The German railways system at your fingertips.
pip3 install jim
To get all currently running trains:
>>> from jim import RailGrid
>>> bahn = RailGrid()
>>> bahn
<2195 trains>
You can filter for specific trains:
>>> regs = bahn.filter(regional=True) >>> nats = bahn.filter(national=True) >>> ices = bahn.filter('ICE')
Let's pick an ICE:
>>> an_ice = ices[-1] >>> an_ice <ICE 1086 to Berlin Südkreuz>
Each train is a Train class. You can retrieve its next station like:
>>> an_ice.next_station <20:26 -> Hamburg Dammtor [+0]>
Similarly goes the previous station:
>>> an_ice.previous_station <20:24 -> Berlin-Spandau>
If delay data is available, it will be stored here:
>>> an_ice.delay 0
Be aware many trains have a delay setting of None. Then, no data is available. Further, the delay of the next station next_station.delay is distinct from the general delay (as shown before).
You can refresh a jim.RailGrid class:
>>> bahn.refresh() >>> bahn <2260 trains>