Are you tired of writing those same epoch and data-loader loops to train your PyTorch module ? Look no further, PyTorch trainer is a library that hides all those boring training lines of code that should be native to PyTorch.
You will also benefit from the following features:
- Early stopping: stop training after a period of stagnation
- Checkpointing: save model and estimator at regular intervals
- CSV file writer to output logs
- Several metrics are available: all default PyTorch loss functions, Accuracy, MAE
- Progress bar from console
- SIGINT handling: handle CTRL-C
- Model's data type (
Code examples can be found in the example folder.
Here is a simple example:
import torch
import pytorchtrainer as ptt
# Your usual model, optimizer, loss function and data loaders
model = MyModel()
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(), lr=1e-3)
criterion = torch.nn.MSELoss()
train_loader = MyTrainDataloader()
validation_loader = MyValidationDataloader()
# instantiate a default trainer
trainer = ptt.create_default_trainer(model, optimizer, criterion)
# optionally save a checkpoint after every 10 epochs
# optionally compute validation loss after every epoch
validation_callback = ptt.callback.ValidationCallback(validation_loader, ptt.metric.TorchLoss(criterion), validate_every=1)
# optionally save training and validation loss after every iteration using default save directory
callback=lambda state: [state.get(validation_callback.state_attribute_name)]))
# run the training
trainer.train(train_loader, max_epochs=100)
- python > 3.5
- pytorch > 1.0.0 (install instructions from the official PyTorch website)
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