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A template repository to make setting up new Python projects easier and more uniform.


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Cheshire: a Python Template Repository for Catalyst

Tox-PyTest Status Docker build status Codecov Test Coverage Read the Docs Build Status PyPI Latest Version conda-forge Version Supported Python Versions

This template repository helps make new Python projects easier to set up and more uniform. It contains a lot of infrastructure surrounding a minimal Python package named cheshire (the cat who isn't entirely there...).

Create a new repository from this template

  • Choose a name for the new package that you are creating.
  • The name of the repository should be the same as the name of the new Python package you are going to create. E.g. a repository at catalyst-cooperative/cheshire should be used to define a package named cheshire.
  • Fork this template repository to create a new Python project repo. See these instructions.
  • Clone the new repository to your development machine.
  • Run pre-commit install in the newly clone repository to install the pre-commit hooks defined in .pre-commit-config.yaml
  • Create the cheshire conda environment by running conda env create or (preferably) mamba env create in the top level of the repository.
  • Activate the new conda environment with conda activate cheshire.
  • Run tox from the top level of the repository to verify that everything is working correctly.

Rename the package and distribution

Once you know that your forked version of the cheshire package is working as expected, you should update the package and distribution names in your new repo to reflect the name of your new package. The package name is determined by the name of the directory under src/ which contains the source code, and is the name you'll use to import the package for use in a program, script, or notebook. E.g.:

import cheshire

The distribution name is the name that is used to install the software using a program like pip, conda, or mamba. It is often identical to the package name, but can also contain a prefix namespace that indicates the individual or organization responsible for maintaining the pacakge. See PEP 423 PEP 423 for more on Python package naming conventions. We are using the catalystcoop namespace for the packages that we publish, so our pudl package becomes catalystcoop.pudl in the Python Package Index (PyPI) or on conda-forge. Similarly the cheshire package becomes the catalystcoop.cheshire distribution. The distribution name is determined by the defined in pyproject.toml

pip install catalystcoop.cheshire

The package and distribution names are referenced in many of the files in the template repository, and they all need to be replaced with the name of your new package. You can use grep -r to search recursively through all of the files for the word cheshire at the command line, or use the search-and-replace functionality of your IDE / text editor. The name of the package directory under src/ will also need to be changed.

  • Supply any required tokens, e.g. for CodeCov
  • Rename the src/cheshire directory to reflect the new package name.
  • Search for cheshire and replace it as appropriate everywhere. Sometimes this will be with a distribution name like catalystcoop.cheshire (the package as it appears for pip or PyPI) and sometimes this will be the importable package name (the name of the directory under src e.g. cheshire)
  • Create the new project / package at Read The Docs.

What this template provides

Python Package Skeleton

  • The src directory contains the code that will be packaged and deployed on the user system. That code is in a directory with the same name as the package.
  • Using a separate src directory helps avoid accidentally importing the package when you're working in the top level directory of the repository.
  • A simple python module (, and a separate module providing a command line interface to that module ( are included as examples.
  • Any files in the src/package_data/ directory will also be packaged and deployed.
  • What files are included in or excluded from the package on the user's system is controlled by the file and some options in the call to setup() in
  • The CLI is deployed using project.scripts defined in pyproject.toml.
  • We use setuptools_scm to obtain the package's version directly from git tags, rather than storing it in the repository and manually updating it.
  • README.rst is read in and used for the pacakge's long_description. This is what is displayed on the PyPI page for the package.
  • By default we create at least three sets of "extras" -- additional optional package dependencies that can be installed in special circumstances: dev, docs`, and tests. The packages listed there are used in development, building the docs, and running the tests (respectively) but aren't required for a normal user who is just installing the package from pip or conda. These are defined under the project.optional-dependencies section of pyproject.toml
  • Python has recently evolved a more diverse community of build and packaging tools. Which flavor is being used by a given package is indicated by the contents of pyproject.toml. That file also contains configuration for a few other tools, including ruff.

Pytest Testing Framework

  • A skeleton pytest testing setup is included in the tests/ directory.
  • Tests are split into unit and integration categories.
  • Session-wide test fixtures, additional command line options, and other pytest configuration can be added to tests/
  • Exactly what pytest commands are run during continuous integration controlled by Tox.
  • Pytest can also be run manually without using Tox, but will use whatever your personal python environment happens to be, rather than the one specified by the package. Running pytest on its own is a good way to debug new or failing tests quickly, but we should always use Tox and its virtual environment for actual testing.

Test Coordination with Tox

  • We define several different test environments for use with Tox in tox.ini
  • Tox is used to run pytest in an isolated Python virtual environment.
  • We also use Tox to coordinate running the code linters, building the documentation, and releasing the software to PyPI.
  • The default Tox environment is named ci and it will run the linters, build the documentation, run all the tests, and generate test coverage statistics.

Git Pre-commit Hooks

  • A variety of sanity checks are defined as git pre-commit hooks -- they run any time you try to make a commit, to catch common issues before they are saved. Many of these hooks are taken from the excellent pre-commit project.
  • The hooks are configured in .pre-commit-config.yaml
  • For them to run automatically when you try to make a commit, you must install the pre-commit hooks in your cloned repository first. This only has to be done once.
  • These checks are run as part of our CI, and the CI will fail if the pre-commit hooks fail.
  • We also use the service to run the same checks on any code that is pushed to GitHub, and to apply standard code formatting to the PR in case it hasn't been run locally prior to being committed.

Code Formatting & Linting

To avoid the tedium of meticulously formatting all the code ourselves, and to ensure as standard style of formatting and sytactical idioms across the codebase, we use the ruff code linter and formatter, which runs as a pre-commit hook. These can be integrated directly into your text editor or IDE with the appropriate plugins. The formatters are included in .pre-commit-config.yaml. The ruff linter / formatter has a huge array of configuration options and different kinds of checks it can run, which are defined under the tool.ruff section of pyproject.toml.

