
    public partial class Initial : SeedMigration
        protected override void Up (MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)
            // Add the PreDeploy action.
            PreDeploy (migrationBuilder);
            // If required for complex db changes you can add additional ScriptDeploy(...).
            // ScriptDeploy("{this.DefaultMigrationsPath}/{this.Version}/some/path");
            // Add the PostDeploy action.
            PostDeploy (migrationBuilder);

Adding custom SQL scripts

Any SQL scripts that you want to run as part of a migration must be additionally included as build content in the project file.

  • Edit the Pims.Dal.csproj file and;
  • Add the <Content> location with a <CopyToOutputDirectory>PreserveNewest</CopyToOutputDirectory> (see below example).

NOTE - By default all *.sql files within the /backend/dal/Migrations folder will be included in the project as Content.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">
    <Content Include="Migrations\**\*.sql">