Collection of web components to be used in the CBA:
- cba-list - Single column list.
- cba-table - Multi column table.
- drag-drop - Drag and dropping cba-list to cba-table example.
- cba-tooltip - A tooltip with header, text and link, that automatically calculate opening directions.
- cba-tabs - Tabs component for switching between different panels.
- cba-button - A regular styled button.
The code for the components can be found in the src directory.
npm install
npm start # Starts development server
After launching command above navigate to
http://localhost:3000/smoke/ and select a
component for smoke testing, for example if you are looking for smoke testing
is the page you are looking for, various smoke test implementations can be found
at tests/smoke directory.
Note: currently smoke tests are also used for documenation purpose.
npm test # Launch puppeteer tests
The implementation for the puppeteer tests can be found at:
- tests/puppeteer - Main directory.
- tests/puppeteer/classes - Abstractions and helpers.
- tests/puppeteer/tests - Actual tests.
- tests/puppeteer/main.js - Various configurations.
npm install privacy-manager-components
cba-components # Build and import components
cba-components --single-bundle # Build and import components into single file
# Specify components to import
cba-components --comp pm-table --comp pm-toggle
cba-components --output dirname # Specifies output folder