├── src
| ├── API
| | ├── routes
│ │ │ └── v1
| | | ├── user
| | | | ├── userRoutes.js
| | | | └── schema.js
| | | ├── posts
| | | | ├── postsRoute.js
│ │ | | └── schema.js
│ │ │ ├── index.js
│ │ │ └── followRoute.js
| | └── controller
│ │ └── v1
| | ├── postsHandler.js
| | ├── userHandler.js
| | └── followHandler.js
| ├── domain
│ │ ├── models
| | | ├── sequilze
| | | │ ├── index.js
| | | │ ├── followModel.js
│ │ | │ ├── postsModel.js
| | | │ └── userModel.js
| | | └── database.js
│ │ └── data-access / repository
| | ├── userData.js
| | ├── followData.js
| | └── postsData.js
│ ├── storage
│ │ └── AWS_S3.js
│ ├── service
| | ├── postsService.js
| | ├── FollowSerivice.js
│ │ └── UserService.js
| |
│ ├── middleware / helpers
| | ├── validation.js
│ │ ├── auth.js
│ │ └── ErrorHandler.js
| ├── utils
| | ├── Error
| | │ ├── ApplicationError.js
| | │ ├── errorFactory.js
| | │ ├── customError.js
| | │ └── commonError.js
| | └── Response
| | └── response.js
│ ├── config
│ │ └── index.js
│ │
├── app.js
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json
Diagram Code
Title: Backend Architecture
participant client
participant web server as webserver
participant controller
participant service
participant domain
participant storage
client -> webserver: POST /api/v1/Posts
webserver -> controller: post_handler()
controller -> service: post_service()
service -> storage: upload_AWS(image)
service -> domain: post_domain(id)
domain -> service: domain_model
service -> controller: domain_model
controller -> webserver: JSON or HTML Response
webserver -> client: HTTP Response
get a list of current user's posts GET http:://api/v1/users/posts
get a particular post GET http:://api/v1/users/posts/{post_id}
get current user's friends posts GET http:://api/v1/users/posts/following
create a post POST http:://api/v1/users/posts
delete a post DELETE http:://api/v1/users/posts/{post_id}
get a list of user's posts GET http:://api/v1/users/{user_id}/posts
get all comments on a post GET http:://api/v1/users/posts/{post_id}/comments
create a comment on a post POST http:://api/v1/users/posts/{post_id}/comments
delete a comment of a post DELETE http:://api/v1/users/comments/{comment_id}
like a post PUT http:://api/v1/users/posts/{post_id}/likes
unlike a post DELETE http:://api/v1/users/posts/{posts_id}/likes
List of users who have liked the post GET http:://api/v1/users/posts/{post_id}/likes
follow a user PUT http:://api/v1/users/following/{friend_id}
unfollow a user DELETE http:://api/v1/users/following/{friend_id}
get all users I follow GET http:://api/v2/users/following
- Response Body: 200
{ "result": { "user_id": 5 }, "success": true, "Token": "jwtToken" }
- Response Body: 200
- Response Body: 400
{ "error": { "name": "AppError", "type": "APP_NAME", "code": "VALIDATION_ERROR", "message": "\"name\" is required", "statusCode": 400, }, "success": false }
- Response Body: 400
- Users can submit text or images as posts.
- Users feed are populated of people they are following sorted by latest posts on top.
- Users can follow each other.
- Users can likes posts.
- JWT Tokens, make requests with a token after login with
header with valueBearer
yourToken where yourToken is the signed and encrypted token given in the response from the login process.
- Users should be able to submit both texts and images together as multi-form data.
- Users should be able to see the preview of the image after uploading in the frontend (Image can be stored as blob).
- Users should be able to submit video contents as well.
- Improve UI and add more features.