We also have a custom hook that clears Jupyter notebook outputs prior to committing.

Code & Documentation Linters

To catch errors before commits are made, and to ensure uniform formatting across the codebase, we also use linters outside of ruff. They don't change the code or documentation files, but they will raise an error or warning when something doesn't look right so you can fix it.

  • doc8
  • mypy Does static type checking, and ensures that our code uses type annotations.
  • pre-commit has a collection of built-in checks that use pygrep to search Python files for common problems like blanket # noqa annotations, as well as language agnostic problems like accidentally checking large binary files into the repository or having unresolved merge conflicts.
  • hadolint checks Dockerfiles for errors and violations of best practices. It runs as a pre-commit hook.

Test Coverage

  • We use Tox and a the pytest coverage plugin to measure and record what percentage of our codebase is being tested, and to identify which modules, functions, and individual lines of code are not being exercised by the tests.
  • When you run tox or tox -e ci (which is equivalent) a summary of the test coverage will be printed at the end of the tests (assuming they succeed). The full details of the test coverage is written to coverage.xml.
  • There are some configuration options for this process set in the .coveragerc file in the top level directory of the repository.
  • When the tests are run via the tox-pytest workflow in GitHub Actions, the test coverage data from the coverage.xml output is uploaded to a service called CodeCov that saves historical data about our test coverage, and provides a nice visual representation of the data -- identifying which subpackages, modules, and individual lines of are being tested. For example, here are the results for the cheshire repo.
  • The connection to CodeCov is configured in the .codecov.yml YAML file.
  • In theory, we should be able to automatically turn CodeCov on for all of our GitHub repos, and it just Just Work, but in practice we've had to turn it on in the GitHub configuration one-by-one. Open source repositories are also supposed to be able to upload to the CodeCov site without requiring authentication, but this also hasn't worked, so thus far we've needed to request a new token for each repository. This token is stored in .codecov.yml.
  • Once it's enabled, CodeCov also adds a couple of test coverage checks to any pull request, to alert us if a PR reduces overall test coverage (which we would like to avoid).

Documentation Builds

  • We build our documentation using Sphinx.
  • Standalone docs files are stored under the docs/ directory, and the Sphinx configuration is there in as well.
  • We use Sphinx AutoAPI to convert the docstrings embedded in the python modules under src/ into additional documentation automatically.
  • The top level documentation index simply includes this README.rst, the LICENSE.txt and files are similarly referenced. The only standalone documentation file under docs/ right now is the release_notes.rst.
  • Unless you're debugging something specific, the docs should always be built using tox -e docs as that will lint the source files using doc8 and rstcheck, and wipe previously generated documentation to build everything from scratch. The docs are also rebuilt as part of the normal Tox run (equivalent to tox -e ci).
  • If you add something to the documentation generation process that needs to be cleaned up after, it should be integrated with the Sphinx hooks. There are some examples of how to do this at the bottom of docs/ in the "custom build operations" section. For example, this is how we automatically regenerate the data dictionaries based on the PUDL metadata whenever the docs are built, ensuring that the docs stay up to date.

Documentation Publishing

  • We use the popular Read the Docs service to host our documentation.
  • When you open a PR, push to dev or main, or tag a release, the associated documentation is automatically built on Read the Docs.
  • There's some minimal configuration stored in the .readthedocs.yml file, but setting up this integration for a new repository requires some setup on the Read the Docs site.
  • Create an account on Read the Docs using your GitHub identity, go to "My Projects" under the dropdown menu in the upper righthand corner, and click on "Import a Project." It should list the repositories that you have access to on GitHub. You may need to click on the Catalyst Cooperative logo in the right hand sidebar.
  • It will ask you for a project name -- this will become part of the domain name for the documentation page on RTD and should be the same as the distribution name, but with dots and underscores replaced with dashes. E.g. catalystcoop-cheshire or catalystcoop-pudl-catalog.
  • Under Advanced Settings, make sure you enable builds on PRs. This will add a check ensuring that the documentation has built successfully on RTD for any PR in the repo.
  • Under the Builds section for the new project (repo) you'll need to tell it which branches you want it to build, beyond the default main branch.
  • Once the repository is connected to Read the Docs, an initial build of the documentation from the main branch should start.


We use GitHub's Dependabot to automatically update the allowable versions of packages we depend on. This applies to both the Python dependencies specified in and to the versions of the GitHub Actions that we employ. The dependabot behavior is configured in .github/dependabot.yml

GitHub Actions

Under .github/workflows are YAML files that configure the GitHub Actions associated with the repository. We use GitHub Actions to:

  • Run continuous integration using tox on several different versions of Python.
  • Build a Docker container directly and push it to Docker Hub using the docker-build-push action.
  • Release a new version of the package on PyPI when a version tag is pushed.
  • Automatically merge bot PRs from and the dependabot.

About Catalyst Cooperative

Catalyst Cooperative is a small group of data wranglers and policy wonks organized as a worker-owned cooperative consultancy. Our goal is a more just, livable, and sustainable world. We integrate public data and perform custom analyses to inform public policy (Hire us!). Our focus is primarily on mitigating climate change and improving electric utility regulation in the United States.

Contact Us

  • For general support, questions, or other conversations around the project that might be of interest to others, check out the GitHub Discussions
  • If you'd like to get occasional updates about our projects sign up for our email list.
  • Want to schedule a time to chat with us one-on-one? Join us for Office Hours
  • Follow us on Twitter: @CatalystCoop
  • More info on our website:
  • For private communication about the project or to hire us to provide customized data extraction and analysis, you can email the maintainers: [email protected]