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STMonitor - Session Types Monitor Synthesiser

Given a session type S, this tool synthesises the Scala code of a type-checked monitor (based on the library lchannels). The monitor verifies at runtime whether the interactions between a client and server follow the protocol S.

The approach and its underlying theory are described in the following papers:

Compiling the sources

  1. You will need:
    • a Java SE Development Kit (recommended: version 11 LTS)
    • sbt 1.5.0
  2. From the main folder containing this file, execute the command:
    sbt compile


The remainder of this file explains:

NOTE: the commands discussed below must be executed from a shell in the main folder of the STMonitor source code (i.e., where this file is located).

Synthesising a Monitor

Our tool generates session type monitors consisting of two main components: the monitoring logic, and the Continuation Passing-Style Protocol classes (CPSP classes) that describe the type and ordering of the messages being sent and received.

To generate the monitor code and the CPSP classes, run the following command:

sbt "project monitor" "runMain monitor.Generate $DIR $ST $PREAMBLE"


  • $DIR is the directory where the source code of the monitor and classes will be generated
  • $ST is the file containing the session type, and
  • $PREAMBLE (optional) is a file containing a preamble that will be added to the top of the generated files (typically containing package declarations and imports, as in this file).

Once completed, the autogenerated files Monitor.scala and CPSPc.scala will be present in the directory $DIR.

The type session type $ST can use boolean Scala functions as assertions, to perform run-time checks on the values being transmitted or received. If this feature is used, the monitor synthesiser expects that:

  1. all assertion functions begin with util... (for example: util.assertNonNegative(x)), and
  2. all assertion functions are defined in a file named util.scala located in the directory $DIR provided to the synthesiser.

The synthesiser type-checks the assertion functions (through the Scala ToolBox API), and ensures that they have a Boolean return type.


The source code of all examples is available under the examples/ directory.

Here we discuss two examples: the authentication protocol in the ECOOP'21 paper, and a guessing game.

We also discuss an (incomplete) calculator example to observe how the monitor generation output varies depending on the input session type.


  • Some links below point to autogenerated monitor files (not present on the GitHub repository). Before continuing, you may want create such files by running:
sbt examples/compile
  • Python 3 is required to run some components of the following examples.

Authentication protocol

These instructions describe how to execute an extended version of the running example in the ECOOP 2021 paper (in particular, Section 5.2): the authentication protocol.

The protocol is formalised as the session type S_auth below, as found in the file

S_auth = rec Y.(!Auth(uname: String, pwd: String)[util.validateUname(uname)].&{
	?Succ(origTok: String)[util.validateTok(origTok, uname)].rec X.(+{
		!Get(resource: String, reqTok: String).&{
			?Res(content: String)[origTok==reqTok].X,
		!Rvk(rvkTok: String)[origTok==rvkTok].end}),
	?Fail(code: Int).end

The protocol begins with the client sending an Authentication request to the server. If the authentication is Successful, the client is given a token origTok, and is allowed to request resources by sending a Get message. The token might expire after a while, hence the server might either:

  • provide the requested Resource and allow for more Get requests (through the recursion on X), or
  • answer Timeout, letting the client re-authenticate and obtain another token (through the recursion on Y). The client can also revoke the token (by sending the message Rvk), which ends the session.

The session type above specifies various predicates that the synthetised monitor checks at run-time:

  • the username sent by the client is validated using the function util.validateUname()
  • the token origTok issued upon successful authentication is validated using the function util.validateTok()
  • whenever the server sends a Resource, the token included in the Get message (reqTok) must be equal to the token issued in the previous Succ message(origTok)
  • whenever the message Rvk is sent, its token rvkTok must be the same as origTok.

The functions util.validateUname() and util.validateTok() can be found in the file util.scala. For the sake of the example, their implementations always return true; you can change their return value to false and observe that the monitor indeed flags assertion violations.

The synthesised monitor Monitor.scala and CPSP classes CPSPc.scala are generated automatically from the file, every time the example is compiled or executed via sbt.

