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The AutoBenchmark tries to measure the amount of overhead caused by the context switching between coroutines. It uses 2 alternating coroutines to increment a global counter for X number of seconds. Each time the counter is incremented, there is a Coroutine context switch. The amount of microseconds it takes to increment the counter by 1 is given in the AceRoutine column.

It then uses does the same thing using just a simple while-loop, which provides a baseline. This is represented by the base column.

The difference between the 2 benchmarks (represented by the diff column below) is the overhead caused by the Coroutine context switch.

All times in below are in microseconds.

DO NOT EDIT: This file was auto-generated using make

Version: AceRoutine v1.5.1


This program depends on the following libraries:

How to Generate

This requires the AUniter script to execute the Arduino IDE programmatically.

The Makefile has rules to generate the *.txt results file for several microcontrollers that I usually support, but the $ make benchmarks command does not work very well because the USB port of the microcontroller is a dynamically changing parameter. I created a semi-automated way of collect the *.txt files:

  1. Connect the microcontroller to the serial port. I usually do this through a USB hub with individually controlled switch.
  2. Type $ auniter ports to determine its /dev/ttyXXX port number (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/ttyACM0).
  3. If the port is USB0 or ACM0, type $ make nano.txt, etc.
  4. Switch off the old microontroller.
  5. Go to Step 1 and repeat for each microcontroller.

The generate_table.awk program reads one of *.txt files and prints out an ASCII table that can be directly embedded into this file. For example the following command produces the table in the Nano section below:

$ ./generate_table.awk < nano.txt

Fortunately, we no longer need to run generate_table.awk for each *.txt file. The process has been automated using the script which will be invoked by the following command:

$ make

CPU Time Changes

  • v1.2.3

    • Add benchmarks for STM32.
  • v1.3

    • Replace floating point calculation in AutoBenchmark with fixed point calculations in micros and nanos, with the final printing done in micros to 3 decimal places (without using floating point ops).
    • Replace looping over a fixed elapsed time, with looping over fixed number of iterations for better accuracy.
      • If the elapsed time is kept constant, then the number of iteration of doBaseline() is different than the number of iterations of doAceRoutine(). When we subtract, the overhead of the loop (e.g. millis() - start`) are NOT canceld out correctly.
      • New numbers for CoroutineScheduler:
        • Nano: 5.28 -> 5.200 micros
        • Micro: 5.31 -> 5.000 micros
        • SAMD: 2.46 -> 1.933 micros
        • STM32: 1.76 -> 1.367 micros
        • ESP8266: 1.67 -> 1.100 micros
        • ESP32: 0.41 -> 0.300 micros
        • Teensy 3.2: 1.01 -> 0.500 micros
    • Add benchmark numbers for "DirectScheduling".
      • Calls Coroutine::runCoroutine() directly, instead of using the CoroutineScheduler to avoid the virtual dispatch.
      • Avoids overhead of cycling through the linked list.
      • Context switching using DirectScheduling is 3-9X faster compared to using CoroutineScheduler class.
    • Replace virtual clock ticking methods (Coroutine::coroutineMillis(), Coroutine::coroutineMicros(), Coroutine::coroutineSeconds()) with static calls to ClockInterface template class.
      • 10-40% performance improvement of CoroutineScheduler::loop().
    • Remove COROUTINE_DELAY_SECONDS() and COROUTINE_DELAY_MICROS() which eliminates the mDelayType discriminator, saving 1 byte on AVR.
    • Remove Coroutine::mName (type ace_common::FCString) which saves 3 bytes on AVR, and 8 bytes on 32-bit processors.
  • v1.3.1

    • Bring back COROUTINE_DELAY_MICROS() and COROUTINE_DELAY_SECONDS(), using an alternate implementation that increases flash and static memory consumption only if they are used.
    • CoroutineScheduler::runCoroutine() now always calls Coroutine::runCoroutine() when in Delaying state, without trying to optimize the test for isDelayXxxExpired().
      • Makes CoroutineScheduler slightly smaller in flash size.
      • Makes CoroutineScheduler slightly slower on AVR processors (e.g. 5.2 -> 5.5 micros on AVR) , but is actually faster on 32-bit processors (e.g. 1.100 -> 0.600 micros on ESP8266).
  • v1.4

    • Upgrade STM32duino Core from 1.9.0 to 2.0.0.
    • Upgrade SparkFun SAMD Core from 1.8.1 to 1.8.3.
    • No changes observed.
  • v1.4.1

    • Upgrade tool chain
      • Arduino IDE from 1.8.13 to 1.8.19
      • Arduino CLI from 0.14.0 to 0.19.2
      • Arduino AVR Core from 1.8.3 to 1.8.4
      • STM32duino from 2.0.0 to 2.2.0
      • ESP8266 Core from 2.7.4 to 3.0.2
      • ESP32 Core from 1.0.6 to 2.0.2
      • Teensyduino from 1.54 to 1.56
  • v1.5.0

    • Add CoroutineProfiler to CoroutineScheduler.
      • CoroutineScheduler::runCoroutine() becomes slightly slower:
      • 2.2-3 microseconds (AVR)
      • 0.4 microseconds (STM32)
      • 0.2-0.3 microseconds (ESP8266)
      • 0.1 microseconds (ESP32)
      • 0.03-0.17 microseconds (Teensy 3.2)
  • v1.5.1

    • Upgrade tool chain
      • Arduino CLI from 0.19.2 to 0.27.1
      • Arduino AVR Core from 1.8.4 to 1.8.5
      • STM32duino from 2.2.0 to 2.3.0
      • ESP32 Core from 2.0.2 to 2.0.5
      • Teensyduino from 1.56 to 1.57

