In order to recreate the example from the TVLSI paper, access to several Tydi tools is necessary. The easiest way to do this is to get the Tydi-tools docker image. Clone the repo and build the Dockerfile
git clone
cd Tydi-tools
docker build . -t tydi-tools
Then, go to this project's directory and run the container with a volume bind as follows
docker run -it --rm --name tydi-tools-container -v .:/root/tvlsi-example tydi-tools /bin/bash
Then, once inside the container, run
cd tvlsi-example
# or
json_hierachy -i student.json --parser-name "student_schema_parser" --epc 8
tydi-lang-complier -c ./tydi_example_project.toml
tl2chisel output output/json_IR.json
scala-cli output/json_IR_generation_stub.scala output/json_IR_main.scala StudentFilterImpl.scala DecompressorWrap.scala
You can ignore any errors about unused variables. The Verilog code will be printed and saved in output/example.v