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This role creates a template that can be used to clone from for creating FreeBSD jails.
A base install is created inside a dataset, created as a temporary template jail.
Packages can be installed into this template. Default behaviour of the role is to only create a new snapshot if either the base install or pkgs see changes.


FreeBSD with ZFS

Role Variables


The default packages that should always be part of the template. For example, curl or sudo. Python is chosen here because it's required by Ansible. Custom packages can be provided with:

freebsd_jail_template_pkg: []

The freebsd_jail_template_default_pkg and freebsd_jail_template_pkg are combined and installed in one go into the template.

freebsd_jails_template_if:          "em0"
freebsd_jails_template_ip:          ""

freebsd_jails_template_if sets the interface used for installing packages into the template (so it's only used for install)
freebsd_jails_template_ip select an available IP that can download packages.

freebsd_jails_template_pkgs_prop:   "org:freebsd:packages"

This variable allows storing the installed packages and their versions as a ZFS property.

freebsd_jails_location:             "/usr/local/jails"
freebsd_jails_dataset:              "zroot/jails"
freebsd_jails_template_dataset:     "zroot/jails/templates"
freebsd_jails_template_mount:       "{{ freebsd_jails_location }}/templates"
freebsd_jails_template_download:    "/tmp/jails-template-releases"
freebsd_downloadsite:               ""

freebsd_jails_location where to mount the jails onto the host filesystem.
freebsd_jails_dataset which ZFS dataset to place the jails under.
freebsd_jails_template_dataset which ZFS dataset to store the resulting templates under.
freebsd_jails_template_mount where to mount the templates under the host filesystem.
freebsd_jails_template_download where to store the FreeBSD txz files on the host.
freebsd_downloadsite where to grab the FreeBSD txz files from (defaults to the project)

- file: "base.txz"
  creates: "bin/"
- file: "lib32.txz"
  creates: "libexec/"

freebsd_jails_default_install determines which bits to download for the FreeBSD base install; The creates folder specifies a file or folder that will be present after the initial unpack so that we don't repeat the process.

- "etc/resolv.conf"
- "etc/localtime"

freebsd_jails_minimal_conf specifies which files to include into the template. These are copied from the host.

freebsd_jails_release:              "11.0-RELEASE"
freebsd_jails_base_template_name:   "base110"
freebsd_jails_template_version:     "{{ ansible_date_time.iso8601_micro }}"

freebsd_jails_release pretty obvious; Don't use a newer version than the host.
freebsd_jails_base_template_name the name of the template. Needs to be unique.
freebsd_jails_template_version whenever anything changes a new snapshot will be made according to what is in this variable. The default uses an iso8601 timestamp.

freebsd_jails_template_user set the username of your ssh user.
freebsd_jails_template_user_keys provide a github like url that contains the public SSH keys to be added in authorized_keys for the support user.
freebsd_jails_template_user_sudo determine if sudo should be installed into the jail and the wheel group added by default (TODO: make this more flexible)

freebsd_jails_base_template_noupdate: no

Setting freebsd_jails_base_template_noupdate to yes basically skips the role if the template already exists; This allows iterating quicker over development.



Example Playbook

This example creates a few different templates. Only the software is installed, further configuration should be done by other playbooks.

   - hosts: all
     sudo: true
     - role: bvansomeren.freebsd-jail-template
       freebsd_jails_base_template_name: base-11-0
       - "curl"
       - "wget"
       - "vim-lite"
       - "ncdu"
     - role: bvansomeren.freebsd-jail-template
       freebsd_jails_base_template_name: java8-11-0
       - "openjdk8"
     - role: bvansomeren.freebsd-jail-template
       freebsd_jails_base_template_name: gf41-11-0
       - "openjdk8"
       - "glassfish-4.1"
     - role: bvansomeren.freebsd-jail-template
       freebsd_jails_base_template_name: php70-11-0
       - "php70"
       - "php70-json"
       - "php70-openssl"
       - "php70-mysqli"
       - "php70-opcache" 



Author Information

An optional section for the role authors to include contact information, or a website (HTML is not allowed).


Creates ZFS templates for Jails






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