Simple object-oriented WebVTT to srt converter written in C#.
For Windows, Linux and Mac (
vttToSrt [-h] [-q] [-v] [-f] [-s <string>] [-e <string>] [-r] <string> <string>
-h, --help --haaalp
Displays this help-file.
-q --quiet
Mutes all non error messages.
Overrides -v.
-v --verbose
More detailed output.
-f --force --plz
Forces files to be written even if they allready exist
(normally files will not get overwritten).
-s <string> --search <string>
Tells the program to search for files with the "*.vtt" extention
(or the one defined by -e) and convert them.
-e <string> --extention <string>
Defines a custom extention for -s to search for instead of the default
"*.vtt" (make shure they are actually WebVTT files).
-r --recurse
Tells -s to do a recursive search instead of the default flat one.
The file to be converted.
This field is ignored if -s is used.
Defines the output filename.
By default the same filename as the input is used (with .srt extention).
This field is ignored if -s is used.
vttToSrt derp.vtt
Converts "derp.vtt" to "".
vttToSrt derp.vtt derpinator.lozor
Converts "derp.vtt" to "derpinator.lozor".
vttToSrt -s movies -e awesomesubformat -r -v
Converts all WebVTT files (here wit the "awesomesubformat" extention)
to srt recursively and with additional output.
vttToSrt -f derp.vtt
Converts "derp.vtt" to "" and overwrites the existing file.
On Windows 10 this should work out of the box. On older verseions you might have to update your version of .net framework if you have not allready ( After that it is ready to go. open a console, navigate to the vttToSrt.exe file and type
vttToSrt.exe -h
Install Mono. On debian based distros this can be done like This:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install mono-complete
Then open a console, navigate to the vttToSrt.exe file and type
mono vttToSrt.exe -h
Use Mono to run this ( Then open a console, navigate to the vttToSrt.exe file and type
mono vttToSrt.exe -h
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