API tools
Note: This code has been tested with Ruby 1.9.3.
- getrsvpmeetup.rb - Prints an RSVP list for the "next meeting" for a given Meetup group. Reads API key and groupurlname from yml config file. Optional arguments: $1 == groupurlname, which can override config. $2 == meetingid, which overrides default of "next meeting". Will print answer to a single RSVP question if it exists.
- .getrsvpmeetup.yml.sample - Non working example yml config file (copy to ~/.getrsvpmeetup and customize)
Tools for managing real names via RSVP questions.
- updatedb.rb - Pulls RSVP information from Meetup API, and updates local JSON datastore. Uses same config file and arguments as getrsvpmeetup.rb. Will create datafile on first use if it doesn't already exist.
- dumprsvp.rb - Full JSON dump of all attendees. Name information pulled from local datastore if it exists. Uses same config file and arguments as getrsvpmeetup.rb.
- dumprsvpdirty.rb - JSON lists of RSVPed persons that are flagged suspect or don't have a FirstName field. Uses same config file and arguments as getrsvpmeetup.rb.
- dumpsuspects.rb - Simple list of RSVPed persons who are flagged suspect in the datastore. Uses same config file and arguments as getrsvpmeetup.rb.
- msgsuspects.rb - Will open browser tabs on all suspects for a given meeting, to make messaging them easier (to ask for real names)
- newnames.rb - Compares two JSON RSVP lists, and prints the names in the second file that weren't in the first. JSON output.
- updatenames.rb - Not ready for use. Generate updated diff name lists from an older RSVP list.
- LICENSE - GPLv2 text
- - This file
These tools are licensed under GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or later.
.getrsvpmeetup.yml - Config file. Should be in $HOME. Contents:
Groupurlname: "meetupgroup-name"
apikey: ""
datafile: "~/.getrsvpmeetup.json"
http_proxy: ""