We provide the implementation of two different client-server setups that use the autogenerated monitor.

Setup 1: untrusted client, trusted server written in Scala+lchannels

The synthesised monitor (Monitor.scala) verifies the interaction between an untrusted client and a trusted server (Server.scala) implemented in Scala using the lchannels library.

In this setup the monitor makes use of a connection manager, which sits between the untrusted client and the monitor: its purpose is to translate messages from a text-based protocol to the types present in the generated CPSPc.scala file, and vice-versa.

Since the generated monitor uses lchannels to interact with the trusted side, we in this setup run the monitor and server on the same JVM (as separate threads), and let them interact through a fast local message transport (i.e., via LocalChannels provided by lchannels).

  1. Start the server together with the monitor using the following command:

    sbt "project examples" "runMain examples.auth.MonitoredServer"
  2. In a separate terminal, start an untrusted client (a Python script) which connects to the server (with the monitor in between) and sends multiple requests:

    python3 scripts/ 

The Python script above will print the sent/received messages on screen. You can also interact with the monitored server manually, by executing, e.g.:

netcat 1330

By altering the messages sent to the server, you can observe the monitor flag violations and close the ongoing session. You can try, e.g., sending wrong messages (such as AUTHXXX instead of AUTH), or invalid tokens.

Setup 2: untrusted client, trusted server written in Python

In this setup, the synthesised monitor Monitor.scala (the same used in the previous setup) is used to verify the interaction between an untrusted client and a trusted server written in Python (, hence not using lchannels.

In this setup the monitor makes use of two connection managers:

  • one sits between the untrusted client and the monitor (it is the same used in the previous setup);
  • the other sits between the monitor and the server, and provides a suitable message transport for the lchannels library. This connection manager also translates messages to/from the types found in the CPSPc.scala file --- but it performs less run-time checks, since it is facing the trusted server.
  1. Start the trusted server using the following command:

    python3 scripts/
  2. In a separate terminal, start the monitor:

    sbt "project examples" "runMain examples.auth.MonWrapper 1330 1335"

    where 1330 is the port where the monitor listens for client connections, and 1335 is the port where the trusted server is running.

  3. In another terminal, start an untrusted client (a Python script):

    python3 scripts/

    The client sends/receives messages via port 1330, which is handled by the monitor. In turn, the monitor analyses and forwards the messages to the server, and forwards its responses to the client.

Guessing game

The type S_game below can be found in In this case, the type describes the protocol from the server side.

S_game = rec X.(&{
  ?Guess(num: Int)[num > 1 && num < 100].+{
		!Correct(ans: Int)[ans==num],

The server waits for the client to either Quit, or send a Guess message carrying a number; the assertion checks that num is between 1 and 100. The server can answer Correct (carryng the same number guessed by the client) or Incorrect --- and in this case, the session repeats from the start (by looping on X).

We provide the implementation of a client written in Scala, and a server written in Python.

  1. To start the server, execute:

    python3 scripts/

    When a client connects, the server generates a random number between 1 and 100. The client can recursively send guesses and if it guesses the number, the server replies with Correct and terminates the session. Otherwise, the server replies with Incorrect and the session recurses, giving the client another chance to guess correctly.

  2. In a separate terminal, you can launch a client that also spawns the monitor synthesised from S_game (as a separate thread), by executing:

    sbt "project examples" "runMain"

    The monitored client connects to the server on the port 1330, and asks the user to input a guess which is sent to the server. The client iterates until the server replies with Correct, or the user quits. To test that the monitor flags a violation and terminates the session, you can try providing a number smaller than 1 or greater than 100.


This example shows how to experiment with the monitor synthesis. Unlike the previous examples, here we do not provide an implementation of a client or server using the generated monitor.

The session type S_calc below (taken from describes a simple calculator, that (recursively) lets user ask to Add two numbers, and answers with their sum.

S_calc = rec X.(&{?Add(num1: Int, num2: Int).!Res(ans: Int)[util.checkAdd(num1, num2, ans)]})

To generate the monitor and CPSP classes from this session type, execute the following command:

sbt "project monitor" "runMain monitor.Generate examples/src/main/scala/examples/calc examples/src/main/scala/examples/calc/ examples/src/main/scala/examples/calc/preamble.txt"

The generated monitor uses a preamble and the file util.scala plementing the function util.checkAdd(), where the assertion function util.checkAdd is defined.

If successful, the monitor synthesis produces the following output:

INFO Synth - Input type parsed successfully
INFO Synth - Successful synthesis for input type at stmonitor/examples/src/main/scala/examples/calc

The generated files are Monitor.scala and CPSPc.scala.

We encourage the reader to extend the session type S_calc, re-execute the monitor synthesis, and observe the changes in the generated code. For example, this variation of the type adds the option to perform a subtraction, and checks that the result is correct:

S_calc = rec X.(&{
    ?Add(num1: Int, num2: Int).!Res(ans: Int)[util.checkAdd(num1, num2, ans)],
    ?Sub(num1: Int, num2: Int).!Res(ans: Int)[ans==num2-num1]

STmonitor source code and API documentation

The source code of STMonitor is available in the directory monitor. Some (minimal) API documentation can be generated by executing:

sbt monitor/doc

An important class is the ConnectionManager (API): it must be derived and instantiated in order to use the monitors generated by the tool. The ConnectionManager abstracts the monitors from the details of the message transport in use, by specifying, how to setup and close a connection to the monitored component, and how to translate messages to/from their internal monitor representation (based on CPSP classes).

To generate a monitor, STParser extends Scala StandardTokenParsers to parse the provided session type and builds an abstract syntax tree consisting of the nodes found in the model directory. This tree is then passed to STInterpreter which, while traversing the tree, makes use of the APIs offered by SynthMon and SynthProtocol to generate the Scala code of the monitor and CPSP classes respectively, depending on the current type (represented by the node).


The source code of all benchmarks is available under the examples/ directory.

The benchmarks can only be executed on Linux, or other Unix-like systems providing a /usr/bin/time utility compatible with GNU Time --- which we use for observing CPU usage and memory consumption.

The following dependencies are also required:

To execute a kick-the-tires version of the benchmarks (taking around 5 minutes), you can run:

sh scripts/ kickthetires

When it finishes, the benchmarking script above prints the directories containing the generated plots (in PDF format). If such PDF files are available, then the full benchmarks below should work without issues (note, however, that the generated kick-the-tires PDFs are not very informative).

To run the full benchmarks, and generate complete plots, you can execute:



  • $REPETITIONS is the number of repetitions of each experiment:
    • we recommend a minimum of 5 repetitions (taking around 3 hours on a virtual machine running on a dual-core Intel Core i5, 8 GB RAM, macOS 11.2.3);
    • the plots in the ECOOP'21 paper have been generated with 30 repetitions.
  • $EXPERIMENTS is a space-separated list of the experiments to run. The choices are one or more of:
    • smtp-python: a trusted client sends a number of emails to an untrusted SMTP server, implemented using smtpd from the Python standard library. The monitor for this experiment is generated from a fragment of the SMTP protocol, formalised as a session type. Some relevant files for this benchmark are:
    • smtp-postfix: analogous to the previous experiment, except that it uses an untrusted SMTP server listening on port The plots of the ECOOP'21 paper are genarated using the Postfix SMTP server;
    • pingpong: a trusted server accepts 'ping' requests over HTTP, and answers 'pong'. The untrusted client is JMeter, configured to send an increasing number of requests and measure the server performance. Some relevant files for this benchmark are:
    • http: a trusted web server implements a fragment of the HTTP protocol, formalised as the session type. The untrusted client is JMeter, configured to send an increasing number of requests and measure the server performance. Some relevant files for this benchmark are:

When it finishes, the benchmarking script above prints the directories containing the generated plots (in PDF format).