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Project Overview

In the development process of large-scale APPs, it is not uncommon for multiple business directions or teams to jointly develop the same page. Without good architectural support, the logic between different businesses is extremely likely to be coupled with each other, which in turn leads to rapid deterioration of the architecture. This will undoubtedly increase the cost of business development and maintenance. As a client-side business decoupling framework, BlockFramework has the capabilities of business layering, assembly, and collaboration. Based on this framework, business parties can easily achieve business decoupling and independently carry out logical iterations, thereby improving the stability of the architecture, reducing maintenance costs, and improving business iteration efficiency. BlockFramework mainly has four major characteristics:

  • Clear business decoupling mechanism: Developers can easily disassemble complex business logic into multiple independent sub-"Blocks" using BlockFramework, achieving physical isolation in code. Developers of different businesses only need to focus on the development of their own business Blocks, reducing code complexity and thereby improving human efficiency. At the same time, Blocks support cross-scenario reuse. Developers can extract basic capabilities into independent Blocks and then add them to different scenarios, reducing redundant code and lowering maintenance costs.
  • High-performance UI assembly ability: BlockFramework builds the interface UI based on a tree structure, which perfectly matches the layout tree structure of the Android system. Developers only need to create simple sub-layout Blocks one by one and then construct the parent-child relationship between Blocks according to business needs, and they can easily build a complex page. At the same time, compared with the commonly used UI assembly methods, BlockFramework integrates performance optimization methods such as asynchronous inflate and asynchronous createView in the UI assembly process to optimize page performance to the extreme.
  • Rich communication mechanism: BlockFramework provides multiple communication mechanisms between Blocks (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one), which are used to achieve the linkage and interaction ability between Blocks. The communication mechanism avoids direct interaction between Blocks through interface abstraction and event subscription/distribution, ensuring the independence and reusability of Blocks.
  • Unified development paradigm: The access and development process of BlockFramework both provide standard specifications. Developers of different businesses can establish a unified development cognition, reduce cross-line research and development costs, and improve overall research and development efficiency.

Applications using BlockFramework

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XiGuaVideo XianShiGuang DouYinJingXuan

Access Quickly

Add repository source:

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url '' }

Add in dependencies:

implementation 'com.github.bytedance:block-framework:$latest_version'

In a specific business scenario, accessing BlockFramework to build a page only requires a simple 4 steps:

  1. In the main Activity/Fragment/Holder, implement the IBlockJoin interface, instantiate IBlockContext and IBlockScene fields
class DemoHolder(itemView: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView), IBlockJoin {
    // ...
    override val blockContext: IBlockContext by lazy {

    override val blockScene: IBlockScene by lazy {
    // ...
  1. Create the corresponding business Block according to different logical businesses, which can inherit from UIBlock or BaseBlock respectively according to whether it is a UI scene
    1. UIBlock needs to implement layoutResource() to return the layout XML corresponding to the Block
class BottomInfoBlock(blockContext: IBlockContext): UIBlock<DemoCardData, DemoModel>(blockContext) {

    override fun layoutResource(): Int {
        return R.layout.demo_bottom_info_block_layout

  1. Create the rootBlock, assemble each subBlock and generate the Block tree
class DemoCardRootBlock(private val rootView: View, blockContext: IBlockContext) :
    UIBlock<DemoCardData, DemoModel>(blockContext) {

    override fun layoutResource(): Int {
        return IUIBlock.USE_PARENT_LAYOUT

    override fun onCreateView(parent: View?): View {
        return rootView

    override fun assembleSubBlocks(assembler: BlockAssembler) {
        assembler.assemble {
            addBlock {
                instance = {
                parentId =
            addBlock {
                instance = {
                parentId =
            addBlock {
                instance = {
                parentId =
  1. Initialize the rootBlock to generate a complete page
class DemoHolder(itemView: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView), IBlockJoin {

    private lateinit var rootBlock: DemoCardRootBlock

    override val blockContext: IBlockContext by lazy {

    override val blockScene: IBlockScene by lazy {

    fun onCreateViewHolder() {
        rootBlock = DemoCardRootBlock(itemView, blockContext)
        initRootBlock(itemView.context, rootBlock)

Lifecycle Synchronization

The default lifecycle of a Block is consistent with the Lifecycle design in Android, so the lifecycle can be directly listened to and distributed to each Block corresponding to the page.

  • Lifecycle methods have been encapsulated as corresponding extension methods and can be called directly.
private fun observeLifeCycle() {
        object : LifecycleEventObserver {
            override fun onStateChanged(source: LifecycleOwner, event: Lifecycle.Event) {
                when (event) {
                    Lifecycle.Event.ON_CREATE -> dispatchOnCreate()
                    Lifecycle.Event.ON_START -> dispatchOnStart()
                    Lifecycle.Event.ON_RESUME -> dispatchOnResume()
                    Lifecycle.Event.ON_PAUSE -> dispatchOnPause()
                    Lifecycle.Event.ON_STOP -> dispatchOnStop()
                    Lifecycle.Event.ON_DESTROY -> dispatchOnDestroy()
                    else -> {}

Block Communication Mechanism

Block provides a rich communication mechanism for implementing logical communication between different Blocks and between Block and non-Block scenarios.

Communication inside and outside the Block

When a Block needs to call external logic in a non-Block scenario, it can achieve internal and external communication by registering a blockDepend in the rootBlock.