Arduino Nano

  • 16MHz ATmega328P
  • Arduino IDE 1.8.19, Arduino CLI 0.27.1
  • Arduino AVR Boards 1.8.5
  • micros() has a resolution of 4 microseconds
Sizes of Objects:
sizeof(Coroutine): 16
sizeof(CoroutineScheduler): 2
sizeof(Channel<int>): 5
sizeof(LogBinProfiler): 66
sizeof(LogBinTableRenderer): 1
sizeof(LogBinJsonRenderer): 1

| Functionality                   |  iters | micros/iter |   diff |
| EmptyLoop                       |  10000 |       1.900 |  0.000 |
| DirectScheduling                |  10000 |       2.800 |  0.900 |
| DirectSchedulingWithProfiler    |  10000 |       5.800 |  3.900 |
| CoroutineScheduling             |  10000 |       7.000 |  5.100 |
| CoroutineSchedulingWithProfiler |  10000 |       9.300 |  7.400 |

SparkFun Pro Micro

  • 16 MHz ATmega32U4
  • Arduino IDE 1.8.19, Arduino CLI 0.27.1
  • SparkFun AVR Boards 1.1.13
  • micros() has a resolution of 4 microseconds
Sizes of Objects:
sizeof(Coroutine): 16
sizeof(CoroutineScheduler): 2
sizeof(Channel<int>): 5
sizeof(LogBinProfiler): 66
sizeof(LogBinTableRenderer): 1
sizeof(LogBinJsonRenderer): 1

| Functionality                   |  iters | micros/iter |   diff |
| EmptyLoop                       |  10000 |       1.700 |  0.000 |
| DirectScheduling                |  10000 |       2.900 |  1.200 |
| DirectSchedulingWithProfiler    |  10000 |       5.700 |  4.000 |
| CoroutineScheduling             |  10000 |       7.100 |  5.400 |
| CoroutineSchedulingWithProfiler |  10000 |       9.300 |  7.600 |


  • STM32 "Blue Pill", STM32F103C8, 72 MHz ARM Cortex-M3
  • Arduino IDE 1.8.19, Arduino CLI 0.27.1
  • STM32duino 2.3.0
Sizes of Objects:
sizeof(Coroutine): 28
sizeof(CoroutineScheduler): 4
sizeof(Channel<int>): 12
sizeof(LogBinProfiler): 68
sizeof(LogBinTableRenderer): 1
sizeof(LogBinJsonRenderer): 1

| Functionality                   |  iters | micros/iter |   diff |
| EmptyLoop                       |  30000 |       0.166 |  0.000 |
| DirectScheduling                |  30000 |       0.533 |  0.367 |
| DirectSchedulingWithProfiler    |  30000 |       0.933 |  0.767 |
| CoroutineScheduling             |  30000 |       1.100 |  0.934 |
| CoroutineSchedulingWithProfiler |  30000 |       1.466 |  1.300 |


  • NodeMCU 1.0 clone, 80MHz ESP8266
  • Arduino IDE 1.8.19, Arduino CLI 0.27.1
  • ESP8266 Boards 3.0.2
Sizes of Objects:
sizeof(Coroutine): 28
sizeof(CoroutineScheduler): 4
sizeof(Channel<int>): 12
sizeof(LogBinProfiler): 68
sizeof(LogBinTableRenderer): 1
sizeof(LogBinJsonRenderer): 1

| Functionality                   |  iters | micros/iter |   diff |
| EmptyLoop                       |  10000 |       0.200 |  0.000 |
| DirectScheduling                |  10000 |       0.500 |  0.300 |
| DirectSchedulingWithProfiler    |  10000 |       0.800 |  0.600 |
| CoroutineScheduling             |  10000 |       0.900 |  0.700 |
| CoroutineSchedulingWithProfiler |  10000 |       1.100 |  0.900 |


  • ESP32-01 Dev Board, 240 MHz Tensilica LX6
  • Arduino IDE 1.8.19, Arduino CLI 0.27.1
  • ESP32 Boards 2.0.5
Sizes of Objects:
sizeof(Coroutine): 28
sizeof(CoroutineScheduler): 4
sizeof(Channel<int>): 12
sizeof(LogBinProfiler): 68
sizeof(LogBinTableRenderer): 1
sizeof(LogBinJsonRenderer): 1

| Functionality                   |  iters | micros/iter |   diff |
| EmptyLoop                       |  30000 |       0.033 |  0.000 |
| DirectScheduling                |  30000 |       0.100 |  0.067 |
| DirectSchedulingWithProfiler    |  30000 |       0.233 |  0.200 |
| CoroutineScheduling             |  30000 |       0.333 |  0.300 |
| CoroutineSchedulingWithProfiler |  30000 |       0.433 |  0.400 |

Teensy 3.2

  • 96 MHz ARM Cortex-M4
  • Arduino IDE 1.8.19, Arduino CLI 0.27.1
  • Teensyduino 1.57
  • Compiler options: "Faster"
Sizes of Objects:
sizeof(Coroutine): 28
sizeof(CoroutineScheduler): 4
sizeof(Channel<int>): 12
sizeof(LogBinProfiler): 68
sizeof(LogBinTableRenderer): 1
sizeof(LogBinJsonRenderer): 1

| Functionality                   |  iters | micros/iter |   diff |
| EmptyLoop                       |  30000 |       0.066 |  0.000 |
| DirectScheduling                |  30000 |       0.233 |  0.167 |
| DirectSchedulingWithProfiler    |  30000 |       0.266 |  0.200 |
| CoroutineScheduling             |  30000 |       0.500 |  0.434 |
| CoroutineSchedulingWithProfiler |  30000 |       0.666 |  0.600 |