Clip Input 2 (online)
Hosted on Gbx Web Tools, lives on Gbx Tool API, internally powered by GBX.NET.
Clip Input is a tool that can extract inputs from replays and create a MediaTracker visualization as .Clip.Gbx which can be then imported next to the replay.
New features of Clip Input 2:
- TM2020 input support
- ShootMania input support
- TMTurbo support
- Multiple design+skin support
- Action keys support
- Mouse support
- Respawn/Horn/Jump support
- Better device switch visuals
- Analog value text visualization
- Every crucial feature of Clip Input 1
Possible uses of Clip Input:
- Inspect other player's solutions
- Inspect very old replays reaching 2003
- Input visualization for map GPS
- Save time rendering the input visualization
Advantages of Clip Input over other input inspection methods:
- No video rendering is required to showcase the inputs
- Compatibility of replays across the whole Trackmania franchise
- Currently it's the fastest method to check inputs in Trackmania 2
- Inputs can be rendered together with the clip
Currently the tool can read inputs from these files:
- Replay.Gbx
- Ghost.Gbx
- Clip.Gbx (that contains minimally 1 ghost)
Where can I import the outputted Clip.Gbx?
- For replays as old as TM1.0-TMUF, it is recommended to import the clip in the latest version of Trackmania United Forever.
- For replays from TM2, it is recommended to import the clip in the latest version of ManiaPlanet.
As Trackmania Turbo still does not support images and triangles, a wild solution had to be made. The visualization is now purely generated with text! This can be enabled by selecting the Text design in web UI or by setting DesignId: Text
- Issue: The analog input is white instead of blue
- Solution: Analog input is made out of 2D triangles which become always white on PC2 shader quality. To fix this, set the Shader Quality to at least PC3 Low.
- Issue: Some digital inputs aren't appearing in a rendered video
- Solution: The tap was so fast that it didn't fit inside the video framerate. Luckily this can be solved with
setting which ensures that each activated state is at least 1/FPS
seconds long.
- Solution: The tap was so fast that it didn't fit inside the video framerate. Luckily this can be solved with
Configuration can be managed on the website in the Config component or inside the Config
You can now have multiple configs and change between them.
# Updated 5. 5. 2023, can change over time
AspectRatio: [16, 9]
StartOffset: 0 # Offset in seconds when to start the input visualization
ActiveColor: [0.2, 0.6, 0.9, 1]
InactiveColor: [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1]
BrakeColor: [0.9, 0.3, 0.2, 1]
InterpTolerance: 0.0001 # Length of a transition between an input change (if represented by triangles). It should stay very low.
DefaultDevice: Keyboard
AdjustToFPS: false # Important for videomakers. It makes sure activated state is at least 1 frame long.
FPS: 30 # Framerate for AdjustToFPS, otherwise unused
PrimaryPos: [0, 0.55] # Position of the main inputs visualizer (gas and steer)
PrimaryScale: [0.8, 0.8] # Scale of the main inputs visualizer (gas and steer)
AnalogSteerPos: [0, 0]
AnalogSteerSpacing: [0.11, 0]
AnalogSteerSize: [0.4, 0.4]
DigitalSteerPos: [0, -0.2]
DigitalSteerSpacing: [0.11, 0]
DigitalSteerSize: [0.19, 0.19]
AnalogAccelPos: [0, 0.105]
AnalogAccelSize: [0.19, 0.19]
DigitalAccelPos: [0, 0.105]
DigitalAccelSize: [0.19, 0.19]
AnalogBrakePos: [0, -0.105]
AnalogBrakeSize: [0.19, 0.19]
DigitalBrakePos: [0, -0.105]
DigitalBrakeSize: [0.19, 0.19]
EnableAnalogSteerValue: true # Shows text values of analog steering
EnableAnalogAccelValue: true # Shows text values of analog accel
EnableAnalogBrakeValue: true # Shows text values of analog brake
AnalogSteerValueScale: [0.75, 0.75]
AnalogSteerValueOffset: [0.5, 0]
AnalogSteerValueColor: [1, 1, 1]
AnalogAccelValueScale: [0.6, 0.6]
AnalogAccelValueOffset: [-0.005, 0.17]
AnalogAccelValueColor: [1, 1, 1]
AnalogBrakeValueScale: [0.6, 0.6]
AnalogBrakeValueOffset: [-0.005, -0.15]
AnalogBrakeValueColor: [1, 1, 1]
AnalogValueTextFormat: $s$o$n{0}
AnalogValueNumberFormat: 0.00 # Change this to P0 if you prefer percentages
EnableMouse: true
EnableMouseMovement: true # If the mouse should move according to tracked mouse movements or stay still regardless
MousePos: [-0.65, -0.35]
MouseScale: [0.8, 0.8]
EnableActionKeys: true
ActionKeysPos: [0, 0.34]
ActionKeysScale: [0.15, 0.15]
ActionKeysSpacing: [0.5, 0.5]
ActionKeysTextColor: [1, 1, 1]
ActionKeysTextFormat: $o$n{0}
EnableJump: true
JumpScale: [1.5, 1.5]
JumpPos: [0.6, -0.6]
EnableHorn: true
HornScale: [0.75, 0.75]
HornPos: [-0.65, 0.65]
EnableRespawn: true
RespawnScale: [0.75, 0.75]
RespawnPos: [-0.65, 0.5]
EnableSecondaryRespawn: true
SecondaryRespawnScale: [0.5, 0.5]
SecondaryRespawnPos: [-0.65, 0.39]
KeyTapPressTime: 200
Formatting: '' # Formatting of analog text values
DesignId: Basic # Can be Basic, Compact, Image, Text
SkinId: '' # Can be Default, LoveTAS for Basic and Compact, can be Default, White, Classic for Image
PreferManiaPlanet: false # If to prefer image references to ManiaPlanet Documents folder structure
For 100% offline control, you can use the CLI version of Clip Input 2. Drag and drop your desired replays onto the ClipInputCLI(.exe).
- NoPause - If true, All "Press key to continue..." will be skipped.
- SingleOutput - If false, dragging multiple files will produce multiple results. If true, multiple files will produce only one result.
- CustomConfig - Name of the config inside the
folder without the extension. - OutputDir - Forced output directory of produced results.
Location where the game exe is (you will be asked for it if ConsoleOptions.yml does not exist):
- TrackmaniaForeverInstallationPath
- ManiaPlanetInstallationPath
- TrackmaniaTurboInstallationPath
- Trackmania2020InstallationPath
The tool notifies you about new versions after launching it. You can press U to directly open the web page where you can download the new version. For security reasons, auto-updater is not planned atm.
You can update assets with execution of UpdateAssets.bat
. In case of Clip Input 2, this includes image assets.
-config [ConfigName]
-o [OutputDir]
or-output [OutputDir]
- Included in UpdateAssets.bat/sh-c:[AnySettingName] [value]
- Force setting through the command line, currently works only for string values.