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Si Dunford edited this page Jan 28, 2022 · 20 revisions

Feature Requests

  1. ❌ Auto-Complete (Functions, Methods, Globals, Consts... Locals? and Enums etc).
  2. 🚧 Signature help ⚠️ Experimental
  3. ❌ Go to definition
  4. ❌ Go to references
  5. ❌ Workspace-wide rename of a symbol
  6. ✔️ Document Symbols
  7. ❌ Linting
    1. ℹ️ View list of Linting Rules
  8. 🚧 Hover ⚠️ Experimental
  9. ❌ Find References
  10. ❌ Document reformatting
  11. ❌ Code snippets (including custom ones)
    • will be part of auto correct

Other Requests

  • ✔️ The Outliner (Document Symbols)
  • ❌ A "formatter" that supports "on type" so that it capitalises, at least, function names correctly as you type
  • ⚠️ Code diagnostics and "quick fixes" (when using TypeScript just write any function and the LSP goes "I don't know this function, but I found it in , do you want me to import it?" It even looks for functions from "modules)
    • ⚠️ Experimental
  • ❌ Add an option to not show the prefix in the outline view. For example a method called "Convert" would not be displayed as "Method Convert()", but simply as "Convert()" - GWRon
    • Will make this an option to hide all prefixes ❌
      • Added argument -o:notype in preparation for this
  • ❌ id say "constructor" is better than "method" but "new" alone would also be enough, same with "delete" FireballStarfish
    • Will make this an option to hide "Constructor"/"Destructor" prefixes. ❌
      • Added argument -o:desc in preparation for this


Features that are experimental have been listed with the argument that enables them.

Lexer n/a ✔️
Parser n/a ✔️ ℹ️ Some BlitzMax Syntax is not fully supported
Diagnostics n/a ⚠️
ℹ️ Experimental
Code Completion Provider ⚠️
ℹ️ Experimental
ℹ️ Minor Testing Complete
Resolve Provider
Hover Provider ⚠️
ℹ️ Experimental
Signature Help ⚠️
ℹ️ Experimental
VScode Walkthrough
Definition Provider F12 ⚠️
ℹ️ Minor Testing Complete
References Provider Shift+F12
Document Highlight Provider
Document Symbol Provider
(Outline View)
Ctrl-T ✔️ Support for enum, function, interface, include, import, method, struct and type
Workspace Symbol Provider ⚠️
ℹ️ Experimental
Code Action Provider
Codelens Provider
Color Provider
Document Formatting Provider
Document Range Formatting Provider
Document On-Type Formatting Provider
Rename Provider