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我的star列表, 每天凌晨自动更新

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  • JJTech0130/TrollRestore - TrollStore installer for iOS 17.0
  • aboul3la/Sublist3r - Fast subdomains enumeration tool for penetration testers
  • fortra/impacket - Impacket is a collection of Python classes for working with network protocols.
  • Guovin/TV - 📺IPTV电视直播源更新工具🚀:包含💰央视(付费)、📡卫视、🏠广东、🌊港·澳·台、🎬电影、🎥咪咕、🏀体育、🪁动画、🎮游戏、🎵音乐、🏛经典剧场;支持自定义增加频道;支持组播源、酒店源、订阅源、关键字搜索;每天自动更新两次,结果可用于TVBox等播放软件;支持工作流、Docker(amd64/arm64)、命令行、GUI运行方式 | IPTV live TV source update tool
  • dataabc/weiboSpider - 新浪微博爬虫,用python爬取新浪微博数据
  • lihuithe/podlm-public -
  • zhzyker/exphub - Exphub[漏洞利用脚本库] 包括Webloigc、Struts2、Tomcat、Nexus、Solr、Jboss、Drupal的漏洞利用脚本,最新添加CVE-2020-14882、CVE-2020-11444、CVE-2020-10204、CVE-2020-10199、CVE-2020-1938、CVE-2020-2551、CVE-2020-2555、CVE-2020-2883、CVE-2019-17558、CVE-2019-6340
  • wasi-master/13ft - My own custom replacement
  • rabbitmask/WeblogicScan - Weblogic一键漏洞检测工具,V1.5,更新时间:20200730
  • DennisThink/awesome_twitter_CN - 值得关注的中文twitter用户
  • linyuxuanlin/Wiki_MkDocs - 基于 MkDocs & Material theme 的个人知识库
  • Z4nzu/hackingtool - ALL IN ONE Hacking Tool For Hackers
  • svc-develop-team/so-vits-svc - SoftVC VITS Singing Voice Conversion
  • w-okada/voice-changer - リアルタイムボイスチェンジャー Realtime Voice Changer
  • s0md3v/roop - one-click face swap
  • amnweb/yasb - A highly configurable Windows status bar written in Python.
  • crownpku/Information-Extraction-Chinese - Chinese Named Entity Recognition with IDCNN/biLSTM+CRF, and Relation Extraction with biGRU+2ATT 中文实体识别与关系提取
  • 0xn0ne/sensitive-helper - 基于正则表达式的本地文件敏感信息数据挖掘助手。Regular Expression Based Data Mining Assistant for Local File Sensitive Information.
  • m4ll0k/SecretFinder - SecretFinder - A python script for find sensitive data (apikeys, accesstoken,jwt,..) and search anything on javascript files
  • 309892489/sensitive_data_discover - 针对数据库的敏感数据检测脚本:扫描库、schema级别的表或视图的数据,发现其中的敏感字段。敏感类型包括姓名、电话、身份证号、电子邮箱、地址、银行账号。
  • explosion/spaCy - 💫 Industrial-strength Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Python
  • stanfordnlp/stanza - Stanford NLP Python library for tokenization, sentence segmentation, NER, and parsing of many human languages
  • urchade/GLiNER - Generalist and Lightweight Model for Named Entity Recognition (Extract any entity types from texts) @ NAACL 2024
  • shiyybua/NER - 基于tensorflow深度学习的中文的命名实体识别
  • worawit/MS17-010 - MS17-010
  • pdm-project/pdm - A modern Python package and dependency manager supporting the latest PEP standards
  • KwaiVGI/LivePortrait - Bring portraits to life!
  • ktbyers/netmiko - Multi-vendor library to simplify Paramiko SSH connections to network devices
  • 521xueweihan/GitHub520 - 😘 让你“爱”上 GitHub,解决访问时图裂、加载慢的问题。(无需安装)
  • Juniper/py-junos-eznc - Python library for Junos automation
  • hanxi/xiaomusic - 使用小爱音箱播放音乐,音乐使用 yt-dlp 下载。
  • LlamaFamily/Llama-Chinese - Llama中文社区,Llama3在线体验和微调模型已开放,实时汇总最新Llama3学习资料,已将所有代码更新适配Llama3,构建最好的中文Llama大模型,完全开源可商用
  • aryanbhajanka/Xenue-Bar - Xenue bar is a menu bar for Windows inspired by MacOS for better accessibility features and aesthetics. See for more information.
  • comfyanonymous/ComfyUI - The most powerful and modular diffusion model GUI, api and backend with a graph/nodes interface.
  • archlinux/archinstall - Arch Linux installer - guided, templates etc.
  • VikParuchuri/marker - Convert PDF to markdown quickly with high accuracy
  • gradio-app/gradio - Build and share delightful machine learning apps, all in Python. 🌟 Star to support our work!
  • wang0618/mtag_tool - MP3 Tag编辑器,支持从网易云补全歌曲信息
  • huggingface/transformers - 🤗 Transformers: State-of-the-art Machine Learning for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX.
  • nashsu/FreeAskInternet - FreeAskInternet is a completely free, PRIVATE and LOCALLY running search aggregator & answer generate using MULTI LLMs, without GPU needed. The user can ask a question and the system will make a multi engine search and combine the search result to LLM and generate the answer based on search results. It's all FREE to use.
  • d2l-ai/d2l-zh - 《动手学深度学习》:面向中文读者、能运行、可讨论。中英文版被70多个国家的500多所大学用于教学。
  • OpenInterpreter/open-interpreter - A natural language interface for computers
  • AnsonZnl/RehabilitationGuide - 颈椎病腰突康复指南,为程序员群体提供简单可靠的康复指南。
  • aerodynamics-py/WEATHER_STATION_PI - A simple weater station
  • xai-org/grok-1 - Grok open release
  • Skyvern-AI/skyvern - Automate browser-based workflows with LLMs and Computer Vision
  • EvanLi/Github-Ranking - ⭐Github Ranking⭐ Github stars and forks ranking list. Github Top100 stars list of different languages. Automatically update daily. | Github仓库排名,每日自动更新
  • lavague-ai/LaVague - Large Action Model framework to develop AI Web Agents
  • PKU-YuanGroup/Open-Sora-Plan - This project aim to reproduce Sora (Open AI T2V model), we wish the open source community contribute to this project.
  • timqian/chinese-independent-blogs - 中文独立博客列表
  • Mzdyl/LiteLoaderQQNT_Install - 针对 LiteLoaderQQNT 的安装脚本
  • amidaware/tacticalrmm - A remote monitoring & management tool, built with Django, Vue and Go.
  • sfyc23/EverydayWechat - 微信助手:1.每日定时给好友(女友)发送定制消息。2.机器人自动回复好友。3.群助手功能(例如:查询垃圾分类、天气、日历、电影实时票房、快递物流、PM2.5等)
  • Asabeneh/30-Days-Of-Python - 30 days of Python programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn the Python programming language in 30 days. This challenge may take more than100 days, follow your own pace. These videos may help too:
  • DoooReyn/WxReader - 基于PySide6的微信读书自动阅读器
  • HatBoy/Struts2-Scan - Struts2全漏洞扫描利用工具
  • VikParuchuri/surya - OCR, layout analysis, reading order, table recognition in 90+ languages
  • Sorosliu1029/Jike-Metro - 🚇 即刻 Ⓙ SDK
  • errord/chbook_jtoh - chrome bookmarks json to html
  • H-T-H/Gemini-Telegram-Bot - 用Gemini API实现的Telegram机器人 A Telegram Bot using Gemini API
  • yihong0618/tg_bot_collections - collections of yihong0618's telegram bot
  • public-apis/public-apis - A collective list of free APIs
  • r0ysue/AndroidSecurityStudy - 安卓应用安全学习
  • open-mmlab/Amphion - Amphion (/æmˈfaɪən/) is a toolkit for Audio, Music, and Speech Generation. Its purpose is to support reproducible research and help junior researchers and engineers get started in the field of audio, music, and speech generation research and development.
  • microsoft/Mastering-GitHub-Copilot-for-Paired-Programming - An 8 Lesson course teaching everything you need to know about harnessing GitHub Copilot and an AI Paired Programing resource.
  • SirVer/ultisnips - UltiSnips - The ultimate snippet solution for Vim. Send pull requests to SirVer/ultisnips!
  • ycm-core/YouCompleteMe - A code-completion engine for Vim
  • da-rth/yasb - A highly configurable cross-platform (Windows) status bar written in Python.
  • xaoyaoo/PyWxDump - 获取微信信息;读取数据库,本地查看聊天记录并导出为csv、html等格式用于AI训练,自动回复等。支持多账户信息获取,支持所有微信版本。
  • LC044/WeChatMsg - 提取微信聊天记录,将其导出成HTML、Word、Excel文档永久保存,对聊天记录进行分析生成年度聊天报告,用聊天数据训练专属于个人的AI聊天助手
  • yinkaisheng/Python-UIAutomation-for-Windows - 🐍Python 3 wrapper of Microsoft UIAutomation. Support UIAutomation for MFC, WindowsForm, WPF, Modern UI(Metro UI), Qt, IE, Firefox, Chrome ...
  • nadermx/backgroundremover - Background Remover lets you Remove Background from images and video using AI with a simple command line interface that is free and open source.
  • AgentMaker/AgentOCR - 一个多语言支持、易使用的 OCR 项目。An easy-to-use OCR project with multilingual support.
  • abi/screenshot-to-code - Drop in a screenshot and convert it to clean code (HTML/Tailwind/React/Vue)
  • jianchang512/pyvideotrans - Translate the video from one language to another and add dubbing. 将视频从一种语言翻译为另一种语言,并支持api调用
  • bitranox/fingerprint - Monitoring Registry and File Changes in Windows
  • iam-veeramalla/python-for-devops - Learn Python from DevOps Engineer point of you.
  • AutohomeRadar/Windows-Agent - Windows agent of Open-Falcon Monitor System
  • jumpserver/applets - JumpServer Applet Demo Project
  • psf/black - The uncompromising Python code formatter
  • jackfrued/Python-100-Days - Python - 100天从新手到大师
  • kaxap/arl - lists of most popular repositories for most favoured programming languages (according to StackOverflow)
  • jimmy201602/webterminal - ssh rdp vnc telnet sftp bastion/jump web putty xshell terminal jumpserver audit realtime monitor rz/sz 堡垒机 云桌面 linux devops sftp websocket file management rz/sz otp 自动化运维 审计 录像 文件管理 sftp上传 实时监控 录像回放 网页版rz/sz上传下载/动态口令 django
  • zhayujie/chatgpt-on-wechat - 基于大模型搭建的聊天机器人,同时支持 微信公众号、企业微信应用、飞书、钉钉 等接入,可选择GPT3.5/GPT-4o/GPT-o1/ Claude/文心一言/讯飞星火/通义千问/ Gemini/GLM-4/Claude/Kimi/LinkAI,能处理文本、语音和图片,访问操作系统和互联网,支持基于自有知识库进行定制企业智能客服。
  • iswbm/GolangCodingTime - Go编程时光,一个零基础入门 Golang 的教程
  • labteral/chatgpt-python - Unofficial Python SDK for OpenAI's ChatGPT



