Documentation and landing page for the KEDA project at
Are you using KEDA in production? Do you want to become a listed user? Say no more!
You can easily get listed by following these steps:
- Upload your logo to
(350x180) - Configure your company as a new user in
(sorted alphabetically)
url = ""
logo = "coralogix.gif"
Here's a good example of Coralogix becoming a listed user!
To run local site previews, you must install Hugo (the "extended" version with Hugo Pipes support) and Yarn.
Install Go, node and npm
Install Yarn:
npm install --global yarn
Install Hugo:
cd %HOME/src git clone cd hugo go install --tags extended
Install Hugo:
choco install hugo-extended
Install Yarn:
choco install yarn
Install Hugo:
brew install hugo
Install Yarn:
brew install yarn
Fork the
repository. -
Clone the fork.
Navigate to your cloned repository and run the commands:
hugo server -D -F
The Web Server is available at http://localhost:1313/.
The KEDA website is published automatically by Netlify. Any time changes to this repo are pushed to master
, the site is re-built and re-published in roughly two minutes.
To add a new post to the KEDA blog:
hugo new blog/
This creates a boilerplate Markdown file in content/blog/
whose contents you can modify. The following fields are required:
To add documentation for a new KEDA scaler:
hugo new --kind scaler scalers/<VERSION>/
This creates a boilerplate Markdown file in content/docs/scalers/
whose contents you can modify. Make sure to update the following metadata fields:
To update the KEDA FAQ page, update the TOML file at [data/faq20.toml
]. Here's an example question/answer pair:
q = "How can I add a new question/answer pair?"
a = "You're looking at it! 😀"
To add a new section to the troubleshooting page:
hugo new troubleshooting/<VERSION>/
To adjust the order in which the troubleshooting tiles appear, use the weight
parameter in each page's metadata.
The KEDA documentation is versioned. Each version has its own subdirectory under content/docs
. To add a new version, copy the directory for the most recent version. Here's an example:
cp -rf content/docs/<CurrentVersion> content/docs/<NewVersion>
By default, new documentation versions are not listed as available version so it's safe to make changes to them. After every release, the version will be published as new version.
Once a version is ready to be published, we must add the version to the
list in config.toml
More recent versions should be placed first in the list (ordering does matter because the first element in that list is considered the latest version).