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Laurent Petit edited this page Mar 20, 2015 · 1 revision

Work In Progress ....

Source code Editor

Please note

  • rainbow parens (different colors for different paren nesting levels)
  • unmatched closing parens in error higlighted in red
  • highlighting of the opening square bracket of 'take-while's argument list (corresponding to the caret being placed just after the matching closing square bracket. Alas the mouse was not catched by the printscreen)

Namespace Browser examples

Search on the word "string", only on symbol names

Search on the word "string", on symbol names and documentation strings

Compilation Error reporting

Compilation error are fully integrated with the eclipse error reporting : problems appear in the problems view, in the project explorer, and in the editor.

Double clicking in the problems view opens the right editor at the right line.

Code completion Completion on clojure symbols Completion on java class methods with wildcard Completion on java instance methods

Clojure specific launcher

Clojure "launchers" just differ from classical java "launchers" by not offering to use a specific java main type (the class which offers public static void main() starting function). It loads clojure's standard REPL instead.

Note that there is also the possibility to choose on which IP port the mini-server Counterclockwise embeds in the launcher will listen to.

Oh, and you can select which files will be loaded by the REPL at startup (see the corresponding opened popup on the bottom right ?).

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