  • alyssaxuu/screenity - The free and privacy-friendly screen recorder with no limits 🎥
  • ccbikai/BroadcastChannel - Turn your Telegram Channel into a MicroBlog.
  • xieyumc/YuYuWechat - 一个让微信(非WEB版)定时循环发送消息/文件(cron表达式精确到分钟),批量群发消息,定时检查聊天记录的小工具🚀,提供了简易直观的界面,并支持邮箱报警等功能,可部署到任意平台
  • twbs/bootstrap - The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
  • electerm/electerm - 📻Terminal/ssh/telnet/serialport/RDP/VNC/sftp client(linux, mac, win)
  • ipfs/ipfs-desktop - An unobtrusive and user-friendly desktop application for IPFS on Windows, Mac and Linux.
  • huytd/tab-list-arc-browser - Tab List extension for Arc Browser
  • sun0225SUN/Awesome-Love-Code - 表白代码收藏馆~谁说程序猿不懂浪漫❤️
  • linyuxuanlin/Gallery-Portfolio - 一个简单的瀑布流摄影作品展示站,图片储存在免费的 Cloudflare R2
  • brunosimon/my-room-in-3d -
  • JiHong88/suneditor - Pure javascript based WYSIWYG html editor, with no dependencies.
  • ClydeTime/Quantumult - 不要fork!不要fork!不要fork!
  • reorx/jsoncv - A toolkit for building your CV with JSON and creating stylish HTML/PDF files.
  • xifangczy/cat-catch - 猫抓 浏览器资源嗅探扩展 / cat-catch Browser Resource Sniffing Extension
  • Rectify11/Installer - A Windows 11 modification which makes it more consistent.
  • Repcz/Tool - Ownuse
  • maomao1996/daily-notes - 不定期更新的日常笔记记录(零零散散啥都记系列)
  • markdoc/docs - Documentation site for Markdoc
  • chigozienri/browser-bounce - Experiment with multiple browser windows interacting
  • actuallymentor/battery - CLI/GUI for managing the battery charging status for Apple silicon (M1, M32, M3) Macs
  • jaywcjlove/awesome-mac -  Now we have become very big, Different from the original idea. Collect premium software in various categories.
  • appium/appium - Cross-platform automation framework for all kinds of apps, built on top of the W3C WebDriver protocol
  • kkevsekk1/AutoX - A UiAutomator on android, does not need root access(安卓平台上的JavaScript自动化工具)
  • Tobi-davies/Gmail-Clone - A pixel perfect Gmail clone built with react, styled components for styling and redux for state management
  • usebruno/bruno - Opensource IDE For Exploring and Testing Api's (lightweight alternative to postman/insomnia)
  • jgraph/drawio-desktop - Official electron build of
  • LiteLoaderQQNT/LiteLoaderQQNT - QQNT 插件加载器:LiteLoaderQQNT —— 轻量 · 简洁 · 开源 · 福瑞
  • ondrajz/goexplorer - Interactive overview of Go packages using dynamic visualization.
  • obgnail/typora_plugin - Typora plugin. Feature enhancement tool | Typora 插件,功能增强工具
  • sciooga/v2ex-plus - 可能是 v2ex 最好用的扩展
  • anuraghazra/github-readme-stats - ⚡ Dynamically generated stats for your github readmes
  • Kong/insomnia - The open-source, cross-platform API client for GraphQL, REST, WebSockets, SSE and gRPC. With Cloud, Local and Git storage.
  • 941477276/easy-selector_chrome-extension - 一个轻巧简单好用的获取dom元素css 选择器的Chrome插件!
  • AntSwordProject/antSword - 中国蚁剑是一款跨平台的开源网站管理工具。AntSword is a cross-platform website management toolkit.
  • modood/Administrative-divisions-of-China - 中华人民共和国行政区划:省级(省份)、 地级(城市)、 县级(区县)、 乡级(乡镇街道)、 村级(村委会居委会) ,中国省市区镇村二级三级四级五级联动地址数据。
  • FortAwesome/Font-Awesome - The iconic SVG, font, and CSS toolkit
  • github-developer/javascript-action - Create a JavaScript Action with tests, linting, workflow, publishing, and versioning. An opinionated alternative template to actions/javascript-action to bootstrap the creation of a JavaScript action. 🚀
  • MithrilJS/mithril.js - A JavaScript Framework for Building Brilliant Applications
  • microsoft/monaco-editor - A browser based code editor
  • xszyou/Fay - Fay is an open-source digital human framework integrating language models and digital characters. It offers retail, assistant, and agent versions for diverse applications like virtual shopping guides, broadcasters, assistants, waiters, teachers, and voice or text-based mobile assistants.
  • tangly1024/NotionNext - 使用 NextJS + Notion API 实现的,支持多种部署方案的静态博客,无需服务器、零门槛搭建网站,为Notion和所有创作者设计。 (A static blog built with NextJS and Notion API, supporting multiple deployment options. No server required, zero threshold to set up a website. Designed for Notion and all creators.)
  • bgstaal/multipleWindow3dScene - A quick example of how one can "synchronize" a 3d scene across multiple windows using three.js and localStorage
  • SocialSisterYi/bilibili-API-collect - 哔哩哔哩-API收集整理【不断更新中....】
  • drkostas/ - VScode Portfolio
  • isno/theByteBook - ⭐ 【开源书籍】深入讲解内核网络、Kubernetes、ServiceMesh、容器等云原生相关技术。经历实践检验的 DevOps、SRE指南。如发现错误,谢谢提issue
  • lgwebdream/FE-Interview - 🔥🔥🔥 前端面试,独有前端面试题详解,前端面试刷题必备,1000+前端面试真题,Html、Css、JavaScript、Vue、React、Node、TypeScript、Webpack、算法、网络与安全、浏览器
  • maomao1996/mm-notes - 茂茂物语: 各种笔记记录(想到啥写啥系列)
  • nirui/sshwifty - Web SSH & Telnet (WebSSH & WebTelnet client) 🔮
  • jumpserver/luna - Luna is the JumpServer Web Terminal.
  • gin-admin/gin-admin-react - RBAC scaffolding based on Ant Design React(ES6)
  • pot-app/pot-desktop - 🌈一个跨平台的划词翻译和OCR软件 | A cross-platform software for text translation and recognition.
  • schollz/rwtxt - A cms for absolute minimalists.
  • zed-industries/zed-fonts - The Zed Mono and Sans typefaces, custom built from Iosevka
  • yuezk/chatgpt-mirror - A mirror of ChatGPT based on the gpt-3.5-turbo model.
  • mdnice/markdown-nice - 支持主题设计的 Markdown 编辑器,让排版变 Nice
  • shgopher/GOFamily - 🔥 《Go 程序员宝典》:go 基础语法,go 并发模式,go runtime 实现原理 ,企业级 go 语言项目经验。
  • node-webot/co-wechat - Wechat for Koa



  • boy-hack/ksubdomain - Subdomain enumeration tool, asynchronous dns packets, use pcap to scan 1600,000 subdomains in 1 second
  • lcvvvv/kscan - Kscan是一款纯go开发的全方位扫描器,具备端口扫描、协议检测、指纹识别,暴力破解等功能。支持协议1200+,协议指纹10000+,应用指纹20000+,暴力破解协议10余种。
  • Mr-xn/sunlogin_rce - 向日葵 RCE
  • projectdiscovery/subfinder - Fast passive subdomain enumeration tool.
  • knownsec/ksubdomain - 无状态子域名爆破工具
  • hashicorp/terraform - Terraform enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure. It is a source-available tool that codifies APIs into declarative configuration files that can be shared amongst team members, treated as code, edited, reviewed, and versioned.
  • hunter-ji/go-gin-api-starter - 🚀 go-gin-api-starter is a powerful and flexible template for building RESTful APIs
  • rocketlaunchr/dataframe-go - DataFrames for Go: For statistics, machine-learning, and data manipulation/exploration
  • go-hotfix/hotfix - hotfix is a golang function hot-fix solution
  • AlistGo/alist - 🗂️A file list/WebDAV program that supports multiple storages, powered by Gin and Solidjs. / 一个支持多存储的文件列表/WebDAV程序,使用 Gin 和 Solidjs。
  • giorgisio/goav - Golang bindings for FFmpeg (This repository is no longer maintained)
  • danielmiessler/fabric - fabric is an open-source framework for augmenting humans using AI. It provides a modular framework for solving specific problems using a crowdsourced set of AI prompts that can be used anywhere.
  • hyperledger/fabric - Hyperledger Fabric is an enterprise-grade permissioned distributed ledger framework for developing solutions and applications. Its modular and versatile design satisfies a broad range of industry use cases. It offers a unique approach to consensus that enables performance at scale while preserving privacy.
  • bytedance/netcap -
  • evcc-io/evcc - Sonne tanken ☀️🚘
  • wader/fq - jq for binary formats - tool, language and decoders for working with binary and text formats
  • shirou/gopsutil - psutil for golang
  • json-iterator/go - A high-performance 100% compatible drop-in replacement of "encoding/json"
  • goreleaser/goreleaser - Deliver Go binaries as fast and easily as possible
  • samber/lo - 💥 A Lodash-style Go library based on Go 1.18+ Generics (map, filter, contains, find...)
  • air-verse/air - ☁️ Live reload for Go apps
  • gofiber/fiber - ⚡️ Express inspired web framework written in Go
  • unknwon/the-way-to-go_ZH_CN - 《The Way to Go》中文译本,中文正式名《Go 入门指南》
  • go-gorm/gorm - The fantastic ORM library for Golang, aims to be developer friendly
  • ollama/ollama - Get up and running with Llama 3.2, Mistral, Gemma 2, and other large language models.
  • ochinchina/supervisord - a go-lang supervisor implementation
  • natefinch/npipe - A Windows named pipe implementation written in pure Go.
  • gioui/gio - Mirror of the Gio main repository (
  • fyne-io/fyne - Cross platform GUI toolkit in Go inspired by Material Design
  • go-jet/jet - Type safe SQL builder with code generation and automatic query result data mapping
  • coreos/go-systemd - Go bindings to systemd socket activation, journal, D-Bus, and unit files
  • antlabs/quickws - 高性能websocket库, Callback写法,在高频cpu上有不俗表现
  • mefellows/gosh - Cross platform, interactive remote PowerShell runner (experimental but functional)
  • KnicKnic/go-powershell - Hosting powershell sessions inside golang not using exec enabling bi directional communication
  • TaurusOmar/psobf - PowerShell Obfuscator
  • unklnik/mr_snuggles_dungeon_adventure - Roguelite game made with Go and Raylib - Demo & Game is available on Steam\_Snuggles\_Dungeon\_Adventure/
  • devlights/goxcel - Goxcel is a library to operate MS Excel using go-ole library.
  • uber-go/goleak - Goroutine leak detector
  • quexten/goldwarden - A feature-packed Bitwarden compatible desktop client
  • glanceapp/glance - A self-hosted dashboard that puts all your feeds in one place
  • unidoc/unipdf - Golang PDF library for creating and processing PDF files (pure go)
  • navidrome/navidrome - 🎧☁️ Your Personal Streaming Service
  • casvisor/casvisor - An open-source security log auditing & RDP, VNC, SSH bastion platform, online demo:
  • judwhite/go-svc - Go Windows Service wrapper that plays nice with Linux.
  • dgraph-io/badger - Fast key-value DB in Go.
  • oschwald/maxminddb-golang - MaxMind DB Reader for Go
  • go-gota/gota - Gota: DataFrames and data wrangling in Go (Golang)
  • SagerNet/serenity - The configuration generator for sing-box
  • go-musicfox/netease-music - go调用网易云音乐API
  • RichardKnop/machinery - Machinery is an asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing.
  • go-fuego/fuego - Golang Fuego - web framework generating OpenAPI 3 spec from source code
  • gabriel-vasile/mimetype - A fast Golang library for media type and file extension detection, based on magic numbers
  • signintech/gopdf - A simple library for generating PDF written in Go lang
  • go-pdf/fpdf - A PDF document generator with high level support for text, drawing and images
  • burrowers/garble - Obfuscate Go builds
  • go-gorm/datatypes - GORM Customized Data Types Collection
  • kilosonc/NCMconverter - NCMconverter将ncm文件转换为mp3或者flac文件
  • tidwall/sjson - Set JSON values very quickly in Go
  • kingwrcy/moments - 极简朋友圈
  • prometheus/node_exporter - Exporter for machine metrics
  • 0xrawsec/whids - Open Source EDR for Windows
  • go-co-op/gocron - Easy and fluent Go cron scheduling. This is a fork from
  • tidwall/gjson - Get JSON values quickly - JSON parser for Go
  • ThePrimeagen/test-these-besties -
  • voidint/g - Golang Version Manager
  • xmdhs/clash2sfa - 将 Clash.Meta 格式的订阅链接转换为 sing-box 格式的订阅,用于 SFA
  • spiretechnology/go-autostart - Library for registering an executable as a startup item
  • nilsherzig/LLocalSearch - LLocalSearch is a completely locally running search aggregator using LLM Agents. The user can ask a question and the system will use a chain of LLMs to find the answer. The user can see the progress of the agents and the final answer. No OpenAI or Google API keys are needed.
  • go-eagle/eagle - 🦅 A Go framework for the API or Microservice
  • go-nunu/nunu - A CLI tool for building Go applications.
  • LinuxSuRen/api-testing - YAML based API testing tool. 开源接口调试、测试工具。Mock Server
  • modernice/goes - goes is an event-sourcing framework for Go.
  • ViRb3/wgcf - 🚤 Cross-platform, unofficial CLI for Cloudflare Warp
  • OwO-Network/gDeepLX - A Go library used for unlimited DeepL translation
  • joomcode/errorx - A comprehensive error handling library for Go
  • quic-go/quic-go - A QUIC implementation in pure Go
  • jfeliu007/goplantuml - PlantUML Class Diagram Generator for golang projects
  • ondrajz/go-callvis - Visualize call graph of a Go program using Graphviz
  • pwh-pwh/aiwechat-vercel - 使用vercel的functions,将ai功能加入微信公众号
  • version-fox/vfox - A cross-platform and extendable version manager with support for Java, Node.js, Flutter, .Net & more
  • coreybutler/nvm-windows - A node.js version management utility for Windows. Ironically written in Go.
  • rakyll/statik - Embed files into a Go executable
  • fvbock/endless - Zero downtime restarts for go servers (Drop in replacement for http.ListenAndServe)
  • jkstack/agent-server - jkstack agent统一管理服务
  • cloudflare/tableflip - Graceful process restarts in Go
  • Wox-launcher/Wox - A cross-platform launcher that simply works
  • chainreactors/gogo - 面向红队的, 高度可控可拓展的自动化引擎
  • OwO-Network/DeepLX - Powerful Free DeepL API, No Token Required
  • antlabs/greatws - 100w连接仅需500-700MB内存,针对海量连接特别优化的websocket库(kqueue, epoll),高性能,callback写法,在服务器cpu上有不俗表现
  • cilium/cilium - eBPF-based Networking, Security, and Observability
  • antlabs/timer - High-performance timer implementation based on 5-level time wheel. 高性能定时器(5级时间轮,最小堆)[从零实现]
  • XIU2/CloudflareSpeedTest - 🌩「自选优选 IP」测试 Cloudflare CDN 延迟和速度,获取最快 IP !当然也支持其他 CDN / 网站 IP ~
  • clbanning/mxj - Decode / encode XML to/from map[string]interface{} (or JSON); extract values with dot-notation paths and wildcards. Replaces x2j and j2x packages.
  • usememos/memos - An open-source, lightweight note-taking solution. The pain-less way to create your meaningful notes. Your Notes, Your Way.
  • maaslalani/glyphs - Unicode symbols on the command line
  • therecipe/qt - Qt binding for Go (Golang) with support for Windows / macOS / Linux / FreeBSD / Android / iOS / Sailfish OS / Raspberry Pi / AsteroidOS / Ubuntu Touch / JavaScript / WebAssembly
  • songtianyi/wechat-go - go version wechat web api and message framework for building wechat robot
  • eatmoreapple/openwechat - golang微信SDK
  • xtaci/gaio - High performance minimalism async-io(proactor) networking for Golang.
  • lxn/walk - A Windows GUI toolkit for the Go Programming Language
  • 6tail/lunar-go - 日历、公历(阳历)、农历(阴历、老黄历)、道历、佛历,支持节假日、星座、儒略日、干支、生肖、节气、节日、彭祖百忌、每日宜忌、吉神宜趋凶煞宜忌、吉神(喜神/福神/财神/阳贵神/阴贵神)方位、胎神方位、冲煞、纳音、星宿、八字、五行、十神、建除十二值星、青龙名堂等十二神、黄道黑道日及吉凶等。lunar is a calendar library for Solar and Chinese Lunar.
  • yangwenmai/github-trending-backup - Github trending backup by everyday.
  • rodaine/table - Go CLI Table Generator
  • yesAnd92/lwe - a toolbox help developer to leave work early!
  • crowdsecurity/crowdsec - CrowdSec - the open-source and participative security solution offering crowdsourced protection against malicious IPs and access to the most advanced real-world CTI.
  • anthdm/go-webkit -
  • qiwentaidi/Slack - 安服集成化工具平台,希望能让你少开几个应用测试
  • uber-go/zap - Blazing fast, structured, leveled logging in Go.
  • wk8/go-ordered-map - Optimal implementation of ordered maps for Golang - ie maps that remember the order in which keys were inserted.
  • gorilla/websocket - Package gorilla/websocket is a fast, well-tested and widely used WebSocket implementation for Go.
  • apernet/OpenGFW - OpenGFW is a flexible, easy-to-use, open source implementation of GFW (Great Firewall of China) on Linux
  • elliotchance/sshtunnel - 🚇 Ultra simple SSH tunnelling for Go programs.
  • qax-os/excelize - Go language library for reading and writing Microsoft Excel™ (XLAM / XLSM / XLSX / XLTM / XLTX) spreadsheets
  • gosuri/uilive - uilive is a go library for updating terminal output in realtime
  • xtaci/kcp-go - A Crypto-Secure Reliable-UDP Library for golang with FEC
  • ejoy/goscon - stable connection
  • selinuxG/Golin - 弱口令检测、 漏洞扫描、端口扫描(协议识别,组件识别)、web目录扫描、等保模拟定级、自动化运维、等保工具(网络安全等级保护现场测评工具)内置3级等保核查命令、基线核查工具、键盘记录器
  • gobwas/graceful - A library for graceful restarts in Go.
  • jpillora/overseer - Monitorable, gracefully restarting, self-upgrading binaries in Go (golang)
  • fantonglang/go-mobile-automation - 安卓自动化golang SDK,支持云手机,稳定高效且不强依赖ADB
  • sanbornm/go-selfupdate - Enable your Go applications to self update
  • rotisserie/eris - Error handling library with readable stack traces and flexible formatting support 🎆
  • Delta456/box-cli-maker - Make Highly Customized Boxes for CLI
  • jedib0t/go-pretty - Table-writer and more in golang!
  • aaamoon/copilot-gpt4-service - Convert Github Copilot to ChatGPT
  • charmbracelet/glow - Render markdown on the CLI, with pizzazz! 💅🏻
  • alecthomas/kingpin - CONTRIBUTIONS ONLY: A Go (golang) command line and flag parser
  • labstack/gommon - Common packages for Go
  • twgh/xcgui - 炫彩界面库. Go GUI library. Golang bindings for XCGUI, Windows GUI library, DirectUI design idea.
  • Khan/genqlient - a truly type-safe Go GraphQL client
  • ztrue/tracerr - Golang errors with stack trace and source fragments.
  • reeflective/readline - Shell library with powerful and modern UI, large feature set, and .inputrc support
  • micmonay/keybd_event - For simulate key press in Linux, Windows and Mac in golang
  • uber-go/nilaway - Static analysis tool to detect potential nil panics in Go code
  • minio/selfupdate - Build self-updating Go programs
  • sorcererxw/jikeview-bot -
  • expr-lang/expr - Expression language and expression evaluation for Go
  • cespare/xxhash - A Go implementation of the 64-bit xxHash algorithm (XXH64)
  • jesseduffield/lazygit - simple terminal UI for git commands
  • lxn/win - A Windows API wrapper package for the Go Programming Language
  • AllenDang/w32 - A wrapper of windows apis for the Go Programming Language.
  • zmb3/spotify - A Go wrapper for the Spotify Web API
  • containers/gvisor-tap-vsock - A new network stack based on gVisor
  • superseriousbusiness/gotosocial - Fast, fun, small ActivityPub server.
  • tinygo-org/tinygo - Go compiler for small places. Microcontrollers, WebAssembly (WASM/WASI), and command-line tools. Based on LLVM.
  • TheAlgorithms/Go - Algorithms and Data Structures implemented in Go for beginners, following best practices.
  • goodrain/rainbond - No need to know Kubernetes' cloud native application management platform | 不用懂 Kubernetes 的云原生应用管理平台
  • auuunya/go-element - windows application ui element automation
  • shadow1ng/fscan - 一款内网综合扫描工具,方便一键自动化、全方位漏扫扫描。
  • koki-develop/clive - ⚡ Automates terminal operations.
  • cosmos72/gomacro - Interactive Go interpreter and debugger with REPL, Eval, generics and Lisp-like macros
  • francoismichel/ssh3 - SSH3: faster and rich secure shell using HTTP/3, checkout our article here: and our Internet-Draft:
  • kongyuebin1/dongfeng-pay - go,支付系统,聚合支付,四方支付,前后端齐全(管理后台,商户后台,代理后台,网关,代付,等)
  • projectdiscovery/nuclei - Nuclei is a fast, customizable vulnerability scanner powered by the global security community and built on a simple YAML-based DSL, enabling collaboration to tackle trending vulnerabilities on the internet. It helps you find vulnerabilities in your applications, APIs, networks, DNS, and cloud configurations.
  • melbahja/goph - 🤘 The native golang ssh client to execute your commands over ssh connection. 🚀🚀
  • iamacarpet/go-win64api - Windows API wrappers for Go - useful for SysOps
  • Bistutu/GoMusic - 迁移网易云/QQ音乐歌单至 Apple/Youtube/Spotify Music
  • cshum/imagor - Fast, secure image processing server and Go library, using libvips
  • duolabmeng6/projection_screen_tv - Easily put the mp4 files on macos and window onto the TV to watch It's like casting a screen on a mobile phone.
  • inconshreveable/go-update - Build self-updating Golang programs
  • google/go-github - Go library for accessing the GitHub v3 API
  • rodrigocfd/windigo - Windows API and GUI in idiomatic Go.
  • progrium/darwinkit - Native Mac APIs for Go. Previously known as MacDriver
  • Evertras/bubble-table - A customizable, interactive table component for the Bubble Tea framework
  • ying32/govcl - Cross-platform Go/Golang GUI library.
  • lxzan/gws - simple, fast, reliable websocket server & client, supports running over tcp/kcp/unix domain socket. keywords: ws, proxy, chat, go, golang...
  • vbauerster/mpb - multi progress bar for Go cli applications
  • tailscale/tailscale - The easiest, most secure way to use WireGuard and 2FA.
  • binwiederhier/ntfy - Send push notifications to your phone or desktop using PUT/POST
  • otiai10/gosseract - Go package for OCR (Optical Character Recognition), by using Tesseract C++ library
  • hybridgroup/gocv - Go package for computer vision using OpenCV 4 and beyond. Includes support for DNN, CUDA, OpenCV Contrib, and OpenVINO.
  • UiPath/uipathcli - Command line interface to simplify, script and automate API calls for UiPath services (preview)
  • go-vgo/robotgo - RobotGo, Go Native cross-platform RPA and GUI automation @vcaesar
  • SagerNet/sing-box - The universal proxy platform
  • kevinburke/ssh_config - Go parser for ssh_config files
  • derekparker/trie - Data structure and relevant algorithms for extremely fast prefix/fuzzy string searching.
  • braveghost/cyclone - Registry based service monitoring
  • NetEase-Media/easy-ngo - easy-ngo是由网易传媒开发的基于Go语言的开发工具包,基于easy-ngo工具包,开发者可以快速构建高可用、大并发的应用。
  • WireGuard/wireguard-go - Mirror only. Official repository is at
  • c-bata/go-prompt - Building powerful interactive prompts in Go, inspired by python-prompt-toolkit.
  • elliotchance/orderedmap - 🔃 An ordered map in Go with amortized O(1) for Set, Get, Delete and Len.
  • sajari/docconv - Converts PDF, DOC, DOCX, XML, HTML, RTF, etc to plain text
  • prometheus-community/windows_exporter - Prometheus exporter for Windows machines
  • fsnotify/fsnotify - Cross-platform filesystem notifications for Go.
  • golang-cz/devslog - devslog - Go slog.Handler for development
  • 40a/go-powershell - Go wrapper for running PowerShell sessions
  • silenceper/wechat - WeChat SDK for Go (微信SDK:简单、易用)
  • spf13/cast - safe and easy casting from one type to another in Go
  • capnspacehook/taskmaster - Windows Task Scheduler Library for Go
  • rfyiamcool/go-netflow - go netflow, capture process in/out traffic, similar to c Nethogs.
  • rogpeppe/go-internal - Selected Go-internal packages factored out from the standard library
  • mackerelio/go-osstat - OS system statistics library for Go
  • go-kiss/sniper - 轻量级 go 业务框架
  • manifoldco/promptui - Interactive prompt for command-line applications
  • apernet/hysteria - Hysteria is a powerful, lightning fast and censorship resistant proxy.
  • amidaware/rmmagent - Tactical RMM Agent
  • byzze/handy-translate - 基于wails使用Go+React开发,这是一个简单-便捷的翻译工具>>This is a simple and convenient translation tool.
  • 0xrawsec/gene - Signature engine for all your logs
  • filhodanuvem/gitql - 💊 A git query language
  • naiba/nezha - :trollface: Self-hosted, lightweight server and website monitoring and O&M tool
  • microsoft/go-winio - Win32 IO-related utilities for Go
  • linuxkit/virtsock - Go bindings for virtio and Hyper-V sockets
  • dsyx/serialport-go - A Go package that allows you to easily access serial ports.
  • tejaskumark/serial-port-websocket - Serial Port over Websocket
  • distributed/sers - Serial port access for the Go programming language.
  • njcx/Artemis_HIDS - 使用 cgroups + etcd + kafka + netlink-connector 开发而成的hids的架构,agent 部分使用go 开发而成, 会把采集的数据写入到kafka里面,由后端的规则引擎(go开发而成)消费,配置部分以及agent存活使用etcd。
  • 0xrawsec/golang-evtx -
  • guyan0319/golang_development_notes - golang development notes go语言开发笔记
  • reiver/go-telnet - Package telnet provides TELNET and TELNETS client and server implementations, for the Go programming language, in a style similar to the "net/http" library that is part of the Go standard library, including support for "middleware"; TELNETS is secure TELNET, with the TELNET protocol over a secured TLS (or SSL) connection.
  • goploy-devops/goploy-agent - 服务器性能监控;An open-source and monitoring agent.
  • dinp/agent - DINP中的Agent,部署在所有计算节点,收集节点运行时数据
  • freedomkk-qfeng/windows-agent -
  • yunnnnn1/shadow - 基于golang实现的C/S架构agent,使用gRPC协议,实现执行远程命令就像在本地执行一样,能够保证命令一边执行,一边返回执行结果,支持远程shell与python命令执行,支持并发执行。
  • bytedance/Elkeid - Elkeid is an open source solution that can meet the security requirements of various workloads such as hosts, containers and K8s, and serverless. It is derived from ByteDance's internal best practices.
  • jacobsa/go-serial - A Go library for dealing with serial ports.
  • yarox24/EvtxHussar - Initial triage of Windows Event logs
  • didi/falcon-log-agent - 用于监控系统的日志采集agent,可无缝对接open-falcon
  • 2igosha/igevtx - Golang evtx parser
  • dutchcoders/evtxparser - Evtxparser for Microsoft Evtx
  • mitchellh/reflectwalk - reflectwalk is a Go library for "walking" complex structures, similar to walking a filesystem.
  • dreadl0ck/netcap - A framework for secure and scalable network traffic analysis -
  • akrennmair/gopcap - A simple wrapper around libpcap for the Go programming language
  • google/gopacket - Provides packet processing capabilities for Go
  • 0x4D31/honeybits - A PoC tool designed to enhance the effectiveness of your traps by spreading breadcrumbs & honeytokens across your systems to lure the attacker toward your honeypots
  • hantmac/Mastering_Go_ZH_CN - 《Mastering GO》中文译本,《玩转 GO》。
