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303 lines (250 loc) · 13.8 KB

6.0.0 Same as it ever was

In the past few months we've been able to use choo@5 a bunch, and people seem to like it a lot! In this patch all we're doing is taking choo's existing API, and polishing the internals. In theory this means breaking changes, but in practice it will mostly mean people need to update their dependencies, and things will work great.

Choo v6 includes the upgrades to bel@5 and nanomorph@5. This means up to 20x faster server rendering, and up to 10x improved browser rendering speeds. We've also fixed DOM node caching, and introduced sibling node reordering.

This release also includes an overhauled timing API. We're now capturing more events, and are leveraging this in tools like choo-log to provide consistent feedback on performance.

Choo is now also completely prototype based. It not only means faster execution times, and more maintainable codebase - but you can also override methods if you ever need to.

We've also tweaked the event system a little. All built-in event names are now available as constants under And we've introduced three new events: 'navigate' will trigger whenever a route changes, 'replaceState' can be called to redirect routes, and popState which is emitted when the back button in the browser is pressed.

To top things off, we've reintroduced querystring parsing. An object containing the current represenation of the search query (e.g. ?foo=bar) can be found under state.query. We used to do something similar in choo v4 and below, and we're happy to reintroduce it in this release!

And that's about it - we've upgraded a whole slew of deps, and removed a few we didn't quite use. Overall we're quite proud of the new codebase, and filled with joy we didn't have to make any changes to the API - additions only.

Thanks heaps for reading this far, we hope you enjoy this release as much as we did building it. Happy coding! -Team Choo ✨

5.1.0 Timing API support

In order to improve, we must measure first. Specifically when it comes to framerate there are very specific numbers we can rely on: ~16ms for any given frame to achieve 60fps. That's why in 5.1.0 we're adding support for the window.Performance API.

We hope that by adding support for timers, people building applications on choo will become more aware of their application's performance and learn how and when to optimize. Hopefully this will help in making applications accessible to all sorts of devices, and not just the latest and greatest.

Timing support will be enabled by default, and can be toggled off by passing { timing: false } to the var app = choo() constructor.

Timing calls will not run in browsers that don't support it out of the box. For unsupported browser's there's a polyfill available at nolanlawson/marky. The timing marks are choo:renderStart, choo:renderEnd. The resulting diff is stored as choo:render.

We hope you'll enjoy this release; thanks heaps for using choo!


  • added out of the box support for performance timings (window.performance)
  • updated nanobus to 3.0.0; '*' events now run after named events

5.0.0 Welp Welp Welp

So it turns out Choo could be radically simplified. We're now comfortably sitting at ~4kb, have removed a whole bunch of words from the API and should be a whole lot faster. We've written about it before; if you're interested we recommend reading through that post.

We're now using an event emitter, mutable state and explicit re-renders. Some people might frown at first at the words "mutable state", but if you think it through the mental model doesn't change. "State" has always been a concept of an object that changes over time; we then render the DOM as a snapshot of that state.

What we've done is change the way we mutate that state - we no longer generate a ton of expensive intermediate objects to mutate the state, but instead mutate the state directly. In turn we've also removed the magic re-rendering and made it explicit. This enables people to create tight render loops that can even be used in GC constrained environments like games or music production. We think this change was well worth it, and will make a lot of sense going forward.

People might also wonder why we've moved away from flux/elm and are using an event emitter now. It turns out that the previous architecture had a lot of confusing words that made it harder to learn than it should. It was also not possible to react to changes; the thing that changed always had to specify what needed to respond to it. By using event emitters we've changed this, which will make relations in the application more expressive. All in all, it turned out that all we needed for this was a simple event emitter - we think this was well worth the change and breaking away from what we were previously doing.

Pretty much everything about the API changed in this version. There's literally nothing left to remove from the API tho so this is probably the last time we get to break anything in a significant way.


  • ❗ state is now mutable and renders are triggered through .emit('render').
  • ❗ we've replaced .use(), .model() and the rest of the choo architecture with a reworked .use() method. It's called once on boot, and exposes a mutable reference to state and an event emitter that's compatible with Node's require('events').EventEmitter
  • ❗ the .router() method has been replaced with .route(), replacing the nested array API. This should be easier to remember and more performant.
  • ❗ we've replaced morphdom/yo-yo with nanomorph. The two algorithms are very comparable. The differences are that the new algorithm is smaller and the value of input fields on re-rendering will be whatever the value="" attribute is.
  • choo/mount is now available as app.mount() and calls app.start() internally now

4.0.0 The routing patch

This patch changes the way we handle routes. It introduces query string support (!), and changes the router to use a lisp-like syntax. It also inverts the argument order of effects and reducers to be more intuitive. We also managed to sneak in some performance upgrades ✨ - We hope you enjoy it!


