This repository containes exercises for you. You can provide the solutions in a dedicated branch and create a pull request with your solution.
- Create a feature branch called feature/solution
- Make your changes
- Create one commit for each task
- Push your changes to the remote repository
- Create a pull request from feature/solution to main
Realize a program that reads in a character string of
minimum 4 and maximum 10 characters.
If the input is correct, "Okay" should appear on the screen. If the string length is too small or too large, a corresponding error message should be displayed.
Write a program that first reads six numbers (each between 1 and 79) from the console. After that a line with a corresponding number of asterisks (*) for each number read in. printed. For example, the following output should appear for the numbers 4, 15, 23, 42, 16, 8:
Write a program that reads two positive integers from the keyboard and outputs all prime numbers that lie between these two numbers.