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Handy terraform scripts for running TiDB on AWS

Quick Start

  1. git clone this project,and execute terraform init
  2. modify, fill with your aws_access_key and aws_secret_key, and the cluster topology
  3. execute terraform plan
  4. Make sure terraform generates right plan, and execute terraform apply
  5. After Step 4, you can see the public IP of relay-server,ssh to the replay-server, the tidb-ansible directory will be on /home/ec2-user/tidb-ansible
  6. find # ssh_args = -i aws.key -C -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s, remove the comment mark, and deploy tidb using tidb-ansible.
  7. execute terraform destroy to destroy all resources when you do not need to use these resources

Resource Overview

  1. Deploy region

    • us-east-1
  2. Default EC2 instance type

    type instanceType counts typeOfSubnet
    bastion t2.micro 1 public
    tidb c4.4xlarge 3 priveta
    tikv i3.2xlarge 3 private
    pd i3.xlarge 3 private
    monitor t2.xlarge 1 private
  3. Network resource

    • 1 VPC
    • 1 public subnet
    • 1 private subnet
    • 1 internet gateway
    • 1 nat gateway
  4. ELB resrouce

    • tidb provides ELB, expose port 4000
    • tidb monitor ELB,expose port 3000

    ELB is in public subnet

  5. Security group

    • All the ports TiDB needs
  6. Storage resource

    • monitor node has a 200GB EBS, tikv nodes have 1.7T NVMe SSD, pd nodes have 880 GB NVMe SSD
  7. AWS key pair

  8. Generating Template File for TiDB ansible

Query AMI information

  1. First refer to this document to install the AWS cli tool.
  2. Configure the local AWS cli tool, ~/.aws/config is configured as follows:
region=us-east-1  # Fill in the name of region you need to operate.

touch ~/.aws/credentials, fill with your aws_access_key and aws_secret_key as follows:

  1. Execute the following command after the above steps are completed.
aws ec2 describe-images --filters "Name=name,Values=amzn2-ami-hvm-*" "Name=virtualization-type,Values=hvm"

Select an AMI from the returned AMI list, modify file and fill in the OwnerId value in the list of owners fields in the data "aws_ami" "distro".


handy terraform scripts for running TiDB on AWS







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