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Repository files navigation

Quick start

  1. Create a .env file and populate it. Use .env.template as a reference.
  2. Install PostgreSQL and Node.js.
  3. Create a server with name postgres and password admin.
  4. Create a database called doctor-large.
  5. Run npm install
  6. Run npx prisma db push.
  7. Run npm run start.

Put or clear commands

  1. Populate the APPLICATION_ID key in your .env file with your application id (the bot's user id).
  2. (Optional) Populate the GUILD_ID key in your .env file with your desired guild's ID.
  3. Run npm run commands:put or npm run commands:clear to put or clear commands.

Creating commands

  • Commands go in ./src/commands/*
  • Commands can be nested one layer (./src/commands/**/*)
  • Files can be prefixed with mod. to be ignored
  • Files can be nested at least two layers deep to be ignored
  • Commands must export a function getCommand that when called returns a function returning an object implementing the CommandExport type

File structure example:

├── commands/
│   ├── commandFile.ts
│   ├── mod.thisFileWillBeIgnored.ts
│   └── folder/
│       ├── otherCommandFile.ts
│       ├── mod.thisFileWillBeIgnored.ts
│       └── nestedFolder/
│           ├── thisFileWillBeIgnored.ts
│           └── andAnyDeeperNestedFiles.ts

File example:

// ... Imports

// You need one of `chatInput` and `contextMenu`. You can have both.
const data: CommandData = {
	chatInput: {
		name: "name",
		description: "description",
		// rest of data...
	contextMenu: {
		name: "name",
		// rest of data...

const chatInput = async (
	interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction<"cached">
) => {
	// `interaction` is untouched.
	//    (you should deferReply atop this function if applicable)
	// Code here...

const contextMenu = async (
	// You want to type this as either:
	//  - MessageContextMenuCommandInteraction
	//  - UserContextMenuCommandInteraction
	interaction: ContextMenuCommandInteraction<"cached">
) => {
	// `interaction` is untouched.
	//    (you should deferReply atop this function if applicable)

	// Code here...

const autocomplete = async (
	interaction: AutocompleteInteraction<"cached">
) => {
	// Only needed if you have at least one option with `autocomplete: true` .

	// Code here...

// This *must* be present in every command file.
export const getCommand: () => Command = () => ({
	handle: {
		// at least one is needed
		// `autocomplete` cannot be present without `chatInput`

Creating events

  • Events go in ./src/events/*
  • Events cannot be nested. Any nested files will be ignored
  • Events must export a function getEvent that when called returns a function returning an object implementing the EventExport type
  • The function execute has the parameters as defined in discord.js' documentation (Exception: ready event, which is given the client)

File structure example:

├── events/
│   ├── eventFile.ts
│   └── folder/
│       ├── thisFileWillBeIgnored.ts
│       └── andAnyDeeperNestedFiles.ts

File example:

// ... Imports

// Change the params as per discord.js documentation
const execute = (client: Client<true>) => {
	// Code here...

export const getEvent: () => EventExport = () => ({
	// Change this to be the event you want
	event: Events.ClientReady,


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