  • notcomsed/udpovertcp - simple udp in tcp tunnel, udp over tcp, supported win 8.1 win10, Windows, Linux. tunnel udp packge over tcp stream connect written by GO.
  • mdlayher/vsock - Package vsock provides access to Linux VM sockets (AF_VSOCK) for communication between a hypervisor and its virtual machines. MIT Licensed.
  • brave/viproxy - Go TCP proxy library that translates between AF_INET and AF_VSOCK.
  • elastic/beats - 🐠 Beats - Lightweight shippers for Elasticsearch & Logstash
  • Velocidex/evtx - Golang Parser for Microsoft Event Logs
  • petaki/probe - 🔎 A monitoring agent.
  • caarlos0/starcharts - Plot your repository stars over time.
  • gravitational/teleport - The easiest, and most secure way to access and protect all of your infrastructure.
  • zubroide/go-api-boilerplate - Boilerplate for Golang API
  • mh-cbon/go-msi - Easy way to generate msi package for a Go project
  • mojocn/felix - A Friendly SSH Jumper Bastion Fortress Server
  • sadensmol/article_my_clean_architecture_go_application -
  • grpc/grpc-go - The Go language implementation of gRPC. HTTP/2 based RPC
  • bytebase/bytebase - The GitHub/GitLab for database DevSecOps. World's most advanced database DevSecOps solution for Developer, Security, DBA and Platform Engineering teams.
  • bensadeh/circumflex - 🌿 It's Hacker News in your terminal
  • hidu/mysql-schema-sync - mysql表结构自动同步工具(目前只支持字段、索引的同步,分区等高级功能暂不支持)
  • hwholiday/learning_tools - Go 学习、Go 进阶、Go 实用工具类、Go DDD 项目落地、Go-kit 、Go-Micro 、Go 推送平台、微服务实践
  • bjdgyc/anylink - AnyLink是一个企业级远程办公 ssl vpn 软件,可以支持多人同时在线使用。基于 openconnect 协议开发,并且借鉴了 ocserv 的开发思路,可以完全兼容 AnyConnect 客户端。
  • trzsz/trzsz-go - trzsz-go is the go version of trzsz, makes all terminals that support local shell to support trzsz ( trz / tsz ).
  • trzsz/trzsz-ssh - trzsz-ssh ( tssh ) is an ssh client designed as a drop-in replacement for the openssh client. It aims to provide complete compatibility with openssh, mirroring all its features, while also offering additional useful features. Such as login prompt, batch login, remember password, automated interaction, trzsz, zmodem(rz/sz), udp mode like mosh, etc.
  • XZB-1248/Spark - ✨Spark is a web-based, cross-platform and full-featured Remote Administration Tool (RAT) written in Go that allows you control all your devices anywhere. Spark是一个Go编写的,网页UI、跨平台以及多功能的远程控制和监控工具,你可以随时随地监控和控制所有设备。
  • anhk/go-webRDP-demo -
  • kubernetes/kubernetes - Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management
  • guangzhengli/k8s-tutorials - k8s tutorials | k8s 教程
  • cloudwego/hertz - Go HTTP framework with high-performance and strong-extensibility for building micro-services.
  • tetratelabs/wazero - wazero: the zero dependency WebAssembly runtime for Go developers
  • pubnative/mysqlproto-go - A fast & heap friendly implementation of the MySQL protocol
  • youngxhui/GinHello - Gin 学习示例代码
  • SpatiumPortae/portal - Portal is a quick and easy command-line file transfer utility from any computer to another 🌌 ✨
  • gourouting/singo - Gin+Gorm开发Golang API快速开发脚手架
  • shenghui0779/yiigo - 一个好用的Go项目脚手架和工具包
  • wuchihsu/go-ssh-web-client - A simple SSH web client using Go, WebSocket and Xterm.js.
  • widaT/webssh - 基于xterm.js和golang ssh库实现的web ssh 服务端,支持录像审计,和录像回看
  • mnt-ltd/moredoc - moredoc,魔豆文库,基于golang开发的类似百度文库的开源文库系统,dochub文库的重构版本。
  • LyricTian/gin-admin - A lightweight, flexible, elegant and full-featured RBAC scaffolding based on GIN + GORM 2.0 + Casbin 2.0 + Wire DI.
  • chai2010/advanced-go-programming-book - 📚 《Go语言高级编程》开源图书,涵盖CGO、Go汇编语言、RPC实现、Protobuf插件实现、Web框架实现、分布式系统等高阶主题(完稿)
  • qifengzhang007/GinSkeleton - 基于go语言gin框架封装的web项目骨架
  • xpzouying/go-clean-arch - Go Clean Architecture
  • zxhjames/X-spreadsheet-online - 基于gin+excelize的在线excel表格,支持动态导出数据源数据✈️
  • fsouza/go-dockerclient - Go client for the Docker Engine API.
  • jefferyjob/go-easy-utils - Quick toolbox for common data processing developed by Go language。Go语言开发的常用数据处理的快捷工具箱。
  • alicfeng/mysql_markdown - It can generate markdown structure documents of MySQL succinctly~
  • wwt/guac - Apache Guacamole client ported to Go
  • redis/go-redis - Redis Go client
  • emicklei/go-restful - package for building REST-style Web Services using Go
  • ConnectAI-E/feishu-openai - 🎒 飞书 ×(GPT-4 + GPT-4V + DALL·E-3 + Whisper)= 飞一般的工作体验 🚀 语音对话、角色扮演、多话题讨论、图片创作、表格分析、文档导出 🚀
  • just-nibble/AutoBash-GUI - A GUI tool to automate installation of linux software
  • xxjwxc/ginrpc - gin auto binding,grpc, and annotated route,gin 注解路由, grpc,自动参数绑定工具
  • rthornton128/goncurses - NCurses Library for Go
  • briandowns/spinner - Go (golang) package with 90 configurable terminal spinner/progress indicators.
  • zyedidia/generic - A collection of generic data structures written in Go.
  • sirodeneko/NeteaseCloudMusicApiWithGo - 网易云音乐api golang实现
  • charmbracelet/bubbletea - A powerful little TUI framework 🏗
  • acheong08/ChatGPTProxy - Simple Cloudflare bypass for ChatGPT
  • go-musicfox/go-musicfox - go-musicfox是用Go写的又一款网易云音乐命令行客户端,支持UnblockNeteaseMusic、各种音质级别、lastfm、MPRIS、MacOS交互响应(睡眠暂停、蓝牙耳机连接断开响应、菜单栏控制等)...
  • duxweb/go-storage - 💿 go language multi-driver storage package
  • Zxilly/go-size-analyzer - A tool for analyzing the size of compiled Go binaries, offering cross-platform support, detailed breakdowns, and multiple output formats.
  • isxuelinme/poe_unoffical_api - the POE of Quora golang implement
  • NullpointerW/golwpush - A lightweight and high performance push system implemented by golang
  • yudai/gotty - Share your terminal as a web application
  • gdamore/tcell - Tcell is an alternate terminal package, similar in some ways to termbox, but better in others.
  • deckarep/golang-set - A simple, battle-tested and generic set type for the Go language. Trusted by Docker, 1Password, Ethereum and Hashicorp.
  • darjun/go-daily-lib - Go 每日一库
  • valyala/fasttemplate - Simple and fast template engine for Go
  • kr/pretty - Pretty printing for Go values
  • gookit/gcli - 🖥 Go CLI application, tool library, running CLI commands, support console color, user interaction, progress display, data formatting display, generate bash/zsh completion add more features. Go的命令行应用,工具库,运行CLI命令,支持命令行色彩,用户交互,进度显示,数据格式化显示,生成bash/zsh命令补全脚本
  • go-gitea/gitea - Git with a cup of tea! Painless self-hosted all-in-one software development service, including Git hosting, code review, team collaboration, package registry and CI/CD
  • chzyer/readline - Readline is a pure go(golang) implementation for GNU-Readline kind library
  • 8treenet/freedom - Freedom是一个基于六边形架构的框架,可以支撑充血的领域模型范式。
  • v2fly/v2ray-core - A platform for building proxies to bypass network restrictions.
  • bramvdbogaerde/go-scp - Simple Golang scp client
  • go-faker/faker - Go (Golang) Fake Data Generator for Struct, previously
  • gookit/color - 🎨 Terminal color rendering library, support 8/16 colors, 256 colors, RGB color rendering output, support Print/Sprintf methods, compatible with Windows. GO CLI 控制台颜色渲染工具库,支持16色,256色,RGB色彩渲染输出,使用类似于 Print/Sprintf,兼容并支持 Windows 环境的色彩渲染
  • desertbit/grumble - A powerful modern CLI and SHELL
  • dtylman/gowd - Build cross platform GUI apps with GO and HTML/JS/CSS (powered by nwjs)
  • gizak/termui - Golang terminal dashboard
  • mum4k/termdash - Terminal based dashboard.
  • olekukonko/tablewriter - ASCII table in golang
  • golang/term - Go terminal and console support
  • spf13/cobra - A Commander for modern Go CLI interactions
  • buger/goterm - Advanced terminal output in Go
  • yqchilde/wxbot - ☝🏻 一个好玩的个人微信机器人程序(DaenDLL、VLW),插件开发,查天气,ChatGPT聊天,设置定时任务,公众号监控转发...
  • fasthttp/websocket - WebSocket implementation for fasthttp.
  • moul/assh - 💻 make your ssh client smarter
  • gowechat/example - 【例子】微信开发SDK(Wechat SDK For Golang)
  • moul/sshportal - 🎩 simple, fun and transparent SSH (and telnet) bastion server
  • yongxinz/id-maker - Go 开发的一款分布式唯一 ID 生成系统
  • douyu/jupiter-examples - Examples of Jupiter.
  • smallnest/dive-to-gosync-workshop - 深入Go并发编程研讨课
  • mitchellh/mapstructure - Go library for decoding generic map values into native Go structures and vice versa.
  • jiujuan/go-collection - 🌷 awesome awesome go, study golang from basic to proficient。Go Study Guide。从学习 Go 基础语法和高级特性,到实战项目,再到架构微服务,最后到跑路。
  • douyu/jupiter - Jupiter: Governance-oriented Microservice Framework.
  • elza2/go-cyclic - Go 循环依赖检测工具. import cycle not allowed. cyclic dependency detection tool. go-cyclic tool.
  • JakeXu/aliyun-sms-sdk-golang - 基于HTTP协议的阿里云短信服务golang版本实现
  • evrone/go-clean-template - Clean Architecture template for Golang services
  • CyanAsterisk/FreeCar - Time-sharing car rental system suite based on CloudWeGo series framework
  • Q1mi/bubble - a sample demo base on gin and gorm.
  • xxjwxc/gormt - database to golang struct
  • bufanyun/hotgo - HotGo 是一个基于 vue 和 goframe2.0 开发的全栈前后端分离的开发基础平台和移动应用平台,集成jwt鉴权,动态路由,动态菜单,casbin鉴权,消息队列,定时任务等功能,提供多种常用场景文件,让您把更多时间专注在业务开发上。
  • bookstairs/bookhunter - A download tools for clawing the ebooks from internets.
  • phyuany/gin-demo - 基于Gin+GORM框架的Restful API接口开发
  • ArtisanCloud/PowerWeChat - PowerWechat是一款基于WeChat SDK for Golang,支持小程序、微信支付、企业微信、公众号等全微信生态
  • royalrick/weapp - 微信小程序服务端 SDK (for Golang)
  • xmgtony/apiserver-gin - 生产就绪的api服务端(基于golang gin)
  • cli/cli - GitHub’s official command line tool
  • go-reform/reform - A better ORM for Go, based on non-empty interfaces and code generation.
  • nikoksr/notify - A dead simple Go library for sending notifications to various messaging services.
  • gphper/ginadmin - 基于Gin开发的后台脚手架,集成了、数据库操作、日志管理、权限分配管理、多模板页面、自动分页器、数据库迁移和填充、Docker集成部署等功能、静态资源打包
  • deepzz0/appdemo - app demo
  • eiblog/eiblog - a fast blog system in golang
  • gtoxlili/wechat-chatGPT - 实现微信公众号被动返回接口的ChatGPT
  • sashabaranov/go-openai - OpenAI ChatGPT, GPT-3, GPT-4, DALL·E, Whisper API wrapper for Go
  • caddyserver/caddy - Fast and extensible multi-platform HTTP/1-2-3 web server with automatic HTTPS


