Solution for a challenge from
The main challenge is to build out this landing page and get it looking as close to the design as possible. To get the IP Address locations, I will be using the IP Geolocation API by IPify. So if you've got something you'd like to practice, feel free to give it a go.
Users should be able to:
- View the optimal layout depending on their device's screen size.
- See hover states for all interactive elements on the page.
I do not have access to the Figma sketch so the design is not pixel perfect.
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- CSS custom properties
- Flex
- Desktop-first workflow
A great project to practice some basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
- Figma - Paste your design image to check the size of containers, width, etc.
- Perfect Pixel - Awesome Chrome extension that helps you to match the pixels of the provided design.
A big thank you to anyone providing feedback on my solution. It definitely helps to find new ways to code and find easier solutions!