A bot that scrapes tweets for the phrase "I love space" and aggregates a curated list of Twitters most excited and sometimes most filthy space lovers.
You'll need:
- Ruby installed on your command line
- A Twitter account with its own phone number
- the bot.rb file
To create a similar simple retweet Ruby bot, feel free to clone this repo using your command line. Edit the bot.rb file's search params. Run from your command line using
ruby bot.rb
Then refine the results and tweets you're getting!
I deployed this bot to heroku, and used the free Heroku Scheduler add-on to run every hour.
- Twitter gem - simplifies search and posting for Ruby bots
- Dotenv gem - simple draws in the variables from Twitter APIs
- Sublime Text
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- This bot was built using LoraineKV's CoinForTechConf as sample code
- Profile image and banner image for Twitter using Unsplash images