  • Nain57/Smart-AutoClicker - An open-source auto clicker on images for Android
  • jinweijie/notify-me - An Android application that forwards Bark, Email, Webhook notifications upon receiving SMS messages or phone calls.
  • gurecn/YuyanIme - 雨燕拼音输入法-一款基于Rime定制开发的九键、全拼、双拼、手写、火星文等方案、支持悬浮、单手、数字行等键盘模式的中文输入法
  • Kin69/EasyNotes - EasyNotes: Jetpack Compose MVVM for seamless note-taking. Effortless creation, editing, and organization.
  • axel358/smartdock - A user-friendly desktop mode launcher that offers a modern and customizable user interface
  • queuejw/MetroPhoneLauncher - My first experimental android launcher with Windows Phone 8 design
  • simonediberardino/DIB-Car-Launcher - Android launcher designed to be installed in the modern android car radios.
  • FossifyOrg/Keyboard - Easy keyboard for inserting all kinds of texts, special characters and numbers.
  • XayahSuSuSu/Android-DataBackup - DataBackup for Android 7.0+
  • pyamsoft/tetherfi - TetherFi - Internet sharing without Root
  • LibChecker/LibChecker - An app to view libraries used in apps in your device.
  • Ashinch/ReadYou - An Android RSS reader presented in Material You style.
  • Kotlin/anko - Pleasant Android application development
  • mobile-dev-inc/maestro - Painless Mobile UI Automation
  • KieronQuinn/TapTap - Port of the double tap on back of device feature from Android 12 to any Android 7.0+ device
  • T8RIN/ImageToolbox - 🖼️ Image Toolbox is a powerful app for advanced image manipulation. It offers dozens of features, from basic tools like crop and draw to filters, OCR, and a wide range of image processing options
  • 0x4f53/Wristkey - A free and open-source 2FA app for smartwatches.
  • pppscn/SmsForwarder - 短信转发器——监控Android手机短信、来电、APP通知,并根据指定规则转发到其他手机:钉钉群自定义机器人、钉钉企业内机器人、企业微信群机器人、飞书机器人、企业微信应用消息、邮箱、bark、webhook、Telegram机器人、Server酱、PushPlus、手机短信等。包括主动控制服务端与客户端,让你轻松远程发短信、查短信、查通话、查话簿、查电量等。(V3.0 新增)PS.这个APK主要是学习与自用,如有BUG请提ISSUE,同时欢迎大家提PR指正
  • Heapy/awesome-kotlin - A curated list of awesome Kotlin related stuff Inspired by awesome-java.
  • d4rken-org/sdmaid-se - SD Maid 2/SE is Android's most thorough cleaning tool.
  • LinkSheet/LinkSheet - Restore link control on Android 12+
  • mslalith/focus_launcher - A minimalist Android Launcher built with Jetpack Compose.
  • MM2-0/Kvaesitso - A search-focused Android launcher
  • AChep/keyguard-app - Keyguard is an alternative client for the Bitwarden® platform, created to provide the best user experience possible.
  • lihenggui/blocker - Utilize an integrated firewall to manage application components.
  • fei-ke/HMSPush - 让非华为设备支持 HMS 推送,同时避免唤醒目标应用
  • MetaCubeX/ClashMetaForAndroid - A rule-based tunnel for Android.
  • RikkaApps/Shizuku - Using system APIs directly with adb/root privileges from normal apps through a Java process started with app_process.
  • gkd-kit/gkd - 基于无障碍,高级选择器,订阅规则的自定义屏幕点击 Android 应用 | An Android APP with custom screen tapping based on Accessibility, Advanced Selectors, and Subscription Rules
  • florisboard/florisboard - An open-source keyboard for Android which respects your privacy. Currently in early-beta.
  • GuoXiCheng/SKIP - 自动跳过APP开屏广告
  • kaungkhantjc/linker - Linker is an open source, simple deep link launcher app.
  • fork-maintainers/iceraven-browser - Iceraven Browser
  • yairm210/Unciv - Open-source Android/Desktop remake of Civ V
  • bitwarden/android - Bitwarden mobile app for Android.
  • JetBrains/ideavim - IdeaVim – A Vim engine for JetBrains IDEs
  • android/nowinandroid - A fully functional Android app built entirely with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose
  • JetBrains/kotlin - The Kotlin Programming Language.
  • massivemadness/Squircle-CE - 👨‍💻 Squircle CE is a fast and free multi-language code editor for Android










