This userscript is hosted at
Which is synced with this gist.
To use this script, inject it into any page, and RIGHT-CLICK on the image you want to view full-size
This can be accomplished by
- visiting the its greasyfork user-script page and installing it
- pasting the code directly into a broswer console.
while the image is "open", you can drag it around with the mouse to pan instead of scrolling
In Firefox, it's a little different. You have to click the image to toggle the dragging functionality on and off
There is a close button, and a full URL link at the top of the page
You can press Esc to close the image without the need for clicking the close button
You can press Ctrl to re-initialize the script, for when dynamically generated images don't respond to right-clicking
If you left click an image spawned by the script, and press the arrow keys, you can resize the image. Left/right for width, and UP/Down for height
Special thanks to Cyberdevil for providing suggestions
- Escape key
- Provide Direct URL to image
- Image should be draggable
- Don't let it interfere with default click events
- Various bug reports