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Consistent configuration

fantasyni edited this page Apr 21, 2014 · 5 revisions


In Node.js development, it is common that there are serveral envrionments like development, test, production and so. Corresponding to these envrioments are configurations differed from each other. Therefore, it is necessary to make these configuration consistently.

Using placeHolders

placeHolder is a signature indicating the place to be replaced by the specific envrioment value
in Bearcat, the placeHolder can be like this:


then in config.json file you can define car.num with the specific value

	"car.num": 100

Environment configuration

In Bearcat, you can write different environment configurations in the following structure:
directory structure

in directory named config, you put dev and prod sub-directory named by specific envrioment, and then write the specific configurations in these directory corresponding to each environment.

Switching environment

In Bearcat, you can switch different environment in the following ways:

  • run with env or --env args
node app.js env=prod
  • run with NODE_ENV
NODE_ENV=prod node app.js

by default, the env is dev