- Marc-André Bélanger and Marc Feeley, A Foreign Function Interface between Gambit Scheme and CPython. In Scheme Workshop (SW'22), September 2022. (pre-print)
- Marc-André Bélanger and Marc Feeley, A Scheme Foreign Function Interface to JavaScript Based on an Infix Extension. In European Lisp Symposium (ELS'21), May 2021.
- Ernzerhof, Matthias, M. Bélanger, Didier Mayou and Tahereh Nemati Aram. Simple model of a coherent molecular photocell. The Journal of chemical physics 144 13 (2016): 134102 .
- Marc-André Bélanger and Marc Feeley, Interfacing with CPython from Gambit Scheme. In 1st Languages, Architectures, and Tools for Heterogeneous Computing (LATHC) Workshop 2023, Februrary 2023
- Marc-André Bélanger and Marc Feeley, A lightweight approach for accessing Python modules from Gambit Scheme (Lightning Talk). In Scheme and Functional Programming Workshop (SFPW'21), August 2021.