Microcontroller M5Stack
Integrated Sensors Adafruit TSL2591 High Dynamic Range Digital Light Sensor (ADA1980) Seeed Studio Grove Multichannel Gas Sensor v2 M5EnvIII - Temp/Hum/Pres Sensor
- prepare a SDcard and put the file config.json from /docs/SD Card/ - change all your desired values in the file and save
- Sensors will use a standard config setup - the values in config.json overwrite the defaults (if defaults are fine, do not put config.json there)
- Sensors will by default log to SDcard if present and create the necessary file (Please always use this as a fallback)
- Network sending mode is ON by default and tries to connect to the default values
- If there is a network connection, the time is synched with the PC running the mqtt server, otherwise 1/1/2000 is used
- Switch on sensor, it will open an access point with the SensorName and connect to it via PC or phone
- navigate to Wifi settings, search for network and connect
- the wifi credentials will be remembered
- The Access point will close after 60 Seconds and sensor will start "offline" operation and only record to sdcard
- Long Press Button A - toggle network Mode (indicated by square in the top right display corner)
- Long Press Button B - Clear SDcard Sensordata
- Long Press Button C - Write Standard Config to SDcard
string datetime, string sensorid, string city,float temp,float humidity,float pressure, int ir,int full,int visible,float lux, int c2h5oh,int voc, int co, int no2, uint rssi
Windows Installation needed
- nodejs (https://nodejs.org/en/ - 16.6 LTS)
- node-red (https://nodered.org/docs/getting-started/windows - do not forget to create "Run Node-RED on Startup")
- SQlite (https://www.sqlite.org/download.html - sqlite-dll-win64-x64-3390000.zip - sqlite-tools-win32-x86-3390000.zip ) Extract everything to C:\sqlite and add the directory to your path variable
and install https://flows.nodered.org/node/node-red-node-sqlite connector and https://flows.nodered.org/node/node-red-contrib-sqlitedb and https://flows.nodered.org/node/node-red-node-base64 and https://flows.nodered.org/node/thethingbox-node-timestamp
- mosquitto mqtt broker (https://mosquitto.org/download/ - mosquitto-2.0.14-install-windows-x64.exe - and create a startup task like with node red) IMPORTANT:
- Deactivate windows firewall or create exception for port 1883
- change mosquitto conf [C:\Program Files\mosquitto\mosquitto.conf] (ADD listener 1883 allow_anonymous true at top of config file) (for debugging kill mosquitto service and open it in a cmd window manually with mosquitto.exe -v -c mosquitto.conf)
How to test Windows Setup: check images in docs/installfiles
Start Mosquitto (if not activated by task on startup) Start Node Red (if not activated by task on startup) Import docs/nodered/flows.json into NodeRed at http://localhost:1880 and deploy
Start MQTT-Explorer and connect to mqtt broker on localhost (without certificate) -> send Payload to sensors/ (see payload above) You should see an output in nodeRed debug console
- Sqlite browser (https://sqlitebrowser.org/dl/ - Standard installer for 64-bit Windows)
Some Infos: // https://www.tutorialspoint.com/c_standard_library/c_function_sprintf.htm
Activate ntp server: https://itler.net/windows-pc-server-als-ntp-server-konfigurieren-einrichten/