image: blippar/drone-aragorn
pull: true
target_url: https://my.service.com # Aragorn target url for all specified test suites
suites: # Aragorn test suites to run (required)
- .aragorn/test1.suite.json
- .aragorn/test2.suite.json
insecure: true # Ignore TLS verification while running test against secure endpoint (default: false)
jaeger_addr: my.jaeger.com:4242 # will activate jaeger based tracing and forward to passwed url (optional)
failfast: true # will activate failfast mode where aragorn will stop after the first test failure
debug: true # will activate debug mode for the plugin (default: false)
image: blippar/drone-aragorn
pull: true
config: .aragorn/live.env.json # run a specific env config
jaeger_addr: my.jaege.com:4242 # will activate jaeger based tracing and forward to passwed url (optional)
failfast: true # will activate failfast mode where aragorn will stop after the first test failure
debug: true # will activate debug mode for the plugin (default: false)