Open StartScene, hit Play button in editor.
You simply go to Game Data/Enemies folder; create New EnemyData; then do the same for creating a PoolableObject of the Enemy.
Then open de ObjectPooler prefab, add the PoolableObject of the Enemy.
Follow same steps for the Tower(Turret). Range of the turret will calculated by considering your input and a collider will created during instantiation phase of the game.
You can duplicate "BaseScene" scene in Scenes folder; than go to Game Data/LevelData directory and create New LevelData;
add the objects and amounts for that level to this data. Then, drag and drop this data object to your new scenes following objects
-UI & Input/Canvas/LayoutGroup/Turret_1
-UI & Input/Canvas/LayoutGroup/Turret_2
-UI & Input/Canvas/LayoutGroup/Turret_3
After that dont forget to add your level scene to the Scenes in Build panel.
Go to Game Data/Grid folder; create new GridPreferences; customize your preferences. Then,
Duplicate the "BaseScene" scene; select GridCreator object from hierarchy, on the inspector drag and drop your new
GridPreferences to GridCreator script and activate it; DONT FORGET to deactivate it after your new grid is created
and deleting the old grids!
Then, drag and drop your new GridPreferences to Enemy and Turret prefabs; so that Turrets can create
their colliders for that grid prefs and
Enemies can know where to stop.
PS: You should use same GridPreferences through all game.
Create new PoolableObject inside Game Data/PoolableObjects; customize your new bullet; drag and drop this bullet
to corresponding TurretData objects
under Game Data/Turrets folder.
-You can change each bullets' speed from their prefabs. Just find the "BulletController" script and adjust speed.
-You can change shooting frequency of each turret, just open that turrets' prefab and find the "TurretController" script, adjust TimeBetweenShots.