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NS interface

Collection of all functions passed to scripts


export interface NS 


Basic usage example:

export async function main(ns) {
 // Basic ns functions can be accessed on the ns object
 // Some related functions are gathered under a sub-property of the ns object
 // Most functions that return a promise need to be awaited.
 await ns.hack('n00dles');


Property Modifiers Type Description
args readonly ScriptArg[] Arguments passed into the script.
bladeburner readonly Bladeburner Namespace for bladeburner functions. Contains spoilers.
codingcontract readonly CodingContract Namespace for codingcontract functions.
corporation readonly Corporation Namespace for corporation functions. Contains spoilers.
enums NSEnums
formulas readonly Formulas Namespace for formulas functions.
gang readonly Gang Namespace for gang functions. Contains spoilers.
go readonly Go Namespace for Go functions.
grafting readonly Grafting Namespace for grafting functions. Contains spoilers.
hacknet readonly Hacknet Namespace for hacknet functions. Some of this API contains spoilers.
heart readonly { break(): number; }
infiltration readonly Infiltration Namespace for infiltration functions.
pid readonly number The current script's PID
singularity readonly Singularity Namespace for singularity functions. Contains spoilers.
sleeve readonly Sleeve Namespace for sleeve functions. Contains spoilers.
stanek readonly Stanek Namespace for stanek functions. Contains spoilers.
stock readonly TIX Namespace for stock functions.
ui readonly UserInterface Namespace for user interface functions.


