This code serves as an adapter to the Clinical Knowledge
Graph. Data is processed from the
CKG Neo4j database dump (available
here) into
BioCypher-compatible format using the adapter class and the configuration files
in config/
. For more information on BioCypher, please visit
The process implemented for adapting CKG data is the least efficient way of implementing such a pipeline, as it streams data from one Neo4j instance to another. This was an early experiment and also had to be done due to the fact that the CKG is only available as a Neo4j dump file. We recommend using a more memory- and IO-efficient approach for larger datasets. Simplest and recommended is to use a data lake (flat files, hdf5 formats such as Parquet, etc.) as an input.
The project uses Poetry. You can install it like this:
git clone
cd CKG-BioCypher
poetry install
Poetry will create a virtual environment according to your configuration (either
centrally or in the project folder). You can activate it by running poetry shell
inside the project directory.
For getting the data from the CKG, an instance of the CKG needs to be running in Neo4j. For setting this up, please refer to the CKG docs.
Now the credentials for the CKG Neo4j instance need to be configured within the
Three concepts are represented in this repository:
- a full import of the CKG Neo4j dump file into BioCypher-compatible format
- a subsetting procedure to demonstrate the simplicity of subsetting a KG
- a subset used in the input of the Bioteque embedding pipeline to demonstrate a use case for the flexible subsetting of existing BioCypher adapters
The full import database schema is configured in
. The adapter (ckgb/
) uses this
schema to stream data from the CKG dump in a running Neo4j instance into the
BioCypher driver. This is orchestrated by the import script at
. The script can be run like this:
poetry run python scripts/
The script will create a new database in BioCypher format in the biocypher-out
directory, including a shell script to generate a Neo4j instance from the files
using the neo4j-admin tool.
The subsetting procedure is configured in config/subset_schema_config.yaml
. It
is a simplified version of the full import schema, with only a subset of the
nodes and edges. The adapter (ckgb/
) uses this schema to stream data
from the CKG dump in a running Neo4j instance into the BioCypher driver. This is
orchestrated by the import script at scripts/
To create a subset, configure the subset schema in
, and insert the used node and relationship
names of the subset in the data/subset_nodes.csv
. To check which nodes and relationships exist
in the CKG you can have a look at data/all_nodes.csv
If you would like to insert relationship properties, adapt the _write_edges
method in the adapter and specify how the properties of each relationship type
should be handeled.
Finally the subsetting procedure can be run with poetry run python scripts/
. The script will create a new database in
BioCypher format in the biocypher-out
directory, including a shell script to
generate a Neo4j instance from the files using the neo4j-admin tool.
The Bioteque subsetting procedure is configured in
. It is, like the subsetting procedure, a
simplified version of the full import schema, orchestrated by the import script
at scripts/
. The script can be run like this:
poetry run python scripts/
In addition, after the instance has been created from the generated files, the
script at other/
can be used to create input files for the
Bioteque pipeline ( In this way, flexible
embeddings can be generated from BioCypher adapters with minimal effort. For
another example, check out the adapter for the Open Targets dataset at