Highlight colors within Neovim
- Realtime color highlighting
- Supports hex, rgb, hsl, CSS variables, and Tailwind CSS
- LSP support! For any LSP that supports
like tailwindcss and csslsp - Multiple rendering modes: background, foreground, and virtual text
Install via your preferred package manager:
Initialize the plugin:
-- Ensure termguicolors is enabled if not already
vim.opt.termguicolors = true
... other configs
formatting = {
format = require("nvim-highlight-colors").format
... other configs
formatting = {
format = function(entry, item)
item = -- YOUR other configs come first
return require("nvim-highlight-colors").format(entry, item)
The out of the box format
function does not necessarily play nicely with lspkind
and potentially other formatters provided by plugins and may require manual intervention. Here is an example of making the integration work nicely with lspkind
... other configs
formatting = {
format = function(entry, item)
local color_item = require("nvim-highlight-colors").format(entry, { kind = item.kind })
item = require("lspkind").cmp_format({
-- any lspkind format settings here
})(entry, item)
if color_item.abbr_hl_group then
item.kind_hl_group = color_item.abbr_hl_group
item.kind = color_item.abbr
return item
require("nvim-highlight-colors").setup {
---Render style
---@usage 'background'|'foreground'|'virtual'
render = 'background',
---Set virtual symbol (requires render to be set to 'virtual')
virtual_symbol = '■',
---Set virtual symbol suffix (defaults to '')
virtual_symbol_prefix = '',
---Set virtual symbol suffix (defaults to ' ')
virtual_symbol_suffix = ' ',
---Set virtual symbol position()
---@usage 'inline'|'eol'|'eow'
---inline mimics VS Code style
---eol stands for `end of column` - Recommended to set `virtual_symbol_suffix = ''` when used.
---eow stands for `end of word` - Recommended to set `virtual_symbol_prefix = ' ' and virtual_symbol_suffix = ''` when used.
virtual_symbol_position = 'inline',
---Highlight hex colors, e.g. '#FFFFFF'
enable_hex = true,
---Highlight short hex colors e.g. '#fff'
enable_short_hex = true,
---Highlight rgb colors, e.g. 'rgb(0 0 0)'
enable_rgb = true,
---Highlight hsl colors, e.g. 'hsl(150deg 30% 40%)'
enable_hsl = true,
---Highlight CSS variables, e.g. 'var(--testing-color)'
enable_var_usage = true,
---Highlight named colors, e.g. 'green'
enable_named_colors = true,
---Highlight tailwind colors, e.g. 'bg-blue-500'
enable_tailwind = false,
---Set custom colors
---Label must be properly escaped with '%' to adhere to `string.gmatch`
--- :help string.gmatch
custom_colors = {
{ label = '%-%-theme%-primary%-color', color = '#0f1219' },
{ label = '%-%-theme%-secondary%-color', color = '#5a5d64' },
-- Exclude filetypes or buftypes from highlighting e.g. 'exclude_buftypes = {'text'}'
exclude_filetypes = {},
exclude_buftypes = {}
Examples shown use
enable_tailwind = true
Virtual text
nvim-cmp integration
Command | Description |
:HighlightColors On |
Turn highlights on |
:HighlightColors Off |
Turn highlights off |
:HighlightColors Toggle |
Toggle highlights |
Commands are also available in lua: