This repository is incomplete and not actively maintained. It was primarily a test to see the minimum amount needed to bypass Distil networks and other public headless checks. Use
This repository contains code for bypassing common bot detection checks by a few vendors (Distil Networks, Adscore, and Google IMA).
Patched attributes
- navigator.webdriver
- navigator.permissions.query
- document.hasFocus
- document.hidden
- document.visiblityState
- document.onvisiblitychange
- navigator.mimeTypes
- navigator.plugins
- navigator.languages
- screen.width / screen.height
- screen.availWidth / screen.availHeight
- window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight
- window.outerWidth / window.outerHeight
- document.documentElement.clientWidth / document.documentElement.clientHeight
- window.matchMedia
- AudioElement.canPlayType
- VideoElement.canPlayType
- screen.orientation.type
- screen.orientation.angle
- Fix toString of HTMLElement.prototype.animate (Puppeteer doesn't make it "native code")
- Fake WebGLRenderingContext.prototype.getParameter values
- Make iframes have same window attribute
- Make window.alert a stub
- HTMLImageElement.prototype.width / HTMLImageElement.prototype.height for broken images
- Undetectable toString patched with Proxy
- csi
- loadTimes
- app
- isInstalled
- getDetails
- getIsInstalled
- runningState
- InstallState
- RunningState