  1. Implement the external capability interface, which needs to implement the IBlockDepend interface.
  2. Implement the depend interface in the business scenario and call registerDepend() in the rootBlock to register the depend.
  3. Inside the Block, the depend capability can be obtained directly through findDepend().
interface IHolderBlockDepend : IBlockDepend {
    fun enableAsyncBind(): Boolean

class DemoHolder(itemView: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView), IBlockJoin {

    private lateinit var rootBlock: DemoCardRootBlock

    private val holderDepend: IBlockDepend = object : IHolderBlockDepend {
        override fun enableAsyncBind(): Boolean {
            return true

    fun initCardBlock() {
        rootBlock = DemoCardRootBlock(itemView, blockContext).apply {
        initRootBlock(itemView.context, rootBlock)


class MainContentBlock(blockContext: IBlockContext) :
    AsyncUIBlock<DemoCardData, DemoModel>(blockContext){
    // Find depend
    private val holderDepend by findDepend<IHolderBlockDepend>()

    override fun layoutResource(): Int {
        return R.layout.demo_main_content_block_layout

    override fun enableAsyncBind(): Boolean {
        return holderDepend.enableAsyncBind()

Communication inside the Block

  1. query-service mechanism: a one-to-one communication mechanism, each Block can provide a corresponding service interface for other Blocks to call.
// Define the functional interface
interface IMainContentBlockService {
   fun changeMainContent(content: String)

// Implement the service interface
class MainContentBlock(blockContext: IBlockContext) :
   AsyncUIBlock<DemoCardData, DemoModel>(blockContext),
   override fun changeMainContent(content: String) {
      findViewById<TextView>( = content
   // Define the Service
   override fun defineBlockService(): Class<*>? {

class RightInfoBlock(blockContext: IBlockContext): AsyncUIBlock<DemoCardData, DemoModel>(blockContext) {
   // Obtain the service of the mainContentBlock
   private val mainContentBlock: IMainContentBlockService? by blockService()
   private fun initView() {
      val diggView = findViewById<View>(
      diggView?.setOnClickListener {
         mainContentBlock?.changeMainContent("Digg Click")

  1. subscribe-event mechanism: a one-to-many mechanism, a Block can send an event, and other Blocks listening to the event can receive and process the event.
// Define Event
class AvatarClickEvent() : Event()

class BottomInfoBlock(blockContext: IBlockContext) :
    AsyncUIBlock<DemoCardData, DemoModel>(blockContext) {

    private fun initView() {
        val avatar = findViewById<View>(
        avatar?.setOnClickListener {
            // Send Event


class RightInteractBlock(blockContext: IBlockContext) :
    AsyncUIBlock<DemoCardData, DemoModel>(blockContext) {

    override fun onRegister() {
        // Subscribe Event

    // Observe Event
    override fun onEvent(event: Event): Boolean {
        when (event) {
            is AvatarClickEvent -> {
        return super.onEvent(event)

Block high performance features

BlockFramework has built-in many high performance optimization capabilities, including asynchronous assembly View, asynchronous data binding and other capabilities.

  1. Build layout asynchronously When adding Block, setting createUIOnMainThread = false means that when the Block creates the View, it will switch to the sub-thread for execution, and after the creation is completed, it will switch back to the main thread to assemble the View. Compared with the overall creation of the View in the main thread, the asynchronous assembly View can shorten the time by about 20%.
override fun assembleSubBlocks(assembler: BlockAssembler) {
    assembler.assemble {
        addBlock {
            instance = {
            parentId =
            createUIOnMainThread = false
        addBlock {
            instance = {
            parentId =
            createUIOnMainThread = false
  1. Reduce the layout hierarchy When adding Block, by setting the replaceParent = true attribute, when assembling the View, the View of the child Block can be directly replaced on the placeholder View in the parent Block, reducing the layout hierarchy.
<FrameLayout xmlns:android=""

    <!--Placeholder View for bottomInfoBlock in the parent Block-->
        tools:layout_width="200dp" />
override fun assembleSubBlocks(assembler: BlockAssembler) {
    assembler.assemble {
        addBlock {
            instance = {
            parentId =
            replaceParent = true
  1. Asynchronous data binding When inheriting from AsyncBaseBlock/AsyncUIBlock, you can get the ability of asynchronous data binding, which supports developers putting time-consuming logic into the sub-thread for execution, and provides a callback to switch back to the main thread, making it more convenient for developers to execute time-consuming logic.
class MainContentBlock(blockContext: IBlockContext) :
    AsyncUIBlock<DemoCardData, DemoModel>(blockContext)
    private val holderDepend by findDepend<IHolderBlockDepend>()
    // Indicates the state of the Block supporting asynchronous Bind, which can change dynamically
    override fun enableAsyncBind(): Boolean {
        return holderDepend.enableAsyncBind()
    // Synchronous Bind, executed in the main thread
    override fun syncBind(model: DemoModel?) {
    // Asynchronous Bind, depending on the return value of [enableAsyncBind], decides whether to execute in the sub-thread
    override fun asyncBind(model: DemoModel?, syncInvoke: SyncInvoke) {
        // Switch back to the main thread for executing UI logic
        syncInvoke {


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    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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    You may obtain a copy of the License at
    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.