A plugin for Select2 which adds the ability to click on the optgroup to select/unselect all of child options. The plugin defines two additional Select2 adapters - OptgroupData and OptgroupResults - which are passed in to the Select2 constructor.
First get a select element with optgroups:
<select id='target'>
<optgroup label="All Manhattan">
<option value='3'>Flatiron</option>
<option value='4'>Upper West Side</option>
<optgroup label="All Queens">
<option value='5'>Long Island City</option>
<option value='6'>Astoria</option>
Now call the Select2 constructor on the Select2, passing in the custom adapters. Retrieve them using Select2's built-in module system.
// Retrieve the adapters!
$.fn.select2.amd.require(["optgroup-data", "optgroup-results"], function (OptgroupData, OptgroupResults) {
// Construct!
dataAdapter: OptgroupData,
resultsAdapter: OptgroupResults,
Remember: both adapters must be used together!
The select2.optgroupSelect.js file defines the two adapters using the global $.fn.select2 variable. Declare Select2 as a dependency in your package management system - or place it first if you're inlining styles - and you're good.
There is a also a limited select2.optgroupSelect.css file which adds the default Select2 option styles to optgroups.
First install the dev dependencies:
npm install
To compile the distribution javascript:
grunt compile
To run the test suite:
grunt test