This utility helps monitor performance of RISC-V processors running Linux.
RISC-V processors implement Hardware Performance Monitor (HPM) counters.
So long as these counters are unprotected and not saved and restored on context switches, Process A can read the HPM counters to monitor the performance of Process B.
is a binary that can run in Linux and checkpoint the HPM counters
every (roughly) 100M cycles (you can set the sleep time). When hpm_counters
sent a SIGKILL, it will print out all of its checkpoints.
You must install the glibc/Linux RISC-V gcc cross compiler (riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-g++
You must modify the machine initialization in your boot process to initialize the HPM counters are desired. You must also give user-access privileges to the HPM counters:
// For the Berkeley Boot Loader, riscv-tools/riscv-pk/machine/minit.c
static void mstatus_init()
// Enable user/supervisor use of perf counters
write_csr(mucounteren, -1);
write_csr(mscounteren, -1);
// Set the HPM event selectors as desired for your specific micro-architecture
write_csr(mhpmevent3, 1)
write_csr(mhpmevent4, 2)
write_csr(mhpmevent5, 3)
How to Use?
$ ./hpm_counters &
$ ./mybenchmark
$ killall hpm_counters
$ while pgrep hpm_counters > /dev/null; do sleep 1; done