A curated list of awesome things related to Flutter desktop.
Table of Contents
- anni_mpris_service - D-Bus MPRIS controls for Linux.
- app_links - Android App Links, Deep Links, iOs Universal Links and Custom URL schemes handler for Flutter (desktop included).
- arna - Arna is a set of widgets designed to be simple and easy to use for building applications with Flutter. (Live Preview)
- audioplayers - A Flutter plugin to play multiple audio files simultaneously
- auto_updater - This plugin allows Flutter desktop apps to automatically update themselves (based on sparkle and winsparkle).
- battery_plus - Flutter plugin for accessing information about the battery state(full, charging, discharging).
- biometric_storage - Secure Storage: Encrypted data store optionally secured by biometric lock with support for iOS, Android, MacOS. Partial support for Linux, Windows and web (localStorage).
- bitsdojo_window - A package to help with creating custom windows with Flutter desktop (custom border, titlebar and minimize/maximize/close buttons) and common desktop window operations (show/hide/position on screen) for Windows and macOS
- chicago - The Chicago widget set is an alternate design language for Flutter designed for desktop (keyboard and mouse) form factors. It is based on Apache Pivot.
- clipboard_watcher - This plugin allows Flutter desktop apps to watch clipboard changes.
- connectivity_plus - Flutter plugin for discovering the state of the network (WiFi & mobile/cellular) connectivity on Android and iOS.
- contextual_menu - This plugin allows Flutter desktop apps to create native context menus.
- dart_vlc - Flutter media playback, broadcast, recording & chromecast library. Based on libvlc.
- dbus - A native Dart implementation of the D-Bus message bus client. This package allows Dart applications to directly access services on the Linux desktop.
- desktoasts - A plugin to show native toasts on Windows.
- desktop_context_menu - A plugin that opens a context menu on the cursor position.
- desktop_drop - A plugin which allows user dragging files to your flutter desktop applications.
- desktop_webview_window - Show a webview window on your flutter deksktop application.
- desktop_window - Flutter desktop plugin(macOS/Linux/Windows) to get and change window size.
- device_info_plus - Flutter plugin providing detailed information about the device (make, model, etc.), and Android or iOS version the app is running on.
- disks_desktop - A Flutter desktop library able to retrieve the installed devices information
- fluent_ui - Implements Windows UI in Flutter. Based on the official documentation (Live Preview)
- flutter95 - Windows95 UI components for Flutter apps. Bring back the nostalgic look and feel of old operating systems with this set of UI components ready to use.
- flutter_acrylic - Window acrylic, mica & transparency effects for Flutter on Windows, macOS & Linux.
- flutter_js - A Javascript engine to use with flutter. It uses Quickjs on Android and JavascriptCore on IOS
- flutter_media_metadata - A Flutter plugin to read metadata of media files.
- flutter_platform_alert - A plugin helps to call native API to play alert sound and show alert dialogs. For example, it bridges MessageBox and TaskDialogIndirect on Windows.
- flutter_window_close - Let your Flutter app has a chance to confirm if the user wants to close your app.
- global_shortcuts - A macOS plugin which can register a callback for a global keyboard shortcut.
- gtk - MOVED TO https://pub.dev/packages/libadwaita
- hotkey_manager - This plugin allows Flutter desktop apps to defines system/inapp wide hotkey (i.e. shortcut).
- just_audio - A feature-rich audio player for Flutter. Loop, clip and concatenate any sound from any source (asset/file/URL/stream) in a variety of audio formats with gapless playback.
- just_audio_libwinmedia - Libwinmedia implementation of just_audio. This implementation is endorsed and therefore doesn't require a direct dependency.
- keypress_simulator - This plugin allows Flutter desktop apps to simulate key presses.
- launch_at_login - A new flutter plugin project.
- launch_at_startup - This plugin allows Flutter desktop apps to Auto launch on startup / login.
- libwinmedia - A cross-platform media playback library for C/C++ & Flutter with good number of features.
- local_notifier - This plugin allows Flutter desktop apps to displaying local notifications.
- macos_ui - Flutter widgets and themes implementing the current macOS design language. (Live Preview)
- msix - A command-line tool that create Msix installer from your flutter windows-build files.
- native_context_menu - Provides a native context menu for flutter applications. Most useful on desktop.
- nativeshell - NativeShell Dart API. Used to interact with NativeShell platform code.
- network_info_plus - Flutter plugin for discovering information (e.g. WiFi details) of the network.
- nsd - A Flutter plugin for network service discovery and registration (aka NSD / DNS-SD / Bonjour / mDNS).
- nsd - A Flutter plugin for network service discovery and registration (aka NSD / DNS-SD / Bonjour / mDNS).
- package_info_plus - Flutter plugin for querying information about the application package, such as CFBundleVersion on iOS or versionCode on Android.
- pasteboard - A flutter plugin which could read image,files from clipboard and write files to clipboard.
- platform_device_id - You can get device id from platform - linux/mac/windows/android/ios/web.
- protocol_handler - This plugin allows Flutter apps to register and handle custom protocols (i.e. deep linking).
