A hyperbee that removes history on startup
npm i "github:benzmuircroft/tinybee"
const tinybee = require('tinybee')({
folderNameOrCorestore: './location',
debug: true // see what it's doing under the hood ...
await tinybee.put('a', 0);
await tinybee.put('b', 'string');
await tinybee.put('c', { d: [0, 1, 2] });
console.log(await tinybee.get('a')); // 0
console.log(await tinybee.get('b')); // 'string'
console.log(await tinybee.get('c')); // { d: [0, 1, 2] }
// del
await tinybee.del('a');
// using subs
const subName = 'subName';
await tinybee.put('a', 0, subName);
console.log(await tinybee.get('a', subName));
await tinybee.del('a', subName);
// get all entries as JSON object
await tinybee.get();
await tinybee.get(undefined, subName);
await tinybee.batch([
['put', 'h', 9],
['del', 'xyz'],
['put', 'abc', { frog: true }]
await tinybee.batch([
['put', 'name', 'benz'],
['put', 'password', 'xxxx']
], subName);