  • ❗ slim down server side rendering API | issue | pull-request
  • ❗ update router API to be lisp-like
  • ❗ swap state and data argument order | issue
  • ❗ remove choo/http. Use xhr instead | pull-request
  • update router to use memoization | issue | pull-request
  • support inline anchor links | issue
  • allow bypassing of link clicks in sheet-router | issue | pull-request
  • update router API to handle hashes by default
  • update router to provide out of the box support for Electron
  • update location state to expose search parameters (query strings) | issue


Yay, plugins now support wrappers which is a segway onto HMR, time travel and other cool plugins. These changes have come through in barracks v8.3.0 and a lil fix in v8.3.1. This is a lil patch before 4.0.0 comes through, but should be super valuable. Wooh!


  • updated barracks to v8.3.1


Wooh, plugins are a first class citizen now thanks to the .use() API. It's a multiplexed version of the old app = choo(hooks). It should enable attaching multiple hooks onto the same API, which is useful to create re-usable extensions to choo. They should be used with care though, and be as generic as possible, but the docs should provide enough backdrop for that. Anyway, have fun with plugins! 🎉


  • added app.use()


And another patch down. This time around it's mostly maintenance and a bit of perf:

  • The addition of the nanoraf dependency prevents bursts of DOM updates thrashing application performance, quite possibly making choo amongst the fastest frameworks out there.
  • We now ship standalone UMD bundles on each release, available through The goal of this is to support sites like codepen and the like; this should not be used for production.


Woooh, happy third birthday choo - thanks dad. You're all grown up now; look at how far you've come in the last month. You've grown... tinier? But yet you do more? I love you choo - shut up dad.

Notable changes

Who's the tiniest of them all?

choo is now 5kb optimized! That's 2kb less compared to v2. Woah, how? We now support yo-yoify which optimizes those lil template tags to document.createElement() calls. So not only is it smaller, creating elements now has no overhead. Pretty nifty eh? Mad shoutout to Shama for building this!

Captain Hook(s)

V3 introduces hooks - powerful functions that are called at certain points in the refresh cycle. Unlike functions in models these functions have unfiltered access to all properties, call stacks and more. They're super useful when building error handling, logging or persisting for stuff like hot reloading. I quite like them, and I'm def keen to see what uses people will come up with!

Effect Composition 🚋🚋🚋🚋

effects are now composable by calling a done(err, res) callback when they're done executing. This means that multiple namespaced effects can be chained together to form some higher level behavior.

Think of cases like "logout" - multiple models must be cleared, perhaps tokens invalidated on the server, all in a certain order. This requires multiple models to work in tandem. - And now that's possible! ✨

Pathfinders guide

We've started work on the choo handbook - a lil manual to help you get started, not only with choo, but with web development in general. It's super modest still, only containing a single choo tutorial, but we'll be expanding this over the coming months. If you want to contribute some docs, there's a whole section of ideas on stuff that might be neat to write. Any lil bits are welcome! Shout out to Tim for making this happen 🎉

The Cycle of Life

views have gone through a bit of a change - they're now required using require('choo/html') so they can be factored out of a project into standalone bel components at any time. But additionally these components have gained super powers through the adition of onload and onunload hooks. Components can now react to being mounted or not, which makes them ideal to implement standalone widgets. This behavior uses html5 MutationObserver under the hood, so it will work anywhere with a DOM! Again, this was all Shama's hard work.

Test coverage

choo has gained a beaut blanket of tests, courtesy of Todd and Ben. We've got server, browser and pretty-much-all-browsers-known-to-mankind style testing which should give us a pretty good idea if stuff breaks. Neat!

Core dump

Internally we've moved the core of choo into a separate package - barracks. choo is now mere glue code around barracks, yo-yo and sheet-router. This is good news for folks who like choo, but don't agree with all decisions. Go forth and build your own lil framework!


  • move choo.view out to require('choo/html') #71 | pr #103
  • streamline view API #35 | pr #111
  • higher order functions #34 | pr #104
  • create lifecycle hooks #1 | feature addition in dependency covered by semver
  • implement state hooks #15 | pr #104
  • add yo-yoify #3 | pr #110
  • rename "app" namespace #82 | pr #111
  • enable browser testing | pr #86
  • propagating actions creates infinite loop #114 | pr #104
  • state is now immutable in reducers and effects


Huge thanks to everyone who's collaborated on this, provided feedback or even mentioned it anywhere. It's been a hella lot of people, but seriously, you're the best 🚂🚋🚋🚋🚋🚋


  • 76 - fix router arguments


  • 55 - load subscriptions once DOM is ready
  • heaps of documentation fixes; looks like choo is taking off 🐨


  • 53 - fix assert call for subscriptions
  • 52 - fix naming rootId


breaking changes

  • namespaces are now enforced more strictly
  • models now only accept a single argument
  • the namespace key was introduced inside of models (was prior the leading string in models)
  • namespaced models can now only operate within themselves


  • first version of choo