Yet another lib for creating typed actions and reducers. This library is FSA-compliant.
npm install redux-ts-simple
import { createAction } from "redux-ts-simple";
// Define action creators
const reset = createAction('Reset');
const increment = createAction<number>('Increment');
const set = createAction<{ value: number }>('Set');
// Usage
dispatch(set({ value: 333 }));
// Error and meta
const fetch = createAction<string | Error>('Fetch');
const fetchAction = fetch(new Error('Something went wrong'), { url: '/posts/1' });
console.log(fetchAction.error); // true
console.log(fetchAction.meta.url); // /posts/1
import { ReducerBuilder } from "redux-ts-simple";
const initialState = { counter: 0, version: 0 };
const reducer = new ReducerBuilder(initialState)
.on(reset, () => ({ counter: 0 }))
.on(increment, (state, action) => ({ counter: state.counter + action.payload }))
.on(set, (state, action) => ({ counter: state.counter + action.payload.value }))
.on(clear, wipe, (state) => ({ counter: 0}) // Several actions with same handler
.else( (state, action) => state) // Extensibility point
.every( (state, action) => ({ version: state.version + 1}) // Executed after every action and else handler with the new state as input