For further reference, please consider the following sections:
- Official Apache Maven documentation
- Spring Boot Maven Plugin Reference Guide
- Create an OCI image
- Spring Boot DevTools
- Download the file from the following website, Click Here
- Set the path in the environment variables
- Command to check whether the installation was correct
,vault version
- CMD to start the server
vault server -dev
, Note : do not run the web server in production - After starting the server,
- Open a new terminal
- Run the export command
- Save the unseal key
echo "Nd6DVwrEPyA3Jpy6yUxoRC8II6XCQs1Le+EDLAZ++T0=" > unseal.key
- Save the root token
set VAULT_DEV_ROOT_TOKEN_DEV=s.yeo5TWjhY6QjpIvg9oGpjhay
- Verify the status of the server by running the command
vault status
- Writing a secret in vault
vault kv put secret/hello foo=world
,<vault kv put <path> <key>=<value>>
Eg:vault kv put secret/hello foo=world excited=yes
- Get the key details command
vault kv get <path>
,vault kv get secret/hello
- Get based on a particular field
vault kv get -field=excited secret/hello
- Get output in the JSON format
vault kv get -format=json secret/hello
- Deleting the secret
vault kv delete secret/hello
- vault kv put foo/bar a=b -> error will occur
- List command ->
vault secrets list
- Create and enable a secret
>vault secrets enable -path=kv kv
,vault secrets enable kv
,vault secrets list
- CMD for crud
vault kv put kv/hello target=world
,vault kv get kv/hello
,vault kv put kv/my-secret value="s3c(eT"
,vault kv get -format=json kv/my-secret
,vault kv delete kv/my-secret
- List the paths
vault kv list kv/
,vault kv list kv/
- Disable a secret engine
vault secrets disable kv/
- Enable the AWS secrets engine
vault secrets enable -path=aws aws
set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<aws_access_key_id>
set AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<aws_secret_key>
- Write cmd:
vault write aws/config/root \ access_key=$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID \ secret_key=$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY \ region=us-east-1
- Create a role:
vault write aws/roles/my-role \ credential_type=iam_user \ policy_document=-<<EOF { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "Stmt1426528957000", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "ec2:*" ], "Resource": [ "*" ] } ] } EOF
vault read aws/creds/my-role
vault lease revoke aws/creds/my-role/0bce0782-32aa-25ec-f61d-c026ff22106
vault secrets enable -path=aws aws
vault path-help aws
vault path-help aws/creds/my-non-existent-role
- Token/ authentication is automatically enabled, During startup of the server the token will be generated as ROOT_TOKEN
- Command to create a new token
vault token create
- Command to login to the token:
vault login s.KwMVMnrg7u3mBFAIGdBUbkcO
- Command to revoke the token:
vault token revoke s.iyNUhq8Ov4hIAx6snw5mB2nL
- Can do the github enabling
vault auth enable github
- Writing data -
vault write auth/github/config organization=hashicorp
- Reading
vault read auth/github/config
,vault auth list
vault write auth/github/map/teams/engineering value=default,applications
- Reading
vault read auth/github/map/teams/engineering
vault auth help github
vault login -method=github
vault token revoke -mode path auth/github
vault auth disable github
vault policy read default
vault policy list
- Policy writing help command
vault policy write -h
- Creating a named policy:
vault policy write my-policy - << EOF # Dev servers have version 2 of KV secrets engine mounted by default, so will # need these paths to grant permissions: path "secret/data/*" { capabilities = ["create", "update"] } path "secret/data/foo" { capabilities = ["read"] } EOF
- To read the created policy
vault policy read my-policy
- Testing the token
- Create a token
vault token create -policy=my-policy
- Use the created token
VAULT_TOKEN=s.QyUoJzR8BXWDkX0n8RzAyElu vault kv put secret/creds password="my-long-password"
- Write to the secrets
VAULT_TOKEN=s.QyUoJzR8BXWDkX0n8RzAyElu vault kv put secret/foo robot=beepboop