  • iDvel/rime-ice - Rime 配置:雾凇拼音 | 长期维护的简体词库
  • Kong/kong - 🦍 The Cloud-Native API Gateway and AI Gateway.




  • peazip/PeaZip - Free Zip / Unzip software and Rar file extractor. Cross-platform file and archive manager. Features volume spanning, compression, authenticated encryption. Supports 7Z, 7-Zip sfx, ACE, ARJ, Brotli, BZ2, CAB, CHM, CPIO, DEB, GZ, ISO, JAR, LHA/LZH, NSIS, OOo, PAQ/LPAQ, PEA, QUAD, RAR, RPM, split, TAR, Z, ZIP, ZIPX, Zstandard.
  • sebaxakerhtc/rdpwrap - RDP Wrapper Library



  • guozhigq/pilipala - PiliPala 是使用Flutter开发的BiliBili第三方客户端,感谢使用。
  • chen08209/FlClash - A multi-platform proxy client based on ClashMeta,simple and easy to use, open-source and ad-free.
  • localsend/localsend - An open-source cross-platform alternative to AirDrop
  • Solido/awesome-flutter - An awesome list that curates the best Flutter libraries, tools, tutorials, articles and more.
  • flutter/flutter - Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond
  • hiddify/hiddify-next - Multi-platform auto-proxy client, supporting Sing-box, X-ray, TUIC, Hysteria, Reality, Trojan, SSH etc. It’s an open-source, secure and ad-free.
  • guozhigq/flutter_v2ex - 使用flutter开发的v2ex客户端,支持Android和iOS设备。在Android 12+机型上支持Material You取色


  • Kyle-Ye/XcodeLLMEligible -
  • angristan/openvpn-install - Set up your own OpenVPN server on Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS or Arch Linux.
  • dadatuputi/bitwarden_gcloud - Bitwarden installation optimized for Google Cloud's 'always free' e2-micro compute instance
  • Minionguyjpro/NovaInstaller - Installs the Nova Launcher to /system/app/ on Android. Requires Magisk root!
  • techknowlogick/xgo - Go CGO cross compiler
  • taamarin/box_for_magisk - Transparent Proxy for Android(root)
  • dockur/windows - Windows inside a Docker container.
  • juewuy/ShellCrash - Run sing-box/mihomo as client in shell
  • nvm-sh/nvm - Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
  • MichaelCade/90DaysOfDevOps - This repository started out as a learning in public project for myself and has now become a structured learning map for many in the community. We have 3 years under our belt covering all things DevOps, including Principles, Processes, Tooling and Use Cases surrounding this vast topic.
  • moovweb/gvm - Go Version Manager
  • vaaandark/dotfiles - use stow to manager my dotfiles
  • ffffffff0x/f8x - 红/蓝队环境自动化部署工具 | Red/Blue team environment automation deployment tool
  • sigoden/argc-completions - {bash,zsh,fish,powershell,nushell}-completions for 1000+ commands.
  • Hax4us/TermuxAlpine - Use calling to install Alpine Linux in Termux on Android. This setup script will attempt to set Alpine Linux up in your Termux environment.
  • YT-Advanced/WSA-Script - Integrate Magisk root and Google Apps into WSA (Windows Subsystem for Android) with GitHub Actions
  • dylanaraps/pure-bash-bible - 📖 A collection of pure bash alternatives to external processes.
  • tmux-plugins/tmux-yank - Tmux plugin for copying to system clipboard. Works on OSX, Linux and Cygwin.
  • youngyangyang04/leetcode-master - 《代码随想录》LeetCode 刷题攻略:200道经典题目刷题顺序,共60w字的详细图解,视频难点剖析,50余张思维导图,支持C++,Java,Python,Go,JavaScript等多语言版本,从此算法学习不再迷茫!🔥🔥 来看看,你会发现相见恨晚!🚀
  • BoobooWei/booboo_mysql - MySQL 基础教程
  • yaocccc/yaocccc -




Jupyter Notebook




  • 7sDream/fonts-and-layout-zhCN - 《Fonts and Layout for Global Scripts》中文版。一本关于字体设计、Unicode和计算机中复杂文本处理的免费书籍。


  • rcmaehl/WhyNotWin11 - Detection Script to help identify why your PC is not Windows 11 Release Ready. Now Supporting Update Checks!



  • hardhackerlabs/book - 「硬地骇客 - 两个月 $12000 ARR 实践之路」是由 硬地骇客 团队编著,本书是关于 Podwise 产品历程的忠实记录:内容包含 灵感 - 构建 - 发布 - 增长 - 复盘 五个章节。如果你觉得一个人读不够过瘾,欢迎加入「硬地骇客」官方知识星球与专家们一起讨论!Podwise 的故事才刚刚开始,我们也将在星球持续分享我们的认知,成功可能无法复制,但失败一定可以借鉴。现在就点击下方链接加入吧!


  • major/MySQLTuner-perl - MySQLTuner is a script written in Perl that will assist you with your MySQL configuration and make recommendations for increased performance and stability.

Vim Script

Visual Basic .NET



  • ziglang/zig - General-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaining robust, optimal, and reusable software.


  • enso-org/enso - Hybrid visual and textual functional programming.



Vim script



  • revery-ui/revery - ⚡ Native, high-performance, cross-platform desktop apps - built with Reason!




Rich Text Format


  • vlang/v - Simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing maintainable software. Compiles itself in <1s with zero library dependencies. Supports automatic C => V translation.
