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SRNN Human Motion Prediction for ROS



This project is entirely from the paper of Ashesh Jain. In the paper, authors propose a generic and proincipled method to involved high-level spatio-temporal structures into Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) called Structural-RNN (S-RNN). This method has significant improvements with some spatio-temporal problems includings: human motion modeling, human-object interaction and driver maneuver anticipation. In this project, the S-RNN method is involved into ROS to make predictions of human motion.

See their project page for more infomation: Structural-RNN: Deep Learning on Spatio-Temporal Graphs



It is recommended to install python requirements in a virtual environment created by conda.

Create an virtual environment named ros_srnn in conda:

> # create env and install requirements
> conda create -n ros_srnn python=2.7 Theano matplotlib
> # activate the env
> conda activate ros_srnn
> # install rosinstall (needed if you using a conda env)
> pip install rosinstall
> # install Neural Models 
> git clone
> cd NeuralModels
> git checkout srnn
> python develop

Download dataset and pre-trained models

You may need to create folders to to put this files.

DATASET_PATH will be used to refer to the path of your dataset.

CHECKPOINTS_PATH will be used to refer to the path of your pre-trained models.

Build and run the demo

  • Create a ROS workspace
    > mkdir -p ros_srnn_ws/src && cd ros_srnn_ws
    > catkin_make
    > source devel/setup.bash
  • Clone the project code
    > git clone src/srnn_human_motion_predict_for_ros
  • Build
    > catkin_make
  • Run
    > # Run the predictor node, it may take very long time, wait it completely loaded. Checkpoint path could also be specified by a ros parameter called checkpoint_path.
    > roslaunch srnn_human_motion_predict_for_ros predictor.launch checkpoint_path:=CHECKPOINTS_PATH/srnn_walking/checkpoint.pik
    > # Run the publisher after the predictor node has loaded the checkpoint. You may need to run the following command with a new terminal. Dataset path could also be specified by a ros parameter called motion_dataset_path.
    > roslaunch srnn_human_motion_predict_for_ros motion_publisher.launch motion_dataset_path:=DATASET_PATH/dataset/S7/walking_1.txt
    > # Run the visualize node to see the result. You may need to run the following command with a new terminal.
    > roslaunch srnn_human_motion_predict_for_ros visulize.launch
    Then you can see rviz run, and two skeletos walking in it. One is the real motion, another is the predicted motion.


In this project, serveral ROS nodes are created for human motion prediction.

  1. human_motion_publisher node: This node read and parse human motion data from H3.6m dataset, then publish human motion data to a ROS topic called motion_skeleto. Actually, this node simulate a human motion capture system. You can also control the publish rate by a ROS parameter frames_interval.
  2. human_motion_predictor node: This node subcribes to motion_skeleto to get real human motion data, makes predictions and publishes the predicted human motion data to a ROS topic predicted_motion_skeleto. The implementation of the prediction algorithm is S-RNN (from RNNexp). You can use the following ros parameters to control the prediction process.
    • checkpoint_path: path to the pre-trained model;
    • prefix_sequence_length: sequence length of real human motion data to make a prediction;
    • predicted_sequence_length: sequence length of the predicted human motion data.
  3. motion_tf_broadcaster node: This node subcribes to motion_skeleto and predicted_motion_skeleto, converts the data format and broadcasts the real and predicted motion data to tf tree, so that we can visualize the result in rviz.

The relationship of these nodes can also be presented as the following figure:

ROS graph


srnn human motion prediction for ros


  1. Why the motion publisher publish motion data at a slow rate?

    Limited by hardware, the prediction process could only run very slow, hence we could only publish data slowly. If you have enough computing resources, you could change the ros parameter frames_interval to make it run at a high rate.

  2. Could I use GPU to accelelate the prediction process?

    Of course, when you run the predictor node by roslaunch, you could specify a commandline argument device (default as cpu) to you GPU device access GPU accelelation. For example:

    > roslaunch srnn_human_motion_predict_for_ros predictor.launch checkpoint_path:=CHECKPOINTS_PATH/srnn_walking/checkpoint.pik device:=cuda0


SRNN Human Motion Prediction for ROS






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