Method Description
alert(msg) Open up a message box.
asleep(millis) Suspends the script for n milliseconds. Doesn't block with concurrent calls.
atExit(f, id) Add callback function when the script dies
brutessh(host) Runs BruteSSH.exe on a server.
clear(handle) Clear data from a file.
clearLog() Clears the script’s logs.
clearPort(portNumber) Clear data from a port.
closeTail(pid) Close the tail window of a script.
deleteServer(host) Delete a purchased server.
disableLog(fn) Disables logging for the given NS function.
enableLog(fn) Enables logging for the given NS function.
exec(script, hostname, threadOrOptions, args) Start another script on any server.
exit() Terminates the current script immediately.
fileExists(filename, host) Check if a file exists.
flags(schema) Parse command line flags.
formatNumber(n, fractionalDigits, suffixStart, isInteger) Format a number.
formatPercent(n, fractionalDigits, suffixStart) Format a number as a percentage.
formatRam(n, fractionalDigits) Format a number as an amount of ram.
ftpcrack(host) Runs FTPCrack.exe on a server.
getBitNodeMultipliers(n, lvl) Get the current Bitnode multipliers.
getFavorToDonate() Returns the amount of Faction favor required to be able to donate to a faction.
getFunctionRamCost(name) Get the ram cost of a netscript function.
getGrowTime(host) Get the execution time of a grow() call.
getHackingLevel() Returns the player’s current hacking level.
getHackingMultipliers() Get hacking related multipliers.
getHacknetMultipliers() Get hacknet related multipliers.
getHackTime(host) Get the execution time of a hack() call.
getHostname() Returns a string with the hostname of the server that the script is running on.
getMoneySources() Get information about the sources of income for this run.
getPlayer() Get information about the player.
getPortHandle(portNumber) Get all data on a port.
getPurchasedServerCost(ram) Get cost of purchasing a server.
getPurchasedServerLimit() Returns the maximum number of servers you can purchase.
getPurchasedServerMaxRam() Returns the maximum RAM that a purchased server can have.
getPurchasedServers() Returns an array with the hostnames of all of the servers you have purchased.
getPurchasedServerUpgradeCost(hostname, ram) Get cost of upgrading a purchased server to the given ram.
getRecentScripts() Get an array of recently killed scripts across all servers.
getResetInfo() Get information about resets.
getRunningScript(filename, hostname, args) Get general info about a running script.
getScriptExpGain(script, host, args) Get the exp gain of a script.
getScriptIncome(script, host, args) Get the income of a script.
getScriptLogs(fn, host, args) Get all the logs of a script.
getScriptName() Returns the current script name.
getScriptRam(script, host) Get the ram cost of a script.
getServer(host) Returns a server object for the given server. Defaults to the running script's server if host is not specified.
getServerBaseSecurityLevel(host) Get the base security level of a server.
getServerGrowth(host) Get a server growth parameter.
getServerMaxMoney(host) Get the maximum money available on a server.
getServerMaxRam(host) Get the maximum amount of RAM on a server.
getServerMinSecurityLevel(host) Returns the minimum security level of the target server.
getServerMoneyAvailable(host) Get money available on a server.
getServerNumPortsRequired(host) Returns the number of open ports required to successfully run NUKE.exe on the specified server.
getServerRequiredHackingLevel(host) Returns the required hacking level of the target server.
getServerSecurityLevel(host) Get server security level.
getServerUsedRam(host) Get the used RAM on a server.
getSharePower() Share Power has a multiplicative effect on rep/second while doing work for a faction. Share Power increases incrementally for every thread of share running on your server network, but at a sharply decreasing rate.
getTimeSinceLastAug() Returns the amount of time in milliseconds that have passed since you last installed Augmentations.
getTotalScriptExpGain() Get the exp gain of all scripts.
getTotalScriptIncome() Get the income of all scripts.
getWeakenTime(host) Get the execution time of a weaken() call.
grow(host, opts) Spoof money in a server's bank account, increasing the amount available.
growthAnalyze(host, multiplier, cores) Calculate the number of grow threads needed for a given multiplicative growth factor.
growthAnalyzeSecurity(threads, hostname, cores) Calculate the security increase for a number of grow threads.
hack(host, opts) Steal a server's money.
hackAnalyze(host) Get the part of money stolen with a single thread.
hackAnalyzeChance(host) Get the chance of successfully hacking a server.
hackAnalyzeSecurity(threads, hostname) Get the security increase for a number of threads.
hackAnalyzeThreads(host, hackAmount) Calculate the decimal number of threads needed to hack a specified amount of money from a target host.
hasRootAccess(host) Check if you have root access on a server.
hasTorRouter() Returns whether the player has access to the darkweb.
httpworm(host) Runs HTTPWorm.exe on a server.
isLogEnabled(fn) Checks the status of the logging for the given NS function.
isRunning(script, host, args) Check if a script is running.
kill(pid) Terminate the script with the provided PID.
kill(filename, hostname, args) Terminate the script(s) with the provided filename, hostname, and script arguments.
killall(host, safetyguard) Terminate all scripts on a server.
ls(host, substring) List files on a server.
moveTail(x, y, pid) Move a tail window.
mv(host, source, destination) Move a file on the target server.
nextPortWrite(port) Listen for a port write.
nFormat(n, format) Format a number using the numeral library. This function is deprecated and will be removed in 2.4.
nuke(host) Runs NUKE.exe on a server.
peek(portNumber) Get a copy of the data from a port without popping it.
print(args) Prints one or more values or variables to the script’s logs.
printf(format, args) Prints a formatted string to the script’s logs.
printRaw(node) Prints a ReactNode to the script logs.
prompt(txt, options) Prompt the player with an input modal.
ps(host) List running scripts on a server.
purchaseServer(hostname, ram) Purchase a server.
ramOverride(ram) Change the current static RAM allocation of the script.
read(filename) Read content of a file.
readPort(portNumber) Read data from a port.
relaysmtp(host) Runs relaySMTP.exe on a server.
renamePurchasedServer(hostname, newName) Rename a purchased server.
resizeTail(width, height, pid) Resize a tail window.
rm(name, host) Delete a file.
run(script, threadOrOptions, args) Start another script on the current server.
scan(host) Get the list of servers connected to a server.
scp(files, destination, source) Copy file between servers.
scriptKill(script, host) Kill all scripts with a filename.
scriptRunning(script, host) Check if any script with a filename is running.
serverExists(host) Returns a boolean denoting whether or not the specified server exists.
setTitle(title, pid) Set the title of the tail window of a script.
share() Share the server's ram with your factions.
sleep(millis) Suspends the script for n milliseconds.
spawn(script, threadOrOptions, args) Terminate current script and start another in a defined number of milliseconds.
sprintf(format, args) Format a string.
sqlinject(host) Runs SQLInject.exe on a server.
tail(fn, host, args) Open the tail window of a script.
tFormat(milliseconds, milliPrecision) Format time to a readable string.
toast(msg, variant, duration) Queue a toast (bottom-right notification).
tprint(args) Prints one or more values or variables to the Terminal.
tprintf(format, values) Prints a raw value or a variable to the Terminal.
tprintRaw(node) Prints a ReactNode to the terminal.
tryWritePort(portNumber, data) Attempt to write to a port.
upgradePurchasedServer(hostname, ram) Upgrade a purchased server's RAM.
vsprintf(format, args) Format a string with an array of arguments.
weaken(host, opts) Reduce a server's security level.
weakenAnalyze(threads, cores) Predict the effect of weaken.
wget(url, target, host) Download a file from the internet.
write(filename, data, mode) Write data to a file.
writePort(portNumber, data) Write data to a port.