I found myself doing this :bowtie:
in like every app, and well I was getting annoying that it didnt work outside of Slack, github etc etc etc so I spent sometime and made it in aText
I have saved it here as both a .atext
file and a .csv
Thanks to http://www.emoji-cheat-sheet.com/ for all of the keyword bindings to emoji for the original version.
Current version scraped from [https://www.emojibase.com/] via JS
var output = '';
$('tr').each(function(i, row) {
if ($(row).find('td').length > 4) {
var short = $($(row).find('td').toArray()[2]).text().trim()
var emoji = $($(row).find('td').toArray()[4]).text().trim()
if (!!short && !!emoji && (short.indexOf('N/A') == -1)) {
output += short + ',' + emoji + ',' + '\n';
var textArea = document.createElement("textarea");
textArea.value = output;