- protocol_registry - Register/query/remove URI Schemes without hassle. Available for Windows and Linux.
- quick_blue - A cross-platform BluetoothLE plugin for Flutter.
- quick_breakpad - A cross-platform flutter plugin for
crash report via Google Breakpad - quick_notify - A cross-platform (Android/iOS/Web/Windows/macOS/Linux) notification plugin for Flutter.
- quick_scanner - A new flutter plugin project.
- quick_usb - A cross-platform (Android/Windows/macOS/Linux) USB plugin for Flutter
- record - Audio recorder from microphone to a given file path with multiple codecs, bit rate and sampling rate options.
- screen_capturer - This plugin allows Flutter desktop apps to capture screenshots.
- screen_retriever - This plugin allows Flutter desktop apps to Retrieve information about screen size, displays, cursor position, etc.
- screen_text_extractor - This plugin allows Flutter desktop apps to extract text from screen.
- share_plus - Flutter plugin for sharing content via the platform share UI, using the ACTION_SEND intent on Android and UIActivityViewController on iOS.
- squirrel - Create installable desktop apps
- stockholm - A collection of desktop-first widgets and themes designed to look and feel great on Mac and Windows. (Live Preview)
- system_tray - system_tray that makes it easy to customize tray and work with your Flutter desktop app.
- tray_manager - This plugin allows Flutter desktop apps to defines system tray.
- win32 - A Dart library for accessing common Win32 APIs using FFI. No C required!
- win_ble - WinBle Plugin to use Bluetooth Low Energy in Flutter Windows Desktop
- win_toast - a plugin help flutter app show toast on windows platform.
- window_decorations - Deprecated, use https://pub.dev/packages/titlebar_buttons
- window_manager - This plugin allows Flutter desktop apps to resizing and repositioning the window.
- windows_ocr - A new flutter plugin project.
- windows_taskbar - Flutter plugin serving utilities related to Windows taskbar.
- yaru - Ubuntu Yaru Style - Distinct look and feel of the Ubuntu Desktop
- AirController - A new handy and powerful Android phone assistant, powered by Flutter.
- Amphitheatre Desktop - Open source Flutter-based GUI application that enables you to interact with Amphitheatre
- AppImage Pool - A simple, modern AppImageHub Client, powered by flutter.
- AuthPass - AuthPass - Password Manager based on Flutter for all platforms. Keepass 2.x (kdbx 3.x) compatible.
- Biyi (比译) - Biyi (比译) is a convenient translation and dictionary app written in Flutter.
- BlueBubbles - A cross-platform app ecosystem, bringing iMessage to Android, PC (Windows, Linux, & even macOS), and Web!
- Cash Balancer - It is too hard to balance money across different assets and accounts. (Live Preview)
- Color Studio - It is too hard to build coherent and accessible themes with the right colors. This should help. (Live Preview)
- Drip - A Youtube Music client for Desktop. (in Development)
- Flokk - A fresh and modern Google Contacts manager that integrates with GitHub and Twitter. (Live Preview)
- FluTube - Watch and download videos without ads
- Flutter Folio - A platform adaptive Flutter app for desktop, mobile and web.
- Flutter Installer - Flutter Installer is an installer for Flutter built with Flutter 💙😎✌
- Harmonoid - 🎵 Plays & manages your music library. Looks beautiful & juicy. Playlists, visuals, synced lyrics, pitch shift, volume boost & more.
- Invoice Ninja - Invoice Ninja client built with Flutter (Live Preview)
- Leaflet - POSP official notes app, soon to be included
- Odin - Open-source, cross-platform, hassle-free file sharing with AES-256 encryption made with Flutter & Dart.
- Pangolin Desktop - Pangolin Desktop UI shell, designed for dahliaOS, written in Flutter. (Live Preview)
- RustDesk - Open source virtual / remote desktop infrastructure for everyone! The open source TeamViewer alternative. Display and control your PC and Android devices from anywhere at anytime.
- Sharik - Sharik is an open-source, cross-platform solution for sharing files via Wi-Fi or Mobile Hotspot
- Spotube - A lightweight free Spotify 🎧 crossplatform-client 🖥📱 which handles playback manually, streams music using Youtube & no Spotify premium account is needed 😱
- StreamKit Chat Reader - Reads your Twitch chat, with automatic language detection!
- Ubuntu Desktop Installer -
- Yukino - ❄️ [WIP] An extension based Anime & Manga client.
- appflowy - AppFlowy is an open-source alternative to Notion. You are in charge of your data and customizations. Built with Flutter and Rust.
- jellyflut - Just a jellyfin client made in flutter (side project quality code)
- lumi - Philips Hue app to control lights and sensors
- quickgui - A Flutter frontend for quickget and quickemu.
- wsa_pacman - A GUI package manager and package installer for Windows Subsystem for Android (WSA)
- awesome-flutter - An awesome list that curates the best Flutter libraries, tools, tutorials, articles and more.
- awesome-flutter-linux - A curated list of awesome Linux-specific Flutter packages and projects.
- flutter_distributor - A complete tool for packaging and publishing your Flutter apps.
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