vault auth list | grep 'approle/'
vault auth enable approle
vault write auth/approle/role/my-role \ secret_id_ttl=10m \ token_num_uses=10 \ token_ttl=20m \ token_max_ttl=30m \ secret_id_num_uses=40 \ token_policies=my-policy
- Write the role-id and the secret id to the env variables
export ROLE_ID="$(vault read -field=role_id auth/approle/role/my-role/role-id)"
export SECRET_ID="$(vault write -f -field=secret_id auth/approle/role/my-role/secret-id)"
vault write auth/approle/login role_id="$ROLE_ID" secret_id="$SECRET_ID"
vault write auth/approle/login role_id="$ROLE_ID" secret_id="$SECRET_ID"
- Create a config.hcl file in the vault.exe path with the following content
- Create a directory in the following path
mkdir -p vault/data
- Start the server using the following command
vault server -config=config.hcl
- Initialize the vault
,vault operator init
- Init operation will generate a Unseal Keys which should be permanently stored for login
{ "keys": [ "0c731099534cbced4b16aefb4a2961c15afdf286bb6111a9c1d4f2e53f02ab5af2", "60c9134ea838efe3c144f824042f002272925e01629c217068c7b16fa06e106ee0", "79d6c6f37558494fe7f285e678ec0dba61b02388fee0f504e9b09106cc7d5a249c", "789683056fe1bbbc182859d80346a69a028b0cd348e1b2d8b9b7f7267043d21460", "26f6ab40c109631c51b23dcce9ddd69ee1838be7117540ae6446b5db47eeb73529" ], "keys_base64": [ "DHMQmVNMvO1LFq77SilhwVr98oa7YRGpwdTy5T8Cq1ry", "YMkTTqg47+PBRPgkBC8AInKSXgFinCFwaMexb6BuEG7g", "edbG83VYSU/n8oXmeOwNumGwI4j+4PUE6bCRBsx9WiSc", "eJaDBW/hu7wYKFnYA0ammgKLDNNI4bLYubf3JnBD0hRg", "JvarQMEJYxxRsj3M6d3WnuGDi+cRdUCuZEa120futzUp" ], "root_token": "s.6qdidDRHD9A1Su1VkWtE9LHt" }
- Unseal three threshold keys
vault operator unseal
enter the valid key after that - Login command
vault login <Initial_Root_Token>
,vault login s.yo5p3hCZuUGRmhNNPVtaXOFG
- Deletion and clean of data
ps aux | grep "vault server" | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill
rm -r /vault/data
- vault server -config=config.hcl
- Init -
curl -X POST -d "{\"secret_shares\": 1, \"secret_threshold\": 1}" | jq
- set VAULT_TOKEN=s.mWSvGgnHbImvZVmWVsNnYwuH
- Unseal the key
curl -X POST -d "{\"key\": \"MMQCBBOUwo4z8dLHxb12L/n64vykmQL0usFSGgzfS0o=\"}" | jq
- Check whether it is initialized
- Now for the auth part enabling
vault auth enable -output-curl-string approle
,curl -H "X-Vault-Request: true" -H "X-Vault-Token: s.mWSvGgnHbImvZVmWVsNnYwuH" |jq
Output:curl -X POST -H "X-Vault-Request: true" -H "X-Vault-Token:s.1gTwVAr6nz4fNJBBjMcfOdyM" -d '{"type":"approle","description":"","config":{"options":null,"default_lease_ttl":"0s","max_lease_ttl":"0s","force_no_cache":false},"local":false,"seal_wrap":false,"external_entropy_access":false,"options":null}'
- Policy creation in Windows
curl -H "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" -X PUT -d '{"policy":"# Dev servers have version 2 of KV secrets engine mounted by default, so will\n# need these paths to grant permissions:\npath \"secret/data/*\" {\n capabilities = [\"create\", \"update\"]\n}\n\npath \"secret/data/foo\" {\n capabilities = [\"read\"]\n}\n"}'
- Association command
curl \ --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --request POST \ --data '{"policies": ["my-policy"]}' \
- Role id API
curl \ --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ | jq -r ".data"
- Secret ID API
curl \ --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --request POST \ | jq -r ".data"
- Login API
curl --request POST \ --data '{"role_id": "c3ec4eab-5477-c669-fca8-6a71fdf38c23", "secret_id": "fc2710e5-9536-3f4f-666d-fd5d8379b2b9"}' \ | jq -r ".auth"
- Output client-token and
set export VAULT_TOKEN="s.p5NB4dTlsPiUU94RA5IfbzXv"
- Secret credentials
curl \ --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --request POST \ --data '{ "data": {"password": "my-long-password"} }' \ | jq -r ".data"
storage "raft" { #path = "./vault/data" #path = "vault-data" #path = "./vault/data1" path = "./vault/data2" node_id = "node1" } listener "tcp" { address = "" tls_disable = 1 } disable_mlock = true api_addr = "" cluster_addr = "" ui = true