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How to install nuBuilder4 in an LXD container

This is a how-to install NuBuilder4 in an LXD Container on an Ubuntu 18.04 LXD "host" (whether that host is a Server/Desktop/VM).

Reference the nuBuilder website and the nuBuilder4 User Guide

There are also several Youtube Video Demonstrations of nuBuilder4

nuBuilder Forte is the 4th version of nuBuilder.

A browser-based tool created by nuSoftware for developing web-based database applications.

nuBuilder uses either MySQL or Maria DB databases and gives its users the ability to do database operations like...


With low-code tools that...

Drag and Drop objects.
Create database queries with the SQL Builder.
Create customised date and number formats with the Format Builder.
Create calculated fields with the Formula Builder.
Create Fast Forms.
Create Fast Reports.

And further customisation that can be done with...


The benefit of an LXD container is that you can easily copy/clone the "nubuilder" container or migrate the container to another LXD "host" locally, remotely or on a Cloud server. If you use LXD with ZFS/BTRFS (LXD will create & use a ZFS/BTRFS loop device if your file system isn't already ZFS/BTRFS) you can also utilize snapshot/restore etc for your NuBuilder4 LXD installation.

NOTE: LXD also supports various file systems including CEPH, BTRFS, ZFS, LVM, and plain directory-based EXF4 file systems. LXD also can create/manage other Distro's in LXD containers including Fedora, CentOS, Debian, Alpine, Oracle, Suse etc.

Anyway, I put these together because I just couldn't find any real guide on either Youtube, the web, or on the NuBuilder website with step-by-step instructions and had seen a lot of posts on the NuBuilder Forum asking how to install it.

The answer's always seemed to just point to the minimally informational instructions in the "setup" section of the Website which if you are experienced enough in all the basic components (apache2, mysql, PHP etc you could probably figure out even the missing informational pieces quickly.

As I worked on this I kept finding more and more pieces of important information related to how to install NuBuilder4 successfully that just were never collated into one place/document. So this is what I put together. Note: I am now using Nubuilder4 in LXD containers running on local & remote (cloud servers). So far things look like they are working as they are supposed to.


==={ To Install NuBuilder4 in an LXD container }====================================================

First in an Ubuntu Server/Desktop/VM .. create an LXD ubuntu container named "nubuilder"

lxc launch ubuntu:b nubuilder  

Then access the "nubuilder" container which logs you in as root and leaves you at a Bash prompt:

lxc exec nubuilder bash  

Install required software for NuBuilder4:

 # apt install mysql-server apache2 php php-mysql unzip libapache2-mod-php php-mbstring -y  

Make sure the mysql "root" password is set to use "passwords" and not "auth-socket". You can do this by
following Step 3 — (Optional) Adjusting User Authentication and Privileges in:

After making sure MySQL root is using passwords not auth-socket...

# cd /var/www/html  

# wget  

# unzip ./  

Create an empty Database

# mv ./nuBuilder4-master/* .  

# rm ./index.html  

# myql -u root -p  

mysql> CREATE DATABASE nubuilder4;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> quit

Copy the nubuilder4.sql schema into that empty database

# mysql -u root -p nubuilder4 < ./nubuilder4.sql  

Add the mysql root password to the nuconfig.conf file

# nano nuconfig.php  

Change the "root" password in nuconfig.php to match what you entered when you created a password for ROOT in MySQL above.

Make sure to open Ports 80 & maybe 8080 for html access to the container

# ufw allow 80  
# ufw allow 8080  

To make sure that the nubuilder4 setup tab is present when logging in as "globeadmin" you need to edit my.cnf and add some config statements

 # nano /etc/alternatives/my.cnf

Then append/add...




==={ Reboot your LXD Container then Access/Use NuBuilder4 }===============================================

Whether you installed NuBuilder4 in LXD in a VM/Desktop/or Server the setup should be complete so
now reboot the LXD container (or your VM, Server etc to verify everything comes back up and you can
now access NuBuilder4

shutdown -r now

point your web browser to: http://<IP_of_Container>

and login as: globeadmin
password: nu


How to install nuBuilder